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Blackboard Jungle

Blackboard Jungle

Yo! I'm here and I hope you are too! I'm gonna have stunning art! It will be the best. I'm gonna have artsy photography too. A few months ago I tried—and I regret to say failed—at making chalkboard art. This kitteh is not one to give up or I'd still be living on the streets of the ghetto. I have once again put chalk to graphite and this time I created a masterpiece.

It better be a masterpiece seeing as it took TW all day Friday to get this lead pic done. Layers on top of layers in Photoshop. Anyhoo, here it is in it's entirety. it's actually a pic of myself in a box which formerly held seltzer. I spared no expense in getting all the detail done. For better viewing, you can click and biggify it.

Blackboard Jungle

Now time to share this week's photographic challenges.

Blackboard Jungle

For the Pet Photography Challenge. Theme: A Lower Perspective

Blackboard Jungle

Sunset theme for the 2 Lil Owls Photography Project. The sunset is shining off the NYC skyline. We took this from our window and added a filter. You have to see it full size to enjoy the beauty. Contrary to popular belief, those two tall towers are the Time-Warner towers and not the WTC. Try as she might, TW can't get one with the sunset turning those towers orange. I didn't make the photo but Raven came up with some great suggestions last week.

Hope you enjoyed my art which is part of the Caturday Art Blog Hop. Thanks to Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for hosting it every week and giving me an excuse to mess around with Photoshop and some the cool online apps that are so easy a cat can use them. If you'd like to see more Caturday art, click the link and check out the other kitties showing their artwork this week. You'll find all kinds of art styles and one of them is bound to catch your [cat] fancy.

Would you like to comment?

  1. You definitely are stunning from any angle. TW is very good at the photoshop

  2. I love this week's art and photos! That is a cool chalkboard effect - I think TW's work paid off!

  3. Those are terrific CK and the one of your view is fantastic!!!

  4. Oh my what creative genius! WE love it CK!

  5. I am in love with your chalkboard art, CK! It will be making its way into a museum, where it belongs, right? And of course your photography is stunning as well, as always!

  6. Fantastic art! The photos are fab too. Love the lower perspective one of you!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. Beautiful, you are Ck.


  8. Wow, I had no idea how much the Time Warner towers look like the WTC! Hey, doesn't somebody have a Gotcha Day tomorrow???

  9. WOW! That's some great artwork, CK, real Stunning! We like the view too☺ Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend☺❤

  10. You did not fail at chalkboard art, that came out great.

  11. Very cool, CK. There's a lot of detail in your art.

  12. So is that really the view of NY from your window??? Wow! And love the art - I might have to give it a try!

  13. I love the colors in your artwork! You look stunning from a lower perspective. But you are stunning from any angle :-)

  14. And we love the skyline too - such pretty oranges, did you enhance the colors in Photoshop too?

  15. All of them are GORGEOUS!!! TW could print any of those on canvas and hang them on a wall!
    Mes LOVES them and Mommy sends kudos!!!

  16. You're right....your artwork is stunning. TW's photos are fabulous too. We love the skyline one!

    The Florida Furkids

  17. Great entries! I'm glad I joined the pet one.


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