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CK and the Art of the Photograph

CK and the Art of the Photograph

Hola! As you can see by the fact that I'm not in my studio, I thought we'd do a different kind of art today. First I have a complaint about TW to get off my chest. Seems she's decided she's gonna spend more time on her own social media, meaning of course Facebook. This is not acceptable. I have tons more furrends and much more to share. I'm telling you here and now, Woman. No one cares about what you think. She better do right by this kitteh!

Many media can be considered art and photography is one of them. It is to laugh to call TW a photographer but one of the things she's done this year is join two FB photography challenges UNDER MY ACCOUNT. Both are closed groups so you have to ax to join them. I've decided to feature her our submissions to each. I may add them every week to my art post. All photos are taken with either an Olympus or Canon point and shoot. We only wish we had the Nikon in the image above but that's what Photoshop is for.

The first group is the Pet Photography Challenge. This was created by Kama Rueschenberg when the bloopers' challenge ended and some pet bloggers wanted another weekly challenge. I'm happy to see some of my cat blogging furrends participating in this challenge. Each week's challenge is either technical or compositional. So far it's been a lot of fun even though TW's entries aren't very good. Here are the works we have submitted.

Week One: Backlighting. We entered one of Chizzy too.

CK and the Art of the Photograph

Kama Rueschenberg

Week Two: Rule of Thirds

CK and the Art of the Photograph

Week Three: Depth of Field

CK and the Art of the Photograph

The other photography group we joined is way over our heads—the 2 Lil Owls Photography Project. Each week there's a new theme. Sounds easy but there's a catch. Most members of the group are artists or pro photographers and the photos submitted are real artsy and make use of textures and/or filters. So far TW has been using images of myself and I do admit, I get off when a professional photographer "likes" one of them.  Unlike the Pet Photography Challenge, this one isn't pet-centric although a good number of the submitted photos have been of cats. What can I say? Cats are very photogenic. We lurked the first week so we didn't post until week two.

Week Two: Shadows. I used a canvas texture, I believe.

CK and the Art of the Photograph

Week Three: Something that makes you smile. My playing makes TW smile. She used an Instagram action on it. I kinda look like I'm playing in the snow rather than on Pop's bed.

CK and the Art of the Photograph

Next week's theme is Sunset so it's gonna be impossible to include me in that shot since I don't think she's allowed to 'shop me in.

CK and the Art of the Photograph

I'm also gonna include a piece of art since I feel guilty using this blog hop to talk about the other artsy groups. In this piece, I've constructed my image using colorful tiles.

Let me know if you'd like me to continue posting our photography along with my Caturday art. I find it more artistic than photographic. Don't be shy about joining the challenges and  posting your photography.

Hope you enjoyed my photographs which are part of the Caturday Art Blog Hop. Thanks to Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for hosting it every week and giving me an excuse to mess around with Photoshop and some cool online apps that are so easy a cat can use them. If you'd like to see more traditional Caturday art, click the link and check out the other kitties showing their artwork this week. You'll find all kinds of art styles and one of them is bound to catch your [cat] fancy.

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  1. The photography groups sound like fun! My human wishes she had time to join the Owls one... it sounds challenging, in a good way.

  2. We do not see a reason you can not post your photos here! THat way we get to see more of you!

  3. I love that tiled/mosaic effect! I think you're a little hard on TW, CK ... her photography is beautiful. Who would ever complain about seeing more pictures of you?

  4. We think TW is doing quite well on her challenges! We believe that photography is art so feel like it fits in very well here.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. WE hope you enjoy the photography groups and we are sure TW will!
    GREAT Caturday art!

  6. We think it's cool that TW is taking part in those photography challenges! It's a fun way to practice and learn. :)

    That mosaic art of you is great, CK!


  7. You photos are art are always just the best CK, but you are the best model!!!

  8. C.K., please share the photography and your art. Our favorites today were the shadows photo and your art. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  9. P.S. Tell TW to spend the maximum amount of her time on your blog. We're not on Facebook!

  10. Great job CK! As you know, I am in the group but have not had any time to do ANYTHING yet! catchatwithcarenandcody

  11. We are so impressed with your photographs. Mommy still hasn't mastered the depth of field one.

  12. don't look like you either in the artsy photo. How do you like being artsied up so you no longer look like a kitty? It's different my friend and TW put some work into it so be happy....MOL


  13. We hope you continue to share your photos! It's great that TW joined those groups and we look forward to seeing more of her photos!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. Those are great photographs for the challenges. And of course cats are naturally photogenic!

  15. I could never join a photography challenge because I'm clueless even when it comes to the basics.

  16. I think you are doing a great job. I agree, cats are very photogenic- especially you CK.

  17. You have some pretty cool pics. Mum loves that we can all take pictures, whether its a fancy DSLR or a point and shoot, you show composition is key, and lighting matters!

  18. We like your photographs, CK. They are artistic. The mom sucks at photo taking. There's no way we'd ever let her pawticipate in these challenges.

  19. Cats are photogenic indeed and you are stunning in each photo! It must be really exciting when you get a like from professional photographer!

  20. Photography is an art and I'm helping my mum become better at it. But I don't like it when she takes photos of other cats. I'm her model and muse, and no one else!

    Great photos by the way :)

    Purrs xx

  21. CK, you give way too little credit to TW. She's quite good at da foto takin'. And ya'll's camera is far more sophisticated than our point and shoot. MOL We luv all your fotos. But, since we didn't unnerstand da words used to describe da challenges, we think we'll be sittin' these hops/challenges out. MOL After all, our mommy is fur sure no purrfessional. MOL Big hugs to all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  22. Now that is one unique and artsy photo. Bravo!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  23. TW is doing a great job CK! Don't be so hard on her! Wonderful collection of photos!

  24. I really like your shadows photo.
    As for needing a fancy cameras, check out this page:

    Sunset: you in front of the computer with the sunset, or the sunrise/sunset times for your area behind you. Or, reading a copy of Sunset magazine. You mom just needs to be more creative with the theme (this coming from my remarkably uncreative mom).

  25. Though this human is far from a pro photographer, we are trying to keep up with the Pet Photography Challenge. It sure is fun, and we love seeing your gorgeous entries each week!

  26. Thanks for linking to these! I was gonna ask you about them after you mentioned it on my blog. I would LOVE to continue seeing your entries! I love the look on CK's face the Rule of Thirds. And that Depth of Field is gorgeous.


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