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Thankful Thursday—Am I Spoiled Edition

Don’t we make a wonderful couple? Don’t we just belong together?
Hello furrends! All has been quiet in da hood since I last posted; however, the weekend is coming.

Blog awards are nice but you know what’s even better? Presents! This week, the mail person wore out a track to my door. I had a great week mail-wise and for that I am thankful. The concierges were kept on their toes. That’s why they get the big money.

The other day, I got a perk from Klout from Hills Pet Nutrition, part of their #WinWithHills campaign. They sent a bag of chicken treats, a smousey laser toy(!), and a huge bag of grain-free food. Many, many thanks to the staff at Hills. The Park Cats love this kibble and will have enough to last through the spring and summer and I’m gonna enjoy the laser.

Then I received my prize from that One Spoiled Cat named Sammy for being one of the winners of his space suit design contest. Sammy always sends the best prizes. Thanks Sammy for the treats and the mint dental chew toy. I don’t play with many cat toys but I enjoyed chewing on that one although not quite as much as I enjoy chewing on TW.

Today I received 2 packages. Yes sirree! Two packages! Dos paquetes! TW and I received a gift from Hills cos we’re working on the Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution campaign with them, which includes a giveaway, which is open till the end of the month. They sent a reusable tote and sippy cup which TW may never get opened. HAH! They also sent a brown blankie for me.

I’m gonna save the second package for next week when I can give it the attention it deserves. Thank you Spitty and Spitty’s Human. You made my day—maybe even my year. Look at the picture at the top of the blog post and eat your hearts out, ladycats!

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  1. Wow CK, you cleaned up theese week with all the goodies! And what a handsome picture card of Spitty, you two do look great together!

  2. Wow! Awesome packages, CK! We bet you get more mail than TW! We can't wait to hear more about that photo Spitty sent you.

  3. Well, Cod luff the Yoonited States Postal Service! The Human mailed that thing Tuesday afternoon at about 4:00 or 4:30 and it arrived already? Wowza.

    I am glad the items met with your approval my darling girl. We *do* look nice together, don't we? Maybe TW should hang it up, though, so you don't wear it out with kissies, heh heh.

    And conga-rats on the haul this week! We gotted sumfing in the mail today too--we'll have a grand unveiling post this weekend sometime! But we never got as much mail as you did!!!

  4. Well you are positively RAKING in the LOOT!!!
    Nice going, CK! I'm learning to make friends with the doorbell myself.
    ; ) Katie

  5. Aren't packages the greatest??? Truffles loves her new Hill's blanket...and I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't get the tumbler cover off!!!

  6. Wow, you've gotten a lot of packages this week, CK! My mailbox has been frustratingly bear as of late. I'm kind of sad about it. My human needs to start emailing some folks or something.

  7. Getting presents is always the best!

  8. Wow CK you got some pawsome mail there my furend. Enjoy. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Boy oh boy, you really hauled in the loot! And a picture of Spitty? Lucky girl!

  10. Lucky you ! What a great day filled with presents and packages for you CK ! Purrs

  11. Bravo CK! It sure is fun when the gifts keep coming, you sure hit the jackpot!

  12. Holy prezzies!!!!! Look at that pawsome stuff you got!!!!!
    thats great!!
    Congrats to you CK!!
    And have your self a great weekend!!

    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. Well, CK...we other Ladycats can just go take a nap. You have Spitty sewed up tight.

  14. bee like Christmas in joo lie at yur houz during march while april bee rite round de korner !! mega awesum mail dee livereez and sooper sa wheat pick sure oh spitty !!
    heerz two a wild whitefish N walleye week oh end !

  15. Wow! You got a lot of good loot there! Saving a package? Oh the suspense! ~Rascal and Rocco

  16. Yikes BFGF!! What a great week you have had and signed photo of the Spitster himself! Amazing. You are like a rock star!!

  17. Boy oh boy are you ever rakin' in the goodies CK! WOOT! Coming from all directions....better than Christmas even. Glad you got your moon presents and that you like them. That dental chew is a fave of mine too.

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. Those prizes look great! You must be enjoying yourself!!

  19. CK! What a haul! And yous is sharing too! Wowzers and me is a little (OK A LOT) jealous that yous gots a picture of Spitty!!!

  20. You know why I am in black and white today? Well, I will tell you! It is because my beautiful furs which looked just purrfect (as always) in the Photoshop version, looked weirdly green and strange when we loaded them into blogger. The Human did spend like 30 minutes trying to get the picture corrected but then she said, Screw it (well, she might've said something a little more HBO than that) and put in into B&W & said we were done. ::sigh:: Fortunately, I am handsome either way. XOXOXOX

  21. WOW girl - you hauled in quite a loot. Good for you. If TW goes to Blog Paws she'll have a nice big bag for her loot too.

  22. Wow, Fiona and Giulietta are bawlng their eyes out that you got the wonderpurr signed photo from Spitty. We are feeling pretty badly for them; especially since tomorrow is their birthday. You are a very lucky kitty, C.K. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  23. PepiSmartDog: WOW! Congratulations on all your gifts and prizes! WOO HOO! All very well deserved too.
    Thanks for joining Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop and I look forward to your next post. :=o)


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