Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

House Cleaning (Blame the Staff)

I’ve instructed The Woman to start doing some housework around this blog. We all know she refuses to clean the condo but I want all messes on this blog spit-shined by the end of the week. You know she’s scared of me so I expect action. We’re gonna start with an honor that I’m most proud of.

Nellie, the original Cat From Hell, has made ME a Cat From Hell! I always knew I was—and, quite frankly—so did the peeps. Now I have my own badge! Don’t I look extra stunning! You can even see the devil’s horns on either side of my nose. Thank you, Nellie. I hope you feel better.

I’ve gotten several awards over the past few months, including some from before Christmas. Woman, you’re a disgrace! This most recent one comes from Nissy at Nerissa’s Life.

Whoever created this badge must have been on the latest designer club drug. A stiletto and Mary Poppins? Did Mary Poppins even wear stilettos? That’s not creative, it’s just plain weird. I hope this doesn’t mean Nissy thinks I’m weird.

I tried to find out exactly where this award originated. It seems to be some sort of fashion award. The original rule was for the recipient to explain their perspective on creativity and source of inspiration. Pfffttttt! Since Nissy didn’t ax me to do anything, I won’t. Thank you, Nissy for this award.

I think I’m the creative brains behind this blog. TW forgot to get in line when they handed out the creativity gene. Actually, she missed out on many others, like cleanliness, looks, etc.

I also got an award for my DJ work during last month’s Blogpawty. At first, they actually put TW’s name on the award but they were nice enough to remove it for me. It’s much appreciated. I’m happy to get the work cos I love to spin tunes for my friends, especially for charity. Thank you, Blogpaws’ team.

Well, my car is out front waiting for me. Hollywood, eat your heart out!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Concatulations on your awards ! Your badge is terrific ! Purrs

  2. Well done my dear! Rumblemum is not very good with our blog either - I should take a page out of your book.

  3. Congratulations on being a Cat From Hell and all your awards, CK!
    The blue ribbon is a nice touch. ;)

  4. We love your badge CK and concatulations on your awards. Way to go. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Concatulations on your awards, CK!

  6. Those are really great awards CK, congrats!!!

  7. Congrats on your strange stiletto award! haha! Love your cat from hell badge! Too cute!

    ((husky hugz))
    frum our pack at love is being owned by a husky

  8. Pawsome awards, CK! Thought you might not want to WEAR that stiletto, I bet you could do some real damage with it!
    ; )


  9. You're always so stylish, CK. And you make it so effortless. - Crepes.

  10. The cat from hell badge looks very cute! And congratulations on your awards!
    I hope the blog cleaning will go smoothly. That reminds me of need to clean house..maybe this weekend!

  11. Great badge, and congratulations on your award!

  12. Concats for your many and well deserved awards!

  13. conga ratz on yur awardz N cash $$$$ CK.....bee tween theeze N yur murr low sales ewe shuld bee next yeerz bazillionaire trallionaire !!!!

  14. I bet that's not the kind of stiletto you're used to, CK!!! ConCats on your awards. xox

  15. is TW wearing those to the next Blog Paws Conference? he he - M can't even dream of wearing those. Congratulations on having your blog featured in the latest Blog Paws Newletter that arrived in my mailbox today. Well done CK.

  16. Good job whipping TW into shape and getting your blog cleaned up, CK! Congrats on your awards!

  17. Concatulations on your awards! We also like your badge. And we definitely agree that the Creative Blogger award graphic is weird… but way to go on winning it anyway!

  18. Love your Cat From Hell badge's YOU!

    Hugs, Sam

  19. Congrats on the award...just don't take it too literally, because you're such a sweetie pie...


  20. Nice awards, CK! We especially like the one that Nellie gave you! :)

  21. Congratulations on all your awards! (We wondered about that high heel and mary poppins one too... do boy cats really want to win that one??)

  22. Oh, you looked stunning OTRC, CK!

  23. Not only is your blog purrfect, but yous is purrfect too!


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