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Play Ball!

The baseball season in the U.S. has begun! This promises to be another exciting season. With the addition of instant replay, maybe the umps’ poor calls won’t change the outcome of games.  My Yankees open up in Houston this Tuesday. We will be celebrating Derek Jeter in this, his final season.  Meanwhile … WE INNERUPT THIS POST TO BRING YOU BREAKING NEWS!!!

My funky green ball has been located. After weeks and months of allegedly scouring every inch of our condo, the ball turned up under TW’s bed. TW claims to have looked under her bed many times without success. It was jammed between two of the under bed boxes.

We don’t know how I came in possession of the green ball. TW thinks it was part of a package I got quite a while ago from Mariodacat. I love this ball so much that I was no where around when TW tried last month to photograph the ball. By the time, the shutter clicked, this is what the pic looked like.

Early yesterday morning, I was heard running through the condo playing with my green ball. I batted it! I threw it in the air! I gleefully chased it all over to give it the what-for. Life is good again.

I’m thinking my green ball must be magnetic cos TW can’t walk close to it without stepping on it. Her foot is magnetically drawn to that ball. Even when she sees it and tries to step around it, she still lands right on it.

Yes, there were replacement balls. The first was from Petland Discounts. While I played with it, it never quite fit the bill. Then she bought a package of animal-print balls, knowing full well that her and Pop would never see them on the carpeting in the hall. The zebra-print ball was not on the rug for a half hour before it ended up crushed under TW’s big foot. Now it’s out of shape and slow much like she is. Do you have a favorite toy you couldn’t live without?

✧  ✧  ✧  ✧  ✧  ✧  ✧  ✧  ✧  ✧  ✧

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a 20-lb bag of Cat Attract litter. The giveaway will be open until April 10. Prizes are limited to one winner per household. Winners must be 18 years of age and reside in the U.S. Winners will receive an email to provide delivery instructions. Prize delivery can take 6-8 weeks. No purchase is necessary.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Balls are the bestest toys ever!!! When I arrived here it's the only type of toy that Mommy hadn't bought for me. My beloved blue ball arrived in my Secret Paws package last Christmas and life has been purr-fect ever since!!! - Truffles

  2. Nothing quite like the real deal, is there? So glad to read you found your green ball. Now enjoy it! (it does look extremely whappable)

    Happy Monday, CK!

  3. I am very glad you have your favorite ball back.The Farm cats just got all of their sparkle balls back - I swept under the couch. I think they procreated under there. I don't remember them having that many

  4. Around here it's the red spotted mousie with the sleek silky tail. It disappeared for a while and when Mommy found it in the closet there was much rejoicing!

  5. Great news that your fav ball has been found CK. Just in time for the season we say. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. BALLS! never heard of such things! LOL!

  7. We sure are glad you found your green ball!

  8. We don't have to worry about Jan stepping on our toys. The dogs eat them first.

  9. Hi sweetheart, I was just taking some small ball toys out of my wooden puzzle box. I have a video I made mom do but so don't know how to post it.

  10. I am sure glad to see the return of that favorite green ball CK!

  11. I'm glad you found your green ball. It looks very nice ball!
    Enjoy your ball and fun baseball season!

  12. YES! on Opening Day! We're excited here, too! GO TIGERS!

    And we'll watch a few Yankees games too. After all, it's Jeter's last year! Wouldn't want to miss seeing some of him.

    Happy Monday CK!


  13. ck...may bee ewe can "hide" TW handbag & pops wallet...N they could be gone for months...serve em rite after pullin a stunt like this with yur fav o rite toy....glad it wuz
    "discovered" again.....


  14. Good news about your favorite toy!
    We like our Yeoww nip fish and especially like rubber bands, although we are not left alone with them because Mickey Mouser likes them too much... he thinks they are delicious.

  15. So glad you found your ball!!! That is breaking news for sure!!!!
    And we huskies you had a great weekend!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. maybe your ball came out because baseball season started? Good luck to your Yankees...they are gonna need it! MOL!

  17. haha - that ball looks like it's been well used. i don't think I gave it to you tho as we don't remember seeing it before (But, maybe we did cuz M's memory lasts about 2 seconds) M does wish I'd play with toys like you do. I'm basically lazy and only play when the humans initiate something and hopefully they do all the work. he he

  18. Glad you found your ball. I was scared of balls because I got hit on the nose by one when I was a baby kitty and it left me with a whistley nose. I got a very soft rubber one in a Secret Paw 2 years ago and I love that one. My very favourite toy is my ferret.

  19. Glad you found your ball, CK! We love the foil crinkly balls here in our house. They get lost all the time though. There are probably HUNDREDS that are "lost" around here. Thankfully they are super cheap, so mom keeps buying more. Then when a couch or other piece of furniture gets moved, we find MORE! That is the best.

  20. Too bad TW smushed your ball, CK. We like those balls too...but they usually end up under the china cabinet and the mom hasn't fished them out for us.

    BTW, our Tigers opened today....with a victory! Though JV didn't get the win.

  21. A smushed ball? That's just not right! We like the foam balls because they spring back when smushed. And there are a lot less HBO words when someone steps on them, too....

  22. CK I like playing with crinkle balls, but my favorite thing is the neko fly Momma bought me! OH boy OH BOY oh BOY do I love playing with that!!! Glad you found your favorite toy!!

  23. CK we don't have a baseball season her but our Aussie rules footy season has started...and as for your green ball..i am so glad it turned up..nothing like finding an old friend hugs Fozziemum xx

  24. Saku lubs his squeaky wand toy. It squeaks when he bites it, or when he carries it around.

    Sasha had a rubber toy he lubbed, but it has gone missing too. :(

    Sami's favorite toy is her brofur Sasha. He doesn't think so, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  25. My Giants are cruisin' for a losin' in the desert even as we type. Sigh.

    No toy
    can bring me joy.

    Too bad your ball got stepped on. My Human steps on ALL my toys. Hisssssssssss.


  26. Beef, water, cornstarch, a bit of lemon juice to preserve color.

    Ham, water, cornstarch.

    Chicken & turkey flavors, the same.

    Nuthin' nasty.

  27. Enjoy the game tonight! It is sure going to be hard to see Jeter go.

  28. Guess what? Guess what?? Guess what????? My Giants pulled it out last night! Buster, m'boy! You da MAN!

  29. MVC!!!
    (Most Valuable CAT)
    We hope your team has a pawsome season, CK.
    ...nice balls by the way. ; )

    And tell TW that the photos of your paws and the balls are great!!!
    : )

  30. Sigh. Didn't last though. They blew a 4-0 lead and lost. Stoopy Giants.

  31. Woo hoo, so glad your favorite green ball turned up!

  32. You look stunning in your Yankees hat. If the Yankees ever needs a spokescat they should call you. It's great to find a favorite toy that snuck away. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  33. C.K., Unless we have batted them under the fridge, we can always find our own toys. We are surprised you did not find your green ball under the bed. Hope you can hold on to it for a while. Daddy follows the Giants. Thanks for lettings know how they did in your comment, Spitty. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  34. well, I do have my peacock feathers of course, but when I want some alone play time...I have two fave fuzzy is my very first toy ever, my fuzzy schmousie with his insides now outside and I have a fuzzy sort of knot my vet gave me...I toss them up, jump to get them and fling them around and run after them and I also like to sit on them and pretend I didn't know they were there and then jump with surprise and bunny kick them...heh...heh

  35. LOVE your balls! My favorite used to be a mini baseball!


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