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She’s a Rainbow

“Counting colors everywhere / She’s bald with hair / She’s a Rainbow."

The old Rolling Stones' song goes something like that. I couldn’t participate in any blog hops yesterday so I’m doing three today and I’m doing it with only 2 images. This first image fits the Saturday PhotoHunt colours theme and also Athena's Caturday Art Blog Hop   I had made it for a Nipclub Paint Pawty but used another photo which would have gone good for this theme but TW discarded it. She NEVER deletes anything off my computer but apparently made an exception cos she knew I wanted to use it again. Do your humans do annoying things like that?

This next image fits the Colours theme and the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop that Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola. co-host. I haven’t done this one in a long time. I’m gonna be hopping all weekend. MOL! Isn’t that funny. It’s both colour and black and white. Have an EZ Sunday!

Would you like to comment?

  1. I'm dizzy with all of this potential hopping

  2. Excellent multi-tasking skills, CK!

    You've earned your Easy Sunday.


  3. ooooh, we LOVE the second one! Our Mommy needs to get on the stick and learn about fancy photo-editing.

  4. I've decided to stop hopping around so much! I'm just doing the Caturday Art and sometimes Rascal and Rocco's Pet Parade and that's it. Nobody seemed to care about Photo Hunt anymore, and nobody seemed to care much my Wordless Wednesday posts either.

    That said, you DID do a pretty awesome job of multi-tasking, CK!

  5. CK love the rainbow one.
    Have a serene Sunday and get in some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. You really do look good in any color CK!

  7. Ooooh, CK. I like you all psychedelic and all. :)

  8. LOVE that top picture. Such pretty colours.


  9. Wow! Great work on the rainbow colors! You are one colorful kitty!
    ❀Siamese Smothers❀Happiness is Siamese!

  10. Excellent photos!!!! We love the Black and White one!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Simply stunning! My Mom said something about "flashback to the 70s" with the multi-colored one...wonder what that means?!

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. my fave is the rainbow one, looks great CK!

  13. Hope your Sunday was e-z-er than your Saturday!

  14. Oooh! The first one is a bit psycho delick!!

  15. The rainbow only adds to your stunningness! We like that photo lots. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. Dear Stunning Keisha,

    Our staff is flattered that you chose her favorite song by The Rolling Stones to meow in your blog today. She wanted you and your fans to know that Keith Richards is a dedicated cat-dad. He was adopted by Mr. Voodoo Pusscat some years ago.

    The Feline Contingent
    (Lilith Kitten Mahoney, Rosco P. Catrane, & Miss Tina Marie Maine Coon)

    Kitties, my favorite song is "Memory Motel," not "She's A Rainbow." You've been sleeping on the job again...

    Cat Staff
    (Debby Hanoka)

  17. We love the rainbow look!


  18. CK, we love ya no matter what color (or not) you are! :)

  19. Darling, The Human and I had a MOST productive day vis a vis your prize! Now, it only remains to find the appropriate box, and tape and all that stuff and go to the post office. Yeah, I think it should be there by Easter, MOL!

  20. TW discarded your picture?!!! Isn't that a punishable crime?

  21. Holy blog hops!!!
    BOL! Hehehe!
    Love your photos!
    BTW I want to let u know I am passing on an award to you at some point this week, I'll comment and let you know the exact day once I post it!
    Hope you had a pawsome weekend!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  22. We never seen a kitteh hop so much in one day!
    Hop 'til you drop!

    Really gorgeous photos, CK.

  23. What super photo's. I saw a rainbow the other day :) xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  24. Guess what??? If I can claw the Human hard enough, she *might* get your prize in the mail tomorrow! I used them hard enough that she stopped at the PO to pick up a box this afternoon, but I might have to bite her to make her go back there after work tomorrow. I'll do my best, darling! I try not to make her bleed too often.

  25. EXCELLENT P-shop skills your TW has there, CK. We love the B&W hop. You're making us tired, tho, with all that hopping! MOL!

  26. GORGEOUS!!!
    How did me smiss this on Sunday (Glares at Mommy)?

  27. That was some pretty artsy work there CK; TW is really coming through for you...good training techniques on your part I suspect...we must share notes sometime


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