This episode takes place in the bathroom where TW is brushing her teeth. CK enters, stage right. I immediately spot something on the floor that shouldn't be there. What's this on the floor? Let me step on it and find out. **Crinkle crinkle** Meanwhile, Pop was sawing wood in the other room. This is fun and it makes a loud noise! **Crinkle crinkle** I decide to find a comfortable position on this tissue-like paper. **Crinkle crinkle** Maybe if I turn this way. **Crinkle** No, let me try it this way. **Crinkle crinkle** Do I hear laughter??
The more I crinkled, the harder TW laughed. I didn't know what was so funny. I hoped she wasn't laughing AT me! I began to pace. **Crinkle crinkle** Soon, she had tears running down her face. **Crinkle crinkle** HAHAHAHAHA. TW was having uncontrollable fits of laughter. Once she starts laughing, she can laugh all night. MaggieTKat's and Prudence's Mom can back me up on this. They roomed with her at Blogpaws. Then came the part when she
The paper—I'm sure you guessed—was the wrapping from a new roll of TP. I've decided to recreate the moment in the living room in living color, for my readers.
We luv that stuff! You just enjoy your "crinkling", CK and ignore TW's laughing!
ReplyDeleteAre you sure your human has ALL her marbles, CK?
ReplyDeleteWhatever makes you happy
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha! That's funny--poor Pop. But at least you kept TW entertained, eh?? *crinkle* *crinkle* *crinkle* Ha ha ha! You look darn cute there, CK!
ReplyDeleteAHAHA aw man, I hope your mom has stopped laughing!! Mine laughs like crazy too... keep crinkling!!
Have a terrific crinkling Thursday Keisha.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
Lol definitely sounds like something my Kitty Meow Meow woulda done. My human baby loves that sound too.
ReplyDeleteSilly hoomins just don't know how to have a good time do they? I'm with you CK...iz always fun to 'splore new things *snoogles*
ReplyDeletewearz de videe oh masheen when ya kneads it !!!
ReplyDeleteewe haza hit record on de charts CK
crinkle coo crinkle coo
haha ha ha
saw sum mor wood dad...
paw ? pawpaw ?
it will make for a grate mew yeerz eve pawtee ring tone !!!
That's really funny! Sometimes the most interesting toys are free! My Tereza got a hold of a tampon and unwrapped it and I'm convinced the thought it was a mouse. She was offended when I took it away from her. She's been dead for five years, and I still laugh about it when I think about it.
ReplyDeleteha ha - that's a good one. M is laughing riht now and having trouble typing (wbat else is new).
ReplyDeleteHey, when you're having fun just crinkle n' giggle!!!
ReplyDeleteWAFFLES TOO: All I want for Christmuss is some TP tissue.
ReplyDeleteKATIE: Sorry, Waff...I'm dreaming bigger. As in something big enough to pack you inside and return to sender.
; )
really CK, you actually let TW convince you to do it all over again in the living room??? You "performed" for her??? Well, you crinkle all you want...runs downstairs to check the bathroom for TP wrapper...
ReplyDeleteTW sure is amused by the weirdest things, isn't she, CK?? Kinda like our mom.
ReplyDeleteI run away if huMum laughs at me ... so she has learned to wait until I'm on patrols and then I hear her giggling by herself through the study window! Must check to see if we have crinkly paper in the biped's litter box room
ReplyDeleteGood fur you CK! Mom's cracking up too! What is it w/these humans? She's like TW, once the giggles start, it's hard to stop them!
ReplyDeleteWe wonder about humans....they laugh at the strangest things!!
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
Yes, all right, all right. I *did*, I DID play wand toys with him. But I just can't help myself when a Human starts twitching and dangling those things in front of me--I just lose control of myself. I'm ashamed.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I just can't understand Bean's laugh point either,
ReplyDeletebut whatever makes them happy.
TW sure is amused by the weirdest things, isn't she, CK??
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend !
We love crinkle stuff too. Da best thing iz our hoomans don't grab our crinkly stuff and roll around on the floor crinkling it too. That just would be wrong. Their job is to laugh, our job is to play. Great job CK!
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing what humans can be amused by. They are so embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteThank Cod for us kitties entertaining theese Humans of ours...That "coo" was a nice touch CK!
ReplyDeleteMOL! CK, we love that TW gets so much enjoyment from your antics. And you are such a great sport for playing along. :)
ReplyDeleteHumans! You never know what'll set them off. Just ignore them, is my advice. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.
ReplyDeleteAllie: *whispers* well at least you weren't CHEWING on it like some Unnamed Brat I might mention....