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Cathy Keisha Day is Every Day

Happy World Cat Day! Whoa! I'm happy to be here. Didn't think TW was gonna get this up. She's been battling a nasty Upper Respiratory Infection aggravated by her asthma. It hasn't been pretty around here.

The day started out with a surprising sun puddle on the bed. Surprising cos I usually have to lay on the windowsill if I want sun. It wasn't a real sunpuddle, but a reflected sunpuddle off the mirror. Since the peeps have a spectacular view of NYC, they place mirrors opposite the windows, so they can see the view even if they're not looking out the window. The mirror is beveled, which gives me the opportunity to pay tribute to all our furrends and furry family over the Rainbow Bridge. Yes, that's a rainbow on my furs! The pictures are a bit dark and fuzzy cos if she'd have used the flash, the rainbow wouldn't have shown up. If you like rainbows, you can biggify the pictures.

Babe Rainbow
She's a Rainbow
TW had a new Silvervine pillow for me but I surprised her by not looking at it and just giving it one of two sniffs. Guess what I wanted to do? I wanted to bat my foam rubber rockets around. I got a little too boisterous and TW had to forcibly remove one from my claws cos I was eating it. Tomorrow I'll tell you how you can win your very own foam rockets. There was supposed to be a Silvervine video here but that wasn't happening. She actually thought I'd cooperate! HAH!

For dindin, I got Purina One tuna instead of Fancy Feast tuna. The peeps stopped buying me those when they ran out of "buy 3, get one free" coupons. It was a treat. Pop had picked it out and the nice cashier charged them for Fancy Feast! Score one for the little guy (and CK too)!

Now I'm taking a nap because TW is ignoring me. Feh! I trust she'll reward me by buying me some peacock feathers from Nip and Bones who finally got them in stock again and have the best price! SCORE!! I'm hoping you don't think we're cheap, we're just on a budget that's a tight squeeze.

Hope you all got some treats or new toys for World Cat Day!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Oh we are more than on a budget. Our Mom is always looking for sales.
    Ask TW, when she feels better to tell me what her charity is. That is so great that they do all that with the feral cats.I just would love to read more about them and advertise what they do in hopes that other people will do it.
    Hope TW feels better soon. Sending purrs for sure.

  2. CK, Happy World Cat Day to you and that is one fabulous photo of a rainbow on your furs!

    Take care, pretty Cathy :)

    Tom xx

  3. Happy World Cat Day!!
    The photos of rainbow on your furs are absolutely gorgeous!!

  4. Happy world cat day!! (then again, every day is cat day) Beauitful picture of rainbow on your fur:))

  5. Happy World Cat Day CK, today and every single day! Purrs to TW!

  6. Happy World Cat Day, CK. We send purrs to your TW for getting better soon.

  7. Happy World Cat Day cousin. I love your rainbow picture.

    Love, Fluffbomb

    Pee Ess: I hope TW is better soon

  8. Dear CK
    What a real wonderful day yous is having! My Mommy did NOTHING for us! Can yous believe it! me was hoping for someihing, maybe just a little thing...
    Happy World Cat Day!

  9. Those rainbow photos are cool! Happy World Cat Day to you, CK!

  10. that is some sweet rainbow bling girly-girl! Happy WCD from the boys up north!

    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  11. Happy World Cat Day! We understand tight budgets.

  12. Happy World Cat Day, CK...though we agree, every day is our day!!

  13. Wait--what? We're supposed to GET stuff on WCD??? Like Krissymouse??? Why did I not know this?? Oh, Huuuuuuuuuuuuman...!

  14. Love the rainbow photos, CK. And happy WCD! What did we get? We got a bath! Can you believe it!

    Laura & Taffy

    PS: Hope TW feels better. Purrs.

  15. The human here is a bit of a rainbow freak, so she loves that pic!! I know you don't do it, CK (like me) but you might just give TW some warm fuzzies til she's feeling better! xox

  16. Lovely rainbow shadow. Hope you had a great World Cat Day.
    Best wishes Molly

  17. I certainly don't think you're cheap. My daddy won't pay full price for anything. He finds a deal or he won't get it. That allows him to get even more stuff! Makes sense to him.

  18. Yer TOTALLY rockin' the rainbow there, CK! Ryker saw it all the way up there and gives it two paws WAY up!


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