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Wednesday Word of the Day—Klepto

I gained a new-found respect for TW. She's been trying to get rid of some stuff lately that's actually not mine—which on its own is something to marvel at. Yesterday, she pulled out a pair of sunglasses and, lo and behold, the store security thingy was still attached. I don't know how she managed to get out of Macys, but she did! Maybe she's not that bad after all.

She claims that she paid for them. Come on, Woman. The statute of limitations must be over. They can't touch you! They were $27 sunglasses which she claims she paid a lot less for. I bet you did, Woman! HAH! Sale, my tail. You got them for FREE! Listen, I wouldn't pay $27 for them either. She said that isn't the first time Macys left the security thingy on something she bought. Heh heh! I know I'm from Jersey City but I can add 2 + 2 and it equals The Woman is a Klepto! This also explains why she didn't apply for that elf job last Christmas. They no doubt told her they'd let her go this time but if they ever saw her in the store again, she'd be apprehended. And I thought she was just lazy. Unfortunately, the evidence was disposed of before I could photograph it. You can bet I'm not gonna let her forget this!!

Sleeping next to some of my booty.
This little ghetto kitteh has pilfered her share of stuff. Anything that falls on the floor becomes mine. I have coated rubber bands, bread ties; you name it, I've got it! Check out the picture above and you can take inventory with me. Smousey—mine. Smousey laser—mine. Pen—mine. Mini highlighter—all mine. If my face was in focus, I probably have one eye open to make sure that Klepto Woman doesn't take it. In fact, I've even got stuff the peeps don't KNOW I have but that's between you and me.

Check it out! I even liberated Pop's chair right out from under him! If you look closely, you'll see some of my other "found" treasures on top of the scratcher. That's where I like to hide them. I can climb up there but the peeps can't.

I ax you not to judge TW too harshly. I already have!

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  1. Oh CK I love you! Better not let TW get too close to your stuff! Hah!

  2. Oh CK, you got mom to laffing! LOVED your bloggie today and the great expose!

  3. pee ess. I didn't know Java well, just the name and I think Admiral may follow Java, but I still mourn the loss as I love all of the furries on Twitter.

  4. Watch out for your stuff CK,,,TW is a clepto!

    Love, Fluffbomb

  5. My goodness, that could explain a lot of things around here LOL!

  6. CK you gotta watch the oomans all the time I tell ya! Our house us full of klepto stuff too - it certainly isn't my stuff around here. I just have a pile of toys in a CORNER!

  7. Hehehe... that's sooooo funny! I just love it!!!

  8. Well thanks for the heads up about TW! A bit of a shock but I guess there must have been signs! Guessing there will be an intervention followed by some intense re-tail therapy?

  9. MOL, good lord that is so funny. But we have a confession. Our Mom is one too. She went to Target with a friend, and they got to the car and discovered an item in the bottom of the cart that they didn't think they had paid for but did they return it, NO. This was a long long time ago. So she isn't in jail so TW, we feel like you are all right. Still laughing.

  10. CRACKING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Why does it not surprise me that you sleep with one eye open?!

    Glogirly says she's gonna start saying *my tail* ...
    Just as long as she doesn't mean MY tail.

    thanks for making us smile and laugh on a day we are missing one of our friends.
    xo Katie

  11. Uh oh. You better keep an eye on your mom.

  12. Thanks, CK. This explains a lot. It really does.

  13. Austin has sent me back over to say this:

    "When it comes to making movies, Spielberg has nothing to fear from us!, sadly! Perhaps we should picket Glogirly Productions or infiltrate the house to stir up some strife? Could be fun and it will pass the time now we have so much of it on our paws!!"

  14. Hmmmm...maybe TW needs some therapy, CK?? But seriously, if she's gonna have sticky fingers, make sure she picks up some things that you could use!

    Oh yeah...Wally says he'll join that picket line along with you and Austin.

  15. Every time I steal something REALLY good, like a rubber band, my human comes along and steals it right back. Heh.

  16. Well, I saw all the words and I was reading them (honest) but then I gotted to your picture all curled up in that basket and I got to thinking about how nice and comfertables it would be to snuggle right in there next to you and have a good cuddle and then I guess I just completely forgot what you were talking about.

  17. You have a rubber band! How pawsome. We're not allowed to have rubber bands. Mom takes them away every time she sees us with one. Better watch that TW doesn't take yours!

  18. Tee hee!
    Yous is pretty funny. At our house its not us cats that does the klepto thin, or Mommy or Daddy, but its our new hairy slobbery sister CINNAMON! Yes that cute red haired girl is a thief! Particularly of anything that belongs to MOI!

  19. All right, this time I flicked right on past that picture and read VERY WORD. I am sorry your Woman is a criminal CK. If she has to go to the slammer, will your Pops take good care of you, do you think?


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