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Mancat Monday— Riding a Wave

I don't want to tell you it's been raining hard around here but pictures don't lie.

No indoor kitties got wet during the making of this image!
Don't want to rain on TW's parade, but she could've did a few more steps to the image so that it wouldn't look like it was raining on me. It's so hard to get good help these days.

Coming soon on Senile Saturday: TW talks about her trick knee and I help her pick out a cane!

Would you like to comment?

  1. That's a better job than my human could have done. The rain effect is cool!

  2. Me too think the raineffect is COOL !
    I can tell you that my mom hadn´t made any better at all !
    Here is summerhot today = + 80,6 F and sunshine too :)

  3. You are not kidding about it being hard to find good help, CK! It took my human the better part of the weekend to make just TWO cards for my Zazzle store.

  4. Floating on air! Cool! Hey CK, who taught the tricks to Mom's knee?

  5. CK..yessum, it seems to be raiing on you looks charming. Really.

  6. That is a COOL effect!!!
    We love your captions ; )
    ....but I already knew that no indoor kitties got wet. If they had, there'd be blood.
    ; )

  7. Oh, my, I love the picture with rain!! So lovely!! Glad you did not get wet :-)

  8. I think you did a hell of a good job!

    Thanks for adding "subscribe by email"...just did...makes it a lot easier than going to my 300+ blog list!


  9. Haha! CK, we think it's pretty cool that TW made it look like it's raining on you, but you're not getting wet!!

  10. Mom says she heard from Dad about the rain we were having, but didn't realize about the cats and dogs!!

  11. Wow! Huh, how did you make it rain? Reveal your secrets!! I think you really are smart enough to come in out of the rain, CK!

    We love (okay, the Human loves) Senile Saturday. She can't wait to read about it!

  12. Oh! and PS: Thtse were really EXCELLENT graphics you made for the Housecats! Even if I do look like a maniac, ha ha meow! Thanks XOXOXO

  13. Nice effect!

    Really looking forward to Senile Saturday ;)

  14. Keep your paws crossed , I am sending you some sun!
    Best wishes Molly

  15. MOL, Too darn funny CK. It does look a little like you are getting wet too. We think that is one fancy job on graphics. Hope all have a great day and that you stay dry.

  16. OMC - That is so cool. I love the effect. You are just getting way too smart with computer stuff.

  17. Your Mommy is getting so pawsome with the graphics! The next thing yous know Indutrial Light and Magic will wants to hire her1
    Me LOVES the rain and the graphics for the birthday!

  18. I made SURE the Human read your comment on my blog REAL GOOD today. Something to think about!!! XOXO


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