Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Secret Paws Unboxing

Hola kitties! Happy "Little" Christmas or El Día de los Reyes (Three Kings Day). Sorry for keeping you in suspense about the content of the pawsome Secret Paws package I received from Truffle, Brulee and Mom Paula, who does the heavy lifting for the Cat Blogosphere. In addition to coordinating Secret Paws and putting together the Cats of the World Weekly Planner, she also runs the CB linkies and FB pages. Oh yeah, she also blogs as Sweet Purrfections.

Secret Paws Unboxing

Secret Paws is the Cat Blogosphere's interpretation of a Secret Santa. I've been participating since 2013 and have received some pawsome gifts. Cos my Gotcha Day is in January, the peeps don't make a big fuss about buying me gifts for Christmas. Secret Paws is such an important part of making my season merry.

Both TW and myself had some health issues around holidays but she persevered and helped me open the gifts. Pop—and his finger—even helped with the photography! You'll see some of those bloopers on Friday. We took a lot of photos so be prepared.

Secret Paws Unboxing

The box was packed so carefully and the gifts wrapped lovingly.

Secret Paws Unboxing

Nip! 'Member that art I did Friday? This was the nip that inspired it. I got to sample it right away.

Secret Paws Unboxing

Secret Paws Unboxing

Lookit all the swag! There was a scratcher lounge, a super wand toy, a Cat Dancer, a nip carrot, a few other nip toys, Greenies SmartBites, a container of nip and their Christmas card.

Secret Paws Unboxing

I even got treats! This was the first time TW opened them right up and gave me some. Usually she'll have a bag opened that she'll use in the photo session.

Secret Paws Unboxing

In addition to my loot, TW was gifted with notepads (left in pic) and pens which she always needs.

Secret Paws Unboxing

Everything was a success! I've given the most attention to the carrot. I mostly roll all over it when TW doesn't have her camera handy. I hope Pop's leopard print blankie didn't take away from your enjoyment of these pics. Many thanks to Truffle, Brulee and Mom Paula for treating this little ghetto kitteh so special.

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  1. I got a Secret Paws package from Truffle and Brulee one year, and it was awesome! I see they sent you equally awesome gifts too!

  2. You and TW got lots of lovely gifts from Truffle and Brulee.

  3. Those were some fantastic goodies CK and that carrot does look like fun!!!

  4. Those look like great gifts. Catnip carrots are a lot of fun, Millie loves his. XP

  5. ck....wavez two ewe N may we say ya look az stunning in 2020 az ya did in 19....may bee even mor stunnning urr !!! yur gift box total lee rox; way kewl giftz ewe N TW ree ceeved ...N joy de nip N when ya haz de muncheez ...ya has yur carrot rite ther ;)☺☺♥♥

  6. What a haul....that's a pawsome gift package!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. You got a lot of cool things. It's always fun to see the cat blogosphere presents.

  8. FINALLY! That was worth the wait, pawsome hoard of prezzies!

  9. What a pawsome Secret Paws package! We can't thank Paula enough for all she does for us blogging kitties.

  10. What great Secret Paws presents, CK!

  11. What wonderful gifts, very thoughtfully put together by your pals, Brulée and Truffle and their Mom Paula. Now all you have to do is watch where TW hides that tin of nip!

  12. Those are wonderful gifts. Truffle, Brulee and Paula outdid themselves. You have days of enjoyment ahead of you.

  13. Wow, what awesome gifts from Truffle, Brulee and Mom Paula. Enjoy, CK!

  14. What a great box of goodies! How lucky to have Truffle, Brulee and Paula for Secret Paws!


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