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Feral Friday: Hoping and Planning

Hola kitties! So it's the new year. Hope your year started out better than mine. An hour and 45 minutes into the year, my asthma attacked me. TW called Pop and he held me under my arms and made me dance. For real. How humiliating but it did stop my coughing and choking. Yesterday I frew up. I'm not axing for pity.

Feral Friday: Hoping & Planning

I got to open my Secret Paws and one toy in particular was a big hit. I have a post ready for early next week unless TW spends all her time on FB instead of optimizing the images.

Feral Friday: Hoping & Planning

Now it's time to join the Friendly Fill-Ins, a feature held weekly at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics. Any further comments on my part are in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. Today it applies to number three. That big lug lovin' on me is Pop. (BTW, the image secret messages are extra funny this week.)

1. My plans for the weekend include playing with Furbie. I simply love that toy although TW may have ruined it for me by innerducing another one. This imposter is rabbit fur rather than sheepskin. Furbie is not a vegan toy just like a shmousy I'd like playing with in the wild.

2. You will never find DOGS in my home. Do I need to say more?

3. I hope I always have Pop around and we're both healthy. Pop has been my champion since I came here all feral and TW wanted to ship me back to the shelter. I shudder to think what would happen if he wasn't here.

4. I hope I never go to the Rainbow Bridge. Of course this also means I hope I never lose the quality of life I have now. I wouldn't want to live if I had to have all kinds of palliative care or anything cos I'm too independent and proud. At that time I'd join Buzz Lucas for our forever after.

Feral Friday: Hoping & Planning

This art is the result of when I got nipped up on my Secret Paws' nip and looked at some peacock feathers. I documented what I saw in pastels. For those of you who have never nipped, I hope you can now see the beauty and why some cats with names like Sherpa don't wish to be disturbed for mundane New Year wishes.

This will be my Feral Friday entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using digital apps, Photoshop or original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into digital works of art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I'm so sorry you started out your new year on such a bad note, CK. I hope it only gets MUCH better from here on!

  2. I'm sorry your asthma attacked you CK but the dancing and distraction does help. We enjoyed your answers and of course your art too!

  3. I'm so glad Pop was able to assist sweetie. Your art is stunning sweetie!

  4. Oh no on the asthma attack. I hope those go away and never return.

    Love all your fill-ins.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥

  5. Oh no! I'm sorry your asthma attacked you. Here's to hoping it stays away in 2020!

  6. I am sorry your asthma attacked you, but glad your Pop was able to help you.
    Your art is beautiful.Hey, no puzzle? My new PC arrived today so I can use my big monitor and do puzzles again.

  7. I'll have to try your Pop's technique next time our Lulu starts havinga coughing attack. Hope your New Year gets better !

  8. You and your Pop have such a special relationship. Hope you're feeling better. Lovely art too.

  9. I am sorry you had an asthma attack. I am glad that worked to make it go away. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers.
    I hope you never have to go to The Bridge either. You won't ever find a dog in our home either. I love your art. I enjoyed your puzzles the other day. Are you going to give us a calendar this year? I had mine of you all last year in my notebook. Have a nice weekend with furbie. XO

  10. Live long and pawsper. I hope your new year finds you in good health.

  11. I hope this was the only asthma attack for this year, CK, and was a purrfect distraction to dance it all away😸We're sure you have an eternal life, we all have ;) I love your painting, my brains do look the same as yours...MOL...Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday🐾😽💞

  12. Our Dad pats Rumpy on the back (percussions) when he has an attack. He just started on an inhaler that has helped a LOT. We love your Art and also want you to be here for many many years to come healthy all the way

  13. Sorry you had an asthma attack. Well done to your dad for taking care of you.

    Love the art!

  14. We are so sorry that horrid asthma attacked you - but dancing sounds a good way to make it go away!
    Your art is beautiful- so colourful!

  15. We are sending healing purrs having an asthma attack is no fun. We love your art, it "almost" made us feel like we had a wee bit of nip for breakfast.

    Take care and know we are thinking of you even when our bad Mommy doesn't have time to let us visit.

  16. Asthma to start the new year? Ugh. We are so glad Pop was able to help you, CK! We, too, hope you never go to the Bridge! XO

  17. We're sorry you got an asthma attack on New Year, we're glad Pop could help you ! Purrs

  18. My New Year has also started out a bit rough (I've not been feeling well). But us gals make the best of it, don't we.
    Absolutely love your art today. You're so talented.

  19. CK, we really love the photo of you and your Pop. You two sure are a power couple. Purrs and well wishes to all of you!


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