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Feral Friday: Water Crisis

Hola kitties! Flashback Foto Frenzy has been preempted so we can bring you the latest news on this water crisis. Barring any late breaking news, it should be back next week. It's been a known fact that this kitteh doesn't drink water. I drink more since I got used to having my own water fountain but the peeps still don't think I drink enough being as I like my kibble. Dunno what I have to do to please them. Listen to this.

Feral Friday: Water Crisis

A few weeks ago we received word from the water company there may be lead in the pipes in our area. I suppose that really doesn't concern The Woman since she drinks fancy bottled water. However, guess what? The Cat drinks that lead-contaminated tap water.

Feral Friday: Water Crisis

Then last week TW noticed the tap water smelled strongly of chlorine. Naturally she got a bit worried when the laundry came out smelling like chlorine. BUT … she thinks nothing of continuing to give me tap water. Hell-o Kitty, even the plants get bottled water. What's that all about? Is her famous internet kitty less important that a three-quarters dead bunch of leaves?

TW: CK, I fill the empty bottles up with tap water for the plant. We don't own a watering can. And that one case didn't taste right so I used it on the plants. Lastly, your fountain has a very nice filter which filters out lead and impurities.

CK: Sorry, I'm not buying it. You hate me and are trying to off me. You admit you give plants bottled water!

TW: No, that water was old and I wouldn't give it to you.

CK: Ah-HAH! But you'll give me water with a lead and chlorine cocktail! Don't roll your eyes at me!

Feral Friday: Water Crisis

So folks, you see, your beloved Keisha is treated worse than the house plants. If I didn't own so many cat trees and so much stuff around here, I'd be packing my bags.

Feral Friday: Water Crisis

The graphic above means it's time for the Friendly Fill-Ins, a feature held once a week at this time. Let's meet our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics with further comments in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it relates to number one.

1. I could live on rotisserie chickenSorry Trout Towne Tabbies. What? You were expecting me to say Chinese food? Unfortunately I don't get enough handouts to live on. 

2. I rarely purr, but when I do, I do it for PopI rarely cuddle either but when I do, I do it with Pop.

3. I would most like to be known for being a famous and stunning blogging/internet cat and DJ.

4. If you want attention, you have to sing the songs of your people and be a pestAt least that's how it is around here. I hope TW read yesterday's blog and she'll change her evil ways. I've even had to resort to some ankle chewing nibbling.

St. Paddy's Day is Sunday and I may or may not post this Sunday so I'm doing an art piece today. I'm not over the moon happy with how it came out. The ribbon says "Kiss me I'm Irish" which is a lie altho TW tells me everyone is Irish on March 17. Everyone—OK not everyone but many—is also drunk on March 17 but I'm not planning on drinking.

Feral Friday: Water Crisis

This is my entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to provide a platform for anipal artists to showcase their latest digital, Photoshop and original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into works of art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I could go for some rotisserie chikken too.

  2. Hey! We get the bottled water here - it gets delivered once a month and my human wouldn't dream of giving us anything else! In fact, my human even throws in a capful of dental additive! Why is your human keeping the good water to herself?

  3. Compliments on your water consciousness! Well, we do hear you on the water matter...but compliments too on using a water fountain...we purr-tonally are terrified of it and our human had to take back to the pet store the expensive one she bought for us. She wishes we would pay more attention our water-drinking like you do!

    We love your textured St Paddy day texture. In c are we don't talk to you Happy St. Paddy Day in advance!

  4. TW needs to get you a PUR water filter CK. Hey we enjoyed your answers and now I'm wondering why we haven't had any rotisserie chicken in a long, long time!

  5. I love your fill-ins. Kitties always do a better job than humans.

    I think you should get bottled water too. They aren't treating you like the royalty you are.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  6. Every community EVERYWHERE has water problems; old pipes, incorrect use of chemicals, bad stuff leaching out of the ground. We use water filters, and filtered water is what we give the kitties. The Hubby says no to cat fountains, since he feels that they aren't cleanable enough for his high standards, but new ones come out all of the time, and someday I'll find one that filters and stays clean, makes The Hubby happy, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

  7. I would chance giving you a kiss for St.Patrick's Day. I would improve my chances by creeping up when you were asleep though. Maybe I will just stay safe and do it through the monitor.
    Our water always smells of chlorine so I always filter it before use.

  8. Your conversation with TW made me LOL!
    Happy St. Paddy's Day and have a great weekend xo

  9. You poor kitty! I always tell my mom she is an awful cat owner, but even she gives her cat bottled water instead of icky town water.
    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think most kitties like rotisserie chicken :) You are a well known blogger and dj already. Your art came out great. Have a nice weekend! XO

  10. Wow, I am in shock - SHOCK - that TW treats you so poorly. I'm surprised you've survived this long on tap water!

  11. Poor CK! Maybe you and Mudpie should both move away from home (since you have her convinced I love a certain singer more than her) and find a place together. I think you would corrupt her though MOL. And she has a lotta stuff to move too...

  12. We are so blessed with great tap water here that i drink it and so do the animals. It’s artesian well water and we get a long water quality report once a year that tells us it’s all good.

    You are already all of that famous stuff, and i hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

  13. You did great on the fill-ins, C.K. We have exactly the same fountain sitting atop the same mat. We are all water drinkers so are happy to have it. Even if that fountain does have a filter, we think your humans should give you bottled water with that threat of lead. Very nice art as well. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  14. Don't forget to wear green on St. Patrick's day, CK. People will pinch you if you don't. Of course,I pity the fool who would try and pinch you. ;)

  15. Shocking ! Of course you should get bottled water too, why is TW treating you like this ? Purrs

  16. Oh no... that's not fair! You need bottled water asap :)

    The art is lovely as always.

    Hope your water probs get sorted soon.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  17. Does Pop give you bottled water? We has to confess we get the same water the people do, filtered out by the refrigerator but we has to share our water with dogs. ~Scylla, Chi, Yin and Yang

    Well it's only fair we has to share our water with cats. ~Fenris & Tuiren

  18. Well, we think you should get whatever the humans get, CK. We get tap water here -- just like our mom and dad. :) - XO Gracie and Ava

  19. Do we need to picket TW. Walk up and now outside yelling Clean Water for CK?

  20. Us kitties over here are lucky that our town is known for having some of the best water in our state, because we get tap water put in our bowls, too. And you are so right about singing the song of our people to get what you want, CK. When I want a taste of whatever my mom is eating, I scream at her, and of course poke her in the leg repeatedly. Purrs, Evan


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