Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Not Forward Facing Friday Flashbacks

Hola Kitties! Welcome to another cat blogging extravaganza! Welcome also to the return of the Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy. It's back by popular demand but most importantly it was requested by Aunt Pauline. She's almost through with chemo and looks forward to putting this adventure behind her. Speaking of looking forward, you'll notice the thing that ties our fotos together is I'm looking left in both of them. That's us—a left leaning family.

Not Forward Facing Friday Flashbacks

Let's start with some fotos.

Not Forward Facing Friday Flashbacks

Our first foto is #1771 which Summer elected to see. I see she voted that I look left. If cats could look dorky, I'd say that's my look in this foto. I'm standing on the cabinet that's now situated behind the Torture Tree and looking out the window. In May 2011 I didn't need to climb on the tree to get up there. I jumped from the top of the boxy old tv. The piece of art in back of me is a light box art project showing a mandala of the Lincoln Tunnel helix.

Not Forward Facing Friday Flashbacks

My angel buddy Flynn's mum chose #5915 just last week. This October 2015 foto was taken right after the peeps went to the big box store and had stuff piled high next to the door. As fate would have it, we received our order from Chewy that day. TW piles the boxes by the door before she cuts them up to recycle them. Obviously, I didn't want it cut up cos it made a nice toy. There's also a box inside that box too. I dunno why I'm looking at the door. I might just be ignoring the flashy box. After half a dozen shots, I was bored.

Not Forward Facing Friday Flashbacks

Let's head over to the Friendly Fill-Ins—a feature held once a week at this time—and see what this week's mission is. The Friendly Fill-Ins are hosted each and every week by 15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it relates to number one.

1. I have gut rot for lunch. I run hot and cold on it. Some days I'll eat most of it; some days it sits untouched. On those days TW has to chase me all over the condo in the hope I'll lick some of the pumpkin soup. Occasionally I'll get hungry and lick it.

2. Cool weather make me jiggy. Every day I jump all over my new cat tree dozens of times. I've even taken to doing it after my 2:15 a.m. feeding much to TW's chagrin. The other night she made my ears blush she dropped so many F-bombs when I wouldn't come to bed. I was howling at her to come play with me. That Woman needs her mouth washed out with soap.

3. I'm surprised that so many humans toss cats out like they're garbage. Hello! We're furry family members.

4. To make a long story short, I bite. Luckily Pop is ok with that; TW not so much. I'm also here to stay.

Let's continue with our series of scary October Halloween art.

Not Forward Facing Friday Flashbacks

This photo was innocent enough until I used some dark foreboding colors in my Photoshop oil painting. Color sets the tone and the somber mood. If I had used yellows and oranges, it would be cheerful and we wouldn't want that. Of course my expression shows that I'm seeing something frightening such as TW nekkid. Trust me, there's nothing as frightening as that. I'd prefer a gaggle of ghosts.

This is my entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to provide a platform for anipal artists to showcase their latest digital, Photoshop and original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into works of art like this one.

I think I'll be doing some reviews next week since I've been posing with Everything But the Kitchen Sink. Pop ate it before TW could make me pose. You do know what Everything But the Kitchen Sink is, don't you?

Would you like to comment?

  1. The cooler weather is also making us a little nutso around here!

  2. We agree with number 3. It's so sad to think that humans cant see that.

    Love Laser & McLaren

  3. Those photos and your answers were all terrific CK and I'm glad Aunt Pauline is finishing up chemo, we're sending her purrs.

  4. I really like foto #1771. I think you look bright and brilliant :-)

  5. I like the cooler weather. It is a shame the way people abuse animals. Happy weekend, Cathy!

    You can find my fill-ins here.

  6. The Hubby tells me at least once a month that we cannot save every single kitty out there, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to! We would build shelters for neighborhood cats, if people would use them.

  7. I am glad that Aunt Pauline has almost finished her chemo.
    In the first photo you look like you can't believe what you are seeing! Thanks for choosing my number. A box is always good, but 2 boxes must be so much better.

  8. I forgot to say that's great spooky art too.

  9. ck...purrhapz itz R pea sea but we see yur stunning N lookin ta R rite...
    we tried ta face ta R rite but then we couldna see ya ???~~~~~~

    N frank lee we heer de werd Flounder...yea, we heer de F werd all de time two...we heer de werd Flounder mor N we due tuna N mackerull combined !!


  10. Great pics today. I'm glad Aunt Pauline is finishing up her chemo. Sending healing thoughts to her.

  11. Actually around here "Everything But the Kitchen Sink" is a delicious ice cream flavor - I suppose it's made when they clean out the machines at the end of the run, but it is mighty tasty.

    Hurrah for Aunt Pauline !

  12. Love the Halloween art!!! TW made your ears blush? Whoa...that must've been bad! The other day MP took a nap on top of a box I had by the door and I hadn't even flattened it yet!

  13. Great photos, Chewy boxes are the best. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I don't know why anyone would get rid of a cat, I do hope there is a place in hell for all that do. Have a nice weekend! XO

  14. I am with you on #3. I don't understand how folks can do such a thing either. It is awful.

    Have a blessed weekend. :)

  15. Hee! Hee!! CK, I LOVE your fill-in #4 and your Photos - leaning to the left looks great.
    Can I tell you that I LOVE your Art (as well as YOU) this week too!
    And Kozmo is more of a fisher than I am...I must admit I, Marvelous am terrified of the motorized swimming fish that Shoko sent me!

  16. Hi C.K., This worked purrfectly! Thank you so much! Many blogs use this. Guess that's why I can comment on their blogs. Cool weather does the same for us. This is our first day of it. After four inches of rain yesterday and flooding everywhere, we were happy to have a cool day with no humidity. How about #1218 if you haven't shared it yet. We really like both of today's photos. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  17. CK, you could never look dorky! Even if you donned suspenders and huge glasses! You'd still be the most stunning cat in the world! The old Bear gets. the more he's like you CK. It's nearly impossible to find him something he'll eat consistently.

  18. Loved your answer to the Friendly Fill-ins. It looks like you're a handful and then some. And you bite. Yikes.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥

  19. Love your answers and I so agree with your #3. I just don't understand some humans.

  20. Gut rot sounds like a great Halloween treat. Have a blessed week.

  21. Totally agree on #3

    Love your art!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  22. You know we're right with you on #3, CK. Oh, and about leaning left, too!

  23. Hello darling, You are looking lovely as always--you really don't ever have a fur out of place, do you? I have bad fur days like 4 or 5 times a week! You do look just the tiniest bit nerdish in #1, not that there's anything wrong with that.
    I love your fillins, mostly because lots of times you say what I would say, ESPECIALLY in #s 2 & 4. We've been doing these for a couple weeks but of course the Human forgot this week. Sigh.

  24. Great fill-ins, CK! And I love the spooky art. I love the shade of purple.

  25. First of all, continued purrs and prayers to Aunt Pauline! Second of all, it doesn't matter which way you face, CK, because you're always stunning. Third of all, thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! We certainly couldn't agree more with your #3. People who throw kitties out like garbage should be banished to a dumpster for all of eternity. Wait, is that too harsh? Nah. Oh, and of course, we're loving your spooktacular Halloween art!


Holla! Louder … I can’t hear you. Anonymous comments are disabled due to humans who have nothing better to do than spam. Thank you for understanding!