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12 New & Improved Amazing Facts About CK

Hola kitties! It occurred to me that I haven't posted any of those "getting to know you" memes in months! I know many of you like them so this post is for you. I've picked some questions that every kitty should be able to answer. These aren't from FB memes cos I haven't seen any of those circulating this summer. Check out my answers to these dirty dozen amazing facts that may surprise you and then it's your turn to let your furrends learn about you.

12 New & Improved Amazing Facts About CK

1. What is your favorite day of the week?
I prefer Sunday cos Pop is home and the peeps aren't out shopping all day. I have an "easy like Sunday" sitting on the chair next to Pop. Plus I get some of TW's chick-hen for dinner.

2. What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
I dunno. I find some inneresting things on Pop's rug that I eat. Perhaps they're his cut toenails but I eat them anyhoo. You axed for strange, you got strange.

3. What small business would you like to start?
I would like to start selling my art even though I know it's not a lucrative business. Does anyone make a living through their Etsy or Zazzle shops?

4. What is the best food on a hot summer day?
I didn't eat too much this summer but human food like Chinese takeout is a good bet no matter the weather. Ordering out doesn't make the condo hot like cooking does.

5. When have you had a small decision bring big consequences?
When I made that small decision to move into the condo. It's paid dividends. Even though I lost my freedom, I now have at least four squares a day, a roof over my head during nasty weather and all the toys I could ever want. OK, maybe that wasn't such a small decision but it's worked out.

6.What vegetable do you like?
I'm not one to try vegetables although they put them in my cat food. I think I've been partial to cranberries since I sat in the human's cranberry sauce as a youngster.

7. Where are you most likely to be at 8:00 on a Saturday night?
Eight on a Saturday night used to be my regular Pawpawty/Nipclub Monthly shift. I'd be spinning tunes and chatting with my Twitter anipals. Now I'm prolly watching some dumb Hallmark movie with Pop on his bed. Don't judge Pop. He works hard and he doesn't have to think during those flicks and neither do I.

12 New & Improved Amazing Facts About CK
8. What slang word or phrase do you like to use?
I've always used the phrase "Na mean" although I haven't used it lately. Na mean? Another fave phrase is "kiss my gray, furry a$$." That I use a lot.

9. Did you ever want to change your name? If so to what?
I'd take the Cathy out of my name and let it be Keisha.

10. What food do you crave?
Chinese food. What else?

11. If your life had a sound track what song would you pick for it?
I'm thinking something like Pink's "Get the Party Started" cos when I enter a room, the pawty starts! Or maybe Beyoncé's "Girls Run the World" cos we will someday. TW is gagging cos we both have different musical tastes. What is she getting at by suggesting the "Mean Kitty Song"? I'll show her mean kitty after she finishes typing this post. Right now I can't think of any songs about stunning cats so maybe I'll write one. MOL!

12. If you could have lunch with anyone living who would it be?
My furrend Summer seems like she'd make an inneresting lunch partner. She could bring Binga too. I'll bet Summer has a lot of cool therapy cat stories to share but I hope she wouldn't draw the pawpawrazzi since she's such a rock star. Of course I wouldn't allow the humans to come along but our humans have some common innerests. I guess if Summer doesn't like Chinese food, we could go to KFC or something, although they seems so low-brow for kitties of our stature. After lunch Binga and I could raise a little mayhem.

Anyone else wanna tackle these fun questions? I'd love to read how you'd answer them so I can learn more about you.

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  1. I am so glad you did another one of these, it has been too long. Nice to learn more about you CK. I have a feeling your Pop doesn't want anyone to know about the Hallmark movies though :) Phoebe had some stuff on Zazzle and never made any money, I bet you could though. XO

  2. ck...iz it just uz ore doez de "b" werd...aka chikn werd... a peer in thiz post mor N onze........... na' mean

    N for sure ya knead ta rite yur own toon bout stunning catz.... ♫♫♪♪♫♪♫...therz a few notez ta get ya started ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  3. I'm so glad you're doing this again and we'll definitely be playing along soon! I think you should try selling your art online because you do an amazing job with it!

  4. Those were fun CK, we always enjoy it when we get some CKnowledge!

  5. This was fun, CK! We’ll have to play along.

  6. We think it's pawsome to know more about you!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. We always love learning more about you, CK. Though we did not get to meet Binga, we can attest to the fact that Summer is really fun to hang out with!

  8. We enjoyed learning more about you, CK. It was fun ! Purrs

  9. I loved your answers, and I would LOVE to have lunch with you! Binga is older, so she would pick at her food, go away, come back and pick at it some more. I hope you don't mind that sort of thing. My human loves Chinese food, but she never shares it with me, so I don't know if I'd like it or not. I probably would - I like nearly everything, including KFC!

    BTW, I would make a LOT more money from my Zazzle shop if my human worked more on it! She also does some Zazzle stuff for her boyfriend, and he would sell a BUNCH if she worked harder there too. Apparently merch with his scribbles on it is pretty popular.

  10. I really enjoy reading about you CK. It gives the rest of us non stunning people a chance to bask in the glow of your stunningness (is that even a word?) ;)

  11. I always enjoy learning more about you, CK It explains why Flynn was always talking about you. You should sell your art. It is stunning like you.

  12. CK, what fun these are. So you like chinese food. I must get the folks to order some. I've never seen any.


  13. You are such a wonderful fun kitty CK!!!

  14. CK, you are a stunningly interesting kitty!

  15. Geez, CK, now I'm hungry for Chinese food.

  16. I enjoyed your post very much. I'm going to go now and answer them on my McClendon Villa blog, too. :)
    Have a blessed night.


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