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Crash! Smash! Shatter!

Yesterday the peeps bid farewell to Fraser. It didn't come without some funny moments for The Cat to blog about as you can imagine. Their dressing and undressing of Fraser is something that should be live-streamed as I can't remember all the funny and embarrassing details. Also, anytime the peeps are the ones being embarrassed, there isn't any proof of the photographic kind.

Crash! Smash! Shatter!

It started when TW took the largest of all the boxes of ornaments and placed it atop of my little pink perch. The box is over twice the size of the perch and hung out quite a bit. All was well until Pop stuck his yuge hands into the box.


Crash! Smash! Shatter!
In the living room there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. There were boxes as well as loose ornaments all over the floor. Oh, and there were shards of glass that TW was freaking out over. Bear in mind, I haven't broken an ornament all year. I believe I counted at least four broken ornaments—some still in their boxes. Let's look at this year's damage: peeps broke at least six ornaments counting the few they broke while dressing Fraser to my none. This is one contest I'm happy to lose. Heh heh.

After the sucky machine sucked up all the glass and after much bickering and playing the blame game, they managed to find boxes for the remaining ornaments.  Then it came time to dispose of the nekkid body.

Uncle Vince wasn't around this year so they had to do the job themselves. Before long the saps were covered in sticky sap from their hair to their feet from rassling with Fraser. Even thought the "body bag" was big enough for a tree over nine-foot tall and Fraser was closer to six-and-a-half feet, his head and various limbs poked out from all areas of the bag. I shook my head at such shoddy work.

Nonetheless, they trusted me with a floor full of evidence as they left to find a resting place to ditch the body. I don't want anything to do with that part. If the po po come around axing me, I don't know nothing about where they buried it. It's not on me.

It was a sad day in the condo for a few seconds until I realized, I had my room back! After the big cleanup to remove the evidence from the epic struggle, the Tunnel of Pain went back on the floor and my cat trees came out from the shadows. The living room once more belonged to ME, which is how it should be.

I don't suppose undressing the tree is a traumatic experience in anybuddy else's house, is it? Do you have any funny stories to tell?

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  1. No funny stories here...but for the record, Glogirly broke WAY more ornaments that even Waffles!

  2. Our tree hasn't come down yet. My human broke one ornament putting it up. We'll see how she does packing it up!

  3. I keep my hanukkia up for 8 days, then clean off the melted wax and put it away until next year. How long do you keep your trees up?

  4. Loved your recap. Mom no longer uses glass ornaments, so no breaky objects around us. Too many juveniles in the house. And thankfully our tree is fake! Lot's climbing acts performed too. Dad said it may have been the last year for our tree after 10 years. They need to get better quality, right! Purrs

  5. We suspect the "WTF" in this case means "What the Feline." Right? Our mom usually breaks at least one ornament every year, but this year all of those breakable ones remained packed, as she put the tree in the dining room and only used her non-breakable ornaments. We had fun knocking ornaments off of that. No drama here, however. Sorry we've been scarce. Mom is trying to get back to some sort of visiting schedule for us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  6. Well, Brother Simon did smash a glass ornament, boy did he run!

  7. That is sad about the broken ornaments. I don't have any stories because years ago I switched to all non breakable stuff on the tree because of the cats. Our tree is fake so we carry it up to the attic in one piece and cover it with a big plastic bag. Glad you got your tunnel of pain back :) XO

  8. I haven't dropped a box of ornaments, but twice I've broken every glass in one fell sweep. The whole set was on a drying rack I knocked to the floor and the next time was a brand new box of pint glass that fell out of my car as soon I opened the door. I break more stuff than the cats do! ~Rascal and Rocco

  9. CK, this was one of the funniest posts I've seen! The body, WTF comment...HoohaaHAA!

  10. Farewell Fraser! You were loved and wanted ... for a time. Now CK has her room back and you are banished forever.

  11. Our trees were disassembled over the weekend, but it doesn't sound like our event was nearly as fun as yours, CK. As for ornaments, a little someone named Eddy does most of the ornament breaking around here, during her tree scaling adventures. They're all plastic ornaments these days, yet Eddy still managed to break something like half a dozen of them last year. After that, ornaments now hang from garland on the wall. She still likes to chew on the big red ribbons that go on the tree, though. The kitties around here (except maybe Eddy, who misses her tree) agree with you, CK, that it sure is nice to have all of their space back!

  12. CK, that purrson eye live with whooz name soundz like itch never putz up a tree bee coz her sayz eye eat cordage N greenz even if they R fake...nooze flash...while her waz at werk eye called cuzin daiz N daiz drove over, picked me up.... N we chewed de H outta de tree N de cordage at her houz....yea ~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  13. I sure hope the po po don't come sniffing around your house looking for the body. But no worries, they'll have nothing on you. At my house the tree is still up. As it was made by humans it is not Fraser, but a mini wanna be. Tee hee hee. Mom says she'll keep it up through Valentine's Day since it is dressed all in red. I don't see any ornies on it though, so it looks a bit naked. Kisses! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  14. We don't have a live tree....I just see them outside. Mom does have a few breakable ornaments but they are up real high and I quit climbing the tree when they stuck the presents too close to the stand. No room to maneuver. No interesting stories anymore except for getting used to the train running around the tree. hehe

    Shoko and Kali

  15. I hope Fraser had a good burial! I didn't put our fake tree up this year as we went away over Christmas for a few days. I only really did it for Flynn anyway because he loved when it came out. It was as good as nip for him!

  16. Nothing broke this year but as I type this my tree is still up...half lit. It has 2 100 strand lights on it. Saturday night half of 100 blew, Sunday afternoon the other half. Instead of taking the tree down I removed the dead strand and tried to make the remaining strand cover the tree. It looks very...unusual.

  17. Oh my mouses! I'm hearin' smashin' noises like that, too, only for a different reason. FYI, our tree is still up. MOUSES!

  18. We can’t believe Fraser has been up until now.

  19. I, Marvelous was excellent and avoided the tree as it had that horrible noisy train running around it! I did NOT break any of the toys on it and Mommy took it down on New Years as she needed her desk back for work. I can't wait for next year!

  20. I'm glad to hear that you got your living room back! Undressing the Christmas tree is always an ordeal in our home. Manna and Dexter do a great job of snoopervising the event. As for funny stories, a couple of years ago, I got myself trapped in the kitchen when attempting to undress the Christmas tree all by myself. It was the middle of the night and I was trying to get the Christmas tree down and out of the way to take photos of the cats for our blog. I couldn't manage to get it into the bag by myself, so I decided to try and scoot it into our tiny apartment kitchen to hide it. The tree got stuck in the doorway of the kitchen and I was trapped in the kitchen. It took a lot of squirming for me to crawl out of the kitchen from underneath the tree. I did get out, but it was an interesting thing to explain to my husband when he woke up to go to work.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  21. k darling, what sad clumsy peeps you have! Ha ha meow! Almost as bad as mine. This was hilarious--I wish you had pickchurs. I have a little message for you on my new bloggy post (one of the VERY few I've been allowed to even do lately. Grrrrrr). XOXO

  22. Ut-oh! Make that CK, darling....

  23. Bye, bye, Fraser ! See you next year ! Purrs

  24. Oh CK, you're so right. We kitties fur sure need to learn how to take fotos of our humans. The stories we could tell then. MOL Glad ya' got your room and all your stuffs back. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  25. No. My spoil-it-all mom did it while I was napping!

  26. That sounds like it was quite the comedic symphony, CK. We have an artificial Fraser here, so putting it up and taking it down usually go off with out a hitch.

  27. Sounds like quite the show! Glad you have your room back now!


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