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Swag Held Hostage, Day 4

Swag Held Hostage, Day 4

This photo is one of the last pics TW took before she went away. It was sunny that day and I'm actually feeling the sun on my furs. It's been raining since she got home. TW is still cranky and hung over tired from being away. She doesn't feel like shopping or blogging or … opening up the swag she brought back with her. Worse still, I got the same report from my furrend, Pumpkinpuddy, whose human spent a lot of time hanging with TW. Is this a conspiracy in the making?

If your human went to BlogPaws, has she/he opened the swag and let you have your way with it? Or are they part of the conspiracy?

Here are some more pics of Plush CK in Myrtle Beach.

Swag Held Hostage, Day 4

You may have seen this one on Twitter. It was taken by the human of Angel Prudence Pup and Howie, Miss Theresa. Apparently Plush CK stopped on the way to Myrtle Beach to tank up on adult beverages. You can't take that plushie anywhere!

Swag Held Hostage, Day 4

Always a pawty animal, Plush CK attended a birthday pawty for Sophie, the wobble cat from Kitty Cat Chronicles. Sophie is the live fur and blood cat next to Flat Brian. That's Plush Sampson to my left. Happy Birthday, Sophie. You can read more about the pawty by clicking on the link.

Swag Held Hostage, Day 4

After the pawty, an obviously hung-over Plush CK models a pawty hat that perfectly matches her outfit. It's what all the cool cats are wearing.

I'll have some more pics from Plush CK's excellent adventure in the coming days. I dunno; I sent Plush CK and TW to the BlogPaws Social Media Conference to learn but all I see are pics of them pawtying. The Cat is NOT happy.

Would you like to comment?

  1. It sounds like TW had WAY too much fun.

    P.S. My human is envious.

  2. Oh you did make us smile CK. Your poor TW isn't allowed any fun ;-)

    I hope you get your swag bag soon :-)

  3. Aww, CK, that's a long time for her to hold out on you with that swag! It looks like plush CK and your human had tons of fun around Myrtle Beach, which is great. But we'll tell you a secret... we think she missed you while she was there.

  4. Looks like Plush CK had quite the fun time.

  5. Time to do a reconnaissance and find out where that Swag Bag is...then tear into it! Your human is such a tease.

  6. Our Swag Bag has gone MIA but it best get back here soon CK!

  7. What a fun conference and heck CK, its only once a year...let the ole gal have some fun.


  8. Plush CK has nothing on the real model! And I was thrilled to meet TW! She's way more fantastic than you let on, CK. I'm with TW though ... I'm STILL exhausted beyond belief ... I haven't been around much over the past week and my e-mail is overflowing. Bear did get some of his swag though. I took some quick pictures of the toys and let him go to town with them. I still have lots of pictures to take of the other stuff. I know he's waiting for me to take pictures of the food!

  9. Maybe it's time you wrote TW a ransom note, CK. The swag makes an appearance within the next 24 hours, or else...

  10. I can't believe TW hasn't let you dive into the swag yet! What a slacker...

  11. We got to inspect the swag but so far, that's about it. Well, 'cept Zoey who tore into the nip.

  12. Wondering what Plush CK thought of the swag...

  13. Plush CK and TW need time to recover from all that fun! That sure is a beautiful photograph of you in the sunshine, CK.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red

  14. Yep, it looks like Plush CK and TW had lots of fun. But too much fun? Is that possible? :)

    1. We sure hope you get to open your swag soon, CK!

  15. Those are great photos. Maybe your Pops can help you break out the swag.
    Thank you for the kind words you left on my loss of Snowball. XO


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