The peeps tell me that tomorrow will be the 50th anniversary of the American release of one of Pop's all-time favorite albums. He says we should celebrate the release of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band cos it set the standard for music up to that time. There had never been a rock record quite as ambitious as the Beatles' 1967 lp.
You may ax yourself what this has to do with cats as I do. Absolutely nothing as do many things I post on this blog. There IS an Etsy shop selling digital downloads of a replica cover done with cats although they're kinda scary looking. TW refused to make one with all my furrends cos she said it would take 50 years just to get permission from everybuddy.
I have played "With a Little Help From My Furrends" at Twitter pawties where we raise money for pet rescue or a particular furrend who finds herself in a bad way and I do often find myself humming this tune:
Woke up, jumped outta bed
Licked a paw across my head
On the way downstairs I bit The Woman
Nobody spoke so I went into my igloo.
Sgt. Pepper helped define the Summer of Love and many critics still list it as the greatest rock album ever made. It combined a variety of musical styles including rock, music hall, psychedelia, traditional Indian and Western classical as well as made use of full orchestral arrangements.
TW never was the Beatles' fan that Pop was and still is. She liked them just fine with Rubber Soul being her favorite Beatles' record; but there was always some other musician or musical trend that caught her ear. One of her older cousins was a crazypaants Beatles' fan who went to Kennedy Airport to greet them, camped outside their NYC hotel and then went to see them play Shea Stadium. I say went to "see" them cos judging from the tapes TW has heard, no one could "hear" them.
If I can quote a little bit of the title song "It's wonderful to be here. You're certainly a thrill. You're such a lovely audience. We'd like to take you home with us. We'd love to take you home." This sums up the feelings this kitteh has for everyone who reads my blog, follows on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and comments.
Happy 50th Birthday Sgt. Pepper and your Lonely Hearts Club Band!
While my human acknowledges the debt rock 'n' roll owes the Beatles, she was never a huge fan. Maybe because she was too young to appreciate them at the time.
ReplyDeleteMom was just telling Dad this morning that she's not a big Beatles fan, but really likes "Imagine". I do like your version of the lyric.
ReplyDeleteI have always been a big Beatles fan and while Sgt. Pepper is my favourite I can't pick a favourite, but When I'm 64 is the one I like the least. I also like Nowhere Man and Norwegian Wood from Rubber Soul, Things We Said Today from A Hard Day's Night. Dear Prudence from the White Album. So many, I could go on forever. When Magical Mystery Tour was released my friends thought I was weird because I loved I am the Walrus! 50 years, it makes me feel so old!
ReplyDeleteI had to comment. I feel so lost not blogging so am just leaving the odd comment here and there to keep in touch with my friends.
My Dad got to see them in Pittsburgh and there was no hearing them there either CK!
ReplyDeleteI love the Beatles! I was born in the mid 60s so I was too young to be into them then (mainly because my parents preferred Elvis and that's the music that was played a lot at our house), but I became a huge Beatles fan later. I haven't played any of their music to Athena yet. She's more into classical music and as I've recently discovered since listening to him a lot since his passing, George Michael.
ReplyDeletePurrs xx
Athena and Marie
A-paws! A-paws! Wonderpurr tribute to the Beatles, even if TW wasn't a huge fan like Pops. Amazing Mom was just looking at her old Beatle albums yesterday. She didn't even know it's the 50th anniversary of Sgt. Pepper. Wow!
ReplyDeleteI could never get into Beatles but I still find many enthusiastic fans.
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary to Sgt. Pepper !
I know every word to every song on St. Peppers! Will always be one of my very favorite albums, and remember the 'Paul is Dead' controversy that still rolls around from time to time? Many of the 'clues' were from the cover artwork of St. Peppers. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.
ReplyDeleteMom says she liked the Beatles music but wasn't terribly into it. She preferred Elvis. She had a girlfriend that would scream whenever she got to thinking about Ringo. She adored Ringo and often scared mom with her yelling. She was so dramatic too...maybe that's where mom found my personality. MOL
That's our Grandma's favorite Beetle's album. Our Mom likes them, but doesn't really have a particular favorite. We really like your lyrics CK!
ReplyDeleteBeing a die hard Beatles fan (like your pop) I sooooooooooooooooooooo LOVED this post! you, Rubber Soul is my all time favorite Beatle album and John Lennon to this day (from the day I was 7 yrs old and first saw him) remains my FAVORITE Beatle! LOVED THIS!!!
ReplyDeleteMy dear departed Auntie Kathy was the biggest Beatles fan ever, and we like them a lot, too. So we especially loved your post today, CK. A CB-themed Sgt. Pepper's album would be cool, for sure, but it would take, like, elebenty billion years to do!
ReplyDeleteCK....if popz haz de album N itz close ta mint; him could get 50 bazillion for it; knot that he wood sell it, just sayin....
ReplyDeletethey haz reeched de "next generation" & then some with ther mewsic.....its that good
de food servizz gurlz neff few took a beatles class in college....him aced it list oh studentz wantin two take de class......frum heer ta pluto N bak !!!
Happy birthday, Sgt. Pepper! I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that I know very little about the Beatles and don't really understand the fascination to this day...
ReplyDeleteMaybe they were 'Cool Cats'? That has to do with cats, kinda. Sorta. Maybe? MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteThat was before my time- not by much, but it makes me feel young. :)
ReplyDeleteThe only Beatles we like are the kind that crawl around and we can play with them until they're deaded. ;)
ReplyDeleteOur mom was going to post about this, and even made a note to do it, but then forgot to look at the note. She was a pretty big Beatles fan, but not the yelling and screaming kind. She did see them at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. And you are was hard to hear much of anything. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
ReplyDeleteHubby has been playing this album nonstop for the past several days. I think Fergus digs it. I've caught him swaying in time from the tippy top of his cat tree.
ReplyDeleteJean from Welcome to the Menagerie