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Can You Spot the One That's Different?

Can You Spot the One That's Different?

It's Saturday or Caturday if you prefer! I'm participating in the Caturday Art Blog Hop but I'm gonna do something different which I think will be fun. I hope you'll humor me. I'm featuring three works of art in the gallery this week. Two of them were made in Dreamscape; one in Photoshop. You have to guess which one you think is the Photoshop simple art action. It might not be as simple as it looks but then again I could be wrong.

To make it easier, here are closeups of all three images. Let me know in the comments which you think was created in Photoshop and I'll do a big reveal next week on my Facebook page. If you don't use FB, I'll tell you on Wednesday if TW remembers. You know she's #senile.

You can biggify the individual images by clicking on them. One of them should be simple but the other two are anyone's guess. How about the first one to get it right will receive a small prize as yet to be determined. I'll also award a prize to one person who answers correctly using

Number 1
Can You Spot the One That's Different?

Number 2
Can You Spot the One That's Different?

Number 3
Can You Spot the One That's Different?

Remember to leave a comment and let me know which artwork you think we did using a Photoshop action. If you don't think I already have it, leave your email address so I can notify you if you're a winner. Unfortunately, I can only ship in the U.S. but feel free to play to donate your prize if you're from across the pond. Winners will have 48 hours to claim their prize after being notified. Contest ends Monday, May 30 at 11:59 pm EST. Void where prohibited by law and all that stuff.

Thanks to Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for hosting the Caturday Art Blog Hop so I can mess around with Photoshop and all the cool online apps that are so easy a cat can do them.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I think the Photoshop one is the one in the middle - I like it anyhow because your claw is glistening!

  2. Seeing as my mum doesn't know how to use Photoshop or Dreamscape I will just take a random guess at #1.

  3. We're overwhelmed by the mighty paw and can't even guess!
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  4. Well, they are all pretty amazing CK!

  5. We'll guess #3. Since 1 & 2 have already been guessed, MOL
    Happy Caturday and we love the artwork CK.

  6. We think it's number 2!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. They all look great! Our mom only uses Photoshop Elements, and she only uses it to make digital scrapbook pages, so we have no idea about art actions (although maybe we should get her to investigate). We will guess #1 is made with Photoshop.

  8. Me says nummer 1 is odd foto out Ck but mommy disagrees and says it's nummer 2. Me thinks nummer 2 is angel furs from dreamscape, but mommy says you're not curly enuff and da'ts why she chose it. MOL But hey, you didn't say we had to agree with our peeps fur this. Anyuways, they're all great in da end.

    Luv ya'


  9. Those all look cool. I think it is #3.

  10. We think #1 is PhotoShop. We are certainly down the list of guessers. Whichever is correct, our favorite is #2. Fun idea, C.K. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. Fun! I say #3 is the Dreamscape. #2 is a picture with a big paw not photo edited. So that leaves #1 as the photo shopped copy.


  12. I have no idea, but maybe #1? Whatever the answer is, I love your image with the mighty claw :-)

  13. We think it's #1. We don't know why...we just do. Cool pics!

  14. They're all great but we like #2 the best!!!

  15. Well, my Human does not use Dreamscape only Photoshop and she doesn't use fancy Photoshop hardly ever (she mostly uses Photoshop to vacuum the carpet, MOL!). We'll say #3 is a Photoshop filter of some sort. But we might well be completely WRONG! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

  16. They're all cool, CK! We're going to guess #1.


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