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Shake Some Actions!

Shake Some Actions!

Happy Caturday kittehs! It's been ages since I showed you some Photoshop actions in my artwork. TW has been taking the easy way out and using SuperPhoto and all those online editors. She claims that she created images all week in Photoshop, which may be true, but I need my Caturday art to be special like myself.

This week we took an out of focus shot of me peeking out of TW's tub between the shower curtain and the wall. Poor TW. She tried so hard to get a decent pic of me to no available. Her lack of skills were no match for the bathroom lighting and my playfulness. Pic after pic were too dark, too light or out of focus. What's a cat to do? Turn 'em into art.

The lead image was the result of a glow action followed by one of the digital drawing actions. Eventually we did head over to an online program to add a frame. Of course we did more than add a frame. TW couldn't leave well enough alone so she also added a texture …

Shake Some Actions!

and eventually a sepia tint so we could be stylin' on Sepia Saturday.

Shake Some Actions!

That out of focus pic certainly logged some mileage today. MOL!

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl and while once again none of my local teams are playing nor are TW and Pop's fave teams, I thought I should give them someone to root for. Me. So I suited up to play in the Kitten Bowl on the Hallmark Channel. I'm cruising to give someone a bruising.

Shake Some Actions!

Are your peeps planning on watching the Super Bowl or Kitten Bowl? My idol Beyonce is doing the Super Bowl halftime show so I may have to tune in.

Thanks to Athena and Marie for hosting the pawsome weekly Caturday Art Blog Hop. Even if you have no artistic talent, you can participate by using an online editor or template. Click the link to see other creative anipals displaying this week's art projects.

Would you like to comment?

  1. You look darn artsy cute CK! We'll be watching the Kitten Bowl, the Super Bowl maybe since one team is up the interstate from us in the other Carolina.

  2. It's such a great use of out of focus picture. What beautiful art images!
    Have a fun weekend, Ferris Mewler :-)

  3. Your art is always lovely, CK, but it is sure to be when you are the subject.The first one is my favourite.

  4. That's some pretty cool cart, CK! Hope the rest of your weekend is an easy one.

  5. These are some really cool effects, CK! My human says that Photoshop and all her iPhone apps prove that it IS possible to "polish a turd," or at least that is how she refers to her crappier photos. (Pun intended... I think?)

  6. Well CK we luv all yous fotos da easy peasy ones and da hard to make ones. We are always in awe of how y'all work dat fotoshop, but anyways, yous lookin' good.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. No sports in our house except for the Kitten Bowl, of course. I love all the different versions of your photo.

  8. All the Super Bowl means in our house is that cars hit the track in Daytona later this week!!! We'll definitely be watching the Kitten and Puppy Bowls though :)

  9. I love all your art and your Kitten Bowl card too. I am trying to make cards for my cats, but it freezes up when I upload a photo, I wanted to do 13, I will be lucky to get one.

  10. Ck you look fabulous in any color or tint.

  11. Amazing that a blurry pic could be turned into a work of art, CK. Good job!

  12. TW just keeps on making you look more and more stunning all the time

  13. Wow, TW is some kind of artist. I like to see you tinted my friend.


  14. We love that artwork of yours, CK - what a great use of an out of focus picture! :)

  15. Really cool effect. Especially love it in Sepia.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. Darling, you look marvelous no matter WTHAT TW does to you. Your natural glamour shines right through. The Human is abandoning me in a few minutes to go off to her little pawty, but frankly I am glad of the quiet nap opportunity. Maybe I'll get a few treats when she comes home? She may not even last the whole game! XOXOXOXOXO

  17. We love your artwork. Isn't it nice how you can take a photo that's out of focus and make it into something amazing? Mom recorded the Kitten Bowl.

    The Florida Furkids


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