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Help Keep Foto Frenzy Off Life Support

Help Keep Foto Frenzy Off Life Support

Happy Friday cats and kittens! Hope you enjoyed my bloopers last week.  I'm ready to show some of the fotos you chose but these are the last I have. If you picked a number but haven't seen it, it's been used so you can check under the Foto Frenzy tab on top. Right now Foto Frenzy is on life support. Can I count on you guys to choose more numbers to keep it active? Three to 5800. Otherwise, TW will start doing the choosing, the deck will be stacked against me and no one will care.

The Tabbies o' Trout Towne, who I can always count on to supply some choices, decided they wanted to see an early foto—#41 (above), which was taken with the analog camera back when TW knew her f-stop from her g-string. HAH! I'm front and center and the background is fuzzy on purpose. That's called depth of field, I believe. The field that was being depthed was the living room; specifically the tv and chair. You can see my original cat bed which was situated in the living room for some reason. I am staring at that black and silver box TW was pointing at me. It was one of my first foto shoots.

Help Keep Foto Frenzy Off Life Support

TW must be a genius. She wasn't using the flash and I still have red-eye in this foto #1979 chosen by Summer, everyone's favorite model and show cat form Sparkle Cat. That was the first litter box I had and still my favorite. There was one with a green tray in Pop's bathroom. I'll bet you want to know what I've got that appears to be a sock, don't you? It is a sock! A sock filled with fresh nip! This is TW's idea of a DIY project. Yeah, she's pathetic alright.

Help Keep Foto Frenzy Off Life Support

Ho ho ho! The Menagerie Mom from Four Legged Fur Babies wanted the foto that coincided with our year of #2016. I obliged even though Christmas is as far away as it ever was. While it looks like I'm climbing the ladder, I'm actually sitting atop the Tree of Pain. I'm hoping my lasers will light up the tree so Pop won't have to struggle with those strings of lights. Uncle Vince and Aunt Marta had just gone home. Speaking of which, Tuesday they announced a new addition to their family. Aunt Marta had a baby boy named Lucas! My peeps are excited but hiding from one sticky little human was enough for me. Now she's called on reinforcements.

That's it for this week's fun. I desperately need my furrends to comment with a number to keep this feature an interactive one.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Great photos! I would like 1234 please xx

  2. Love the tree photo! My I choose 1234 and 4321 please xx

  3. CK, I think a sock full of nip would be pretty awesome! My human wouldn't think to do something cool like that.

  4. I really like the blooper post. I should enter it soon. DOG only knows that we have 100 ' s of bloopers.

    I chose photo number 3813

  5. Hahaha, getting red-eye without flash -- TW is very skilled in an unique way :-)
    Love the first photo very much. You look so stunning!

  6. I always love your Foto Frenzy posts, CK! I love the close-up shot of you in the first one. And I love the photo for the number I chose - it can be Christmas all year long! Now, tell me, did the lasers work? If so, I might have to hire you to light my tree next year.

    As for a number, how about #4689? Purrs!

  7. How about Fotos 59, 4521, 5007 and 5759

  8. We love Foto Frenzy too but we sure don't know what numbers have been we pick 442, 801 and 2244.

  9. CK...foto frenzy iz better than de lot o ree coz at leest heer we noe we will pick sum winning numberz.....all theeze R grate... N whatz total lee awesum bout 2016 iz that itz BURD FREE :)

    R pix thiz week go two: 37, 127, 299, 311, 496, 512, 674, 795, 801, 955, 1010, 2111, 3745, 4016, 5353


    heerz two a flathead sculpin kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  10. Oh CK we love foto about #1947, 2001, and 1999??!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  11. I love that first photo with you looking right at the camera. I choose 5432 and 2345.

  12. These are all great choices. Congrats to your family on the baby- Phoebe feels your pain, her Grammie is preoccupied with a great grand-baby.We choose 1101 ( the baby's birthday Nov. 1st).

  13. Okay CK, here's a couple of numbers for you - 1939, 1958, 1959, 1965 and 2005
    hehe - that ought to keep TW out of trouble for awhile.

  14. We'll play! Faraday wants his birth year: 2010. And Allie's birth year - 2008!

  15. Those were awesome, CK! How about 1210, 325, 333 and 3333?

  16. yeowzer! you have like a TON of photos to select from CK. May I toss in a few numbers purrlease? 1357,9563,3659,0103,7756,12,3,70


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