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Monday Musings aka Gossip Galore

Monday Musings aka Gossip Galore

Yo Kittehs! It's been awhile since I've updated you about how things are at La Condo Keisha. Let's start at the top. Last Wednesday I posted about Tiki Cat Gourmet Carnivore cat food from Chewy. TW mentioned at the end that I wouldn't eat it. I have an update and kind of an explanation. TW had only opened a few cans before we decided to review it. Normally, we'd give it more time but we were supposed to run another sponsored post this week and wanted to space them out. Well, the other post got postponed and I wound up rushing my review. The Woman publicly apologizes to Chewy and Tiki Cat.

Another factor that led to the outcome of the review is that we were told in the Blogpaws' community that I belong to how important props were in reviews hence the good china rather than a dish I feel comfortable eating out of. OK, TW had fed me a can in my dish and I still wouldn't eat it but I licked it once or twice.

Out of desperation, TW opened a can of the Chicken & Duck flavor the night after my rushed review. She took the opened can and put it down in front of me. I dug in. I don't need no fancy dish. Once a ghetto kitteh, always a ghetto kitteh!

The Sky is Falling!

About 10 days ago, TW was sitting at the computer, answering my emails. We'd had 3-4 inches of snow but now the sun was out. It was windy and we heard two nasty cracks from outside but that wasn't unusual. The complex is falling apart and they're in the early phase of about a billion dollars in renovations. I went over to the window. TW left and went into the kitchen to have breakfast. After what seemed like hours, she came back into the bedroom to continue working. I was leading her in when suddenly, I made another dash for the windowsill. TW went back to the computer when she heard drip drip drip drip. She joined me at the window. ACK! The windowsill was flooded. The melting snow was dripping through the top of the window.

Monday Musings aka Gossip Galore
She sprang into action and placed a call to the front desk. It's times like this when TW being friendly with the building manager comes in handy. She was knocking on the door two minutes later taking pics. Next the acting Super came up. He surveyed the situation and went up on the roof to investigate. Long story short, the facade over the window cracked thereby letting the water in. Unfortunately, they have to wait for Spring to get someone to fix it. It may or may not be true that while I hid in my office UTB for the building manager, I came right over to the acting Super.

What's Attacking Me?

Last weekend, we had the coldest snap of the winter; in fact, the coldest weather since 1994. It dropped below zero and our furnace suddenly was working overtime. To be truthful, the only time the furnace goes on is very late at night when we're all sleeping. The bad part of living on the top floor is leaky roofs; the good part is once the sun is beating on the roof, it heats up the apartment in the winter. To be fair, the money we save on heat during the winter is spent on a/c in the summer.

The peeps were eating their meatless Sunday dinner which I didn't approve of. I had just finished taking a few bites out of my lowly Fancy Feast when I began to cough. In the past, I've only gotten a few asthma attacks every Spring. During the winter I've been fine. There I was: hack * swallow * hack hack * swallow swallow.  Finally I horked up a bit of food and some thick mucus. TW couldn't find the AeroKat; it had been so long since I last got attacked. When she found it, I ran. She found me on Pop's bed. I was still wheezing so she tried to shove the AeroKat in my face. I evaded it. By the time they got back to their meatless meal, it was cold. Heh heh. After dinner, TW discovered another small frow up.

We found out from Mudpie's staff that cats are prone to asthma attacks when the furnace goes on. TW is glad our's only kicks on infrequently. TW will live with the condo being cold as long as I'm ok.

Last Saturday the peeps didn't go shopping cos it was below zero; this Saturday it was 61ºF. Go figure.

That's most of my news. Any good gossip at you place?

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  1. Yikes, dat asthma stuff sounds like it stinks!

  2. The weather these days is crazy! We've had temperatures into the upper 80s and 90s the past couple of weeks! That is totally not right for this time of year, even here in southern California.

  3. I hear rumors that we're supposed to have strangers over to do stuff around the house and we don't like strangers! EEK hope you're doing OK CK.

  4. Whew, it sure sounds like you're all being kept on your toes. I hope your asthma doesn't give you any more trouble, CK. And I'm sorry to hear that your window's leaking. I hope the humans who come to fix it in the spring don't bother you too much, CK.

    We had a stranger over our house the other night, because our outdoor gas meter was leaking. There was no gas leak inside, thank goodness, but a strange man had to come inside because he'd shut down our furnace and water heater and had to come inside to relight them. None of the kitties knew what to do, and there was much scattering. Well, except for Toby, who decided that a staring contest was the best way to handle this stranger.

  5. Sorry to hear about your asthma attack, CK. Our heat rarely goes on, either. We live on the 11th floor of an apartment building, and everyone else's heat rises up hee. We hope the warm weather sticks around so you don't have to use the furnace much again.

  6. It's great you had a flavor you liked! Tiki Cat must be happy to get this report :-)
    How scary you had asthma attack. Glad furnace doesn't go off frequently. And good thing it's getting warmer. We had freezing rain last Monday but it's 63F today!

  7. We know how that nasty asthma stuff is CK and we hope yours isn't bad.

  8. Gosh CK....hope that asthma doesn't attack you again - no way! Has to be very uncomfy. Let's hope you don't need that furnace on again.....

    Hugs, Sammy

  9. Oh CK we's so glad you liked da chicken and duck. it's one of our faves. Mommy sez too bad it's so 'spensive. Sorry y'all have a leak. Dat sounds so crazy to have to wait till spring to fix it. What are ya' posed to do till then, learn to swim? MOL And we's sorry you had a fro up session and an asthma attack. We's just glad it wasn't serious and you be okay. We don' have much news at our place and certainly uffin' as excitin' as a leak, fank da cats. Da weather round here has been warmer we just haven't had much sun with it. Hope y'all stay safe and dry and have a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. You sure had a lot going on CK. Thank you for the update. I am glad you are OK after your asthma attack. We are going to be writing about the Taste of the Wild we won from you tomorrow.

  11. I am glad you are okay after your asthma attack, CK. If you had told me I would have rushed over to comfort you. I hope the window doesn't leak too much before it get fixed. Our indoor porch had a leak last week from all the torrential rain. Mum put a bucket under it until my dad could fix it. That was okay until I stood on the edge to watch the drips and tipped it over.

  12. We're glad you're okay after your asthma attack, CK. That musta not been much fun for you or TW. Not much going on here. The mom is still home recuperating from her surgery. For the most part she doesn't bother us much...and we get fed earlier than when she is working. So score one for us.

  13. CK....pipes burst on floor three in de apart mint complex de food servizz gurl lived in yeerz bak...her lived in de basemint unit.....can ya say.... what a ****** mess that waz....letz hope springs rite round de korner N de sooper can get a fix on that for ya......sorree bout de a tack oh de wheezeez; we hope another never showz itz nastee self ever again....stay a way frum dairee...N we hate ta say ♥♥♥

  14. We're glad to know you're all right after your asthma attack, CK. It makes sense that the furnace can kick off an attack. When it has been idle, it must gather dust like everything else, right?

  15. You're very lucky the furnace isn't on much. Ours is on several times a day. And it's a forced air furnace, the worst kind for asthma and allergy sufferers. Next summer I'm getting it professionally cleaned with hopes that takes care of things.

  16. My asthma kicked in this fall when the people behind us started burning wood for heat instead of what most city people burn. M was not happy because she could smell it in the house and I started coughing again. Fortunately, the weather got too cold and I think they got tired of chopping wood, because for the past two months, we haven't smelled it again. We bought a HIPPA Filter for our furnace just to help me, and for the most part, it works ------ except when the people in the back burn their wood.

  17. Wow--that's more news than I have all year. Right now the only news that matters is that the Human is on an accreditation team for a big ole high school and it's about 100x more work than she wants to do. She is taking half of tomorrow and half of Wednesday off from her OWN job at her OWN school to try to make some headway. Sheesh. She is really a PI this kitty's A the last few weeks. Maybe by mid-March she'll emerge from her cocoon. Sigh. I miss you my sweet girl! XOXOXO

  18. These temperatures whack, CK. We can't believe it was 60 yesterday and Saturday, and today was in the 50s. Is it really February in the Northeast???

    We hope your asthma does not flare up again, dear pal.

  19. Yep, I don't remember it ever being so cold as it was last weekend. We had a pipe freeze for the first time in all the many years we've lived here.
    Lots of drama at your place - hope things are back to normal!
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  20. Hi my sweet! "Wingardium Leviosa" is a spell from Harry Potter that makes things rise up into the air. I still need some practice. Another good spell is "Accio" that brings things right to you. Like "Accio CK"! XOXO

  21. oh jeese, BFGF I am so sorry to learn your asthma kicked in. As for me, so far, only one small toss up in the last couple of weeks. I did it when my humans left last weekend for 4 days away. I get anxious when they are gone. Otherwise, I am almost back on my raw diet and more playful and affectionate. As for our weather, it is pitifully sunny and too warm for this time of year and our lovely rains have disappeared. Bummer


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