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Wednesday Word—Bath

Wednesday Word—Bath

Wednesday Word—Bath

Wednesday Word—Bath

Wednesday Word—Bath

All clean!

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  1. Oh, thank Cod! For a minute when I saw the title I was afraid there might be ::shudder:: water. XOXO

  2. Bath? Or are you just trying to hide from the prying lens of the paparazzi?

  3. You are clean and sparkling :-)

  4. You are sure "stunning"! No question about it CK, those whites are shining brighter now!

  5. Thank Ceilong Cat you used kitty spit! Like Spitty, I was frantic thinking TW had *shudder* used water on you for some odd ball reason.

  6. Oh how I wish my Boys could do that and come out clean! Cats are cool when it comes to bathing.

  7. nothing better than a fastidiously clean kitty, which is obviously what you are! catchatwithcarenandcody

  8. Looking good, CK! Are you getting ready for visitors?

  9. I feel a bit like a voyeur watching you have such a thorough bath!

  10. So that's how you keep your floof so beautiful!

  11. You're giving yourself a spit shine, CK!

  12. That is a beautiful bed CK. Are you expecting a visitor that you are getting all shinned up?

  13. If only dogs were allowed to take baths like this ...ours are much worse, much MUCH worse.

  14. I agree with Pip, if only we were allowed to take baths like this the world would be a better place. You do look really clean to me CK! Did you know that Molly Mew gets a full bath in the tub every couple of months? She doesn't mind getting full water baths.

    She doesn't love them but she doesn't hate them.

  15. You've got to stay stunning somehow! Now we all know your secret. ;) You do quite a thorough bath routine. Very cute!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  16. This is the only way to have a bath...none of this water bit.


  17. I, too, thought there might be water involved. Thank catness there wasn't!


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