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Wednesday Word—Tocktober

Stunning Keisha
I’m hear to talk to you about Tocks.

Every October, the Cat Blogosphere celebrates Tocktober to honor Angel Derby. I didn’t really know Angel Derby but I salute his memory.

Since I don’t believe a cat of my statue [sic] should be showing her tocks, I have ordered hired HHGutt to be my stand-in. I called him HHTocks for the occasion. Of course I had to snoopervise to make sure he did it correctly. I wouldn’t even permit him the courtesy of a Band-Aid to cover sensitive areas. Scroll over the image to read what I told him.

Stunning Keisha & HHTocks

You wouldn’t catch moi, a famous internet cat, showing her dainty tocks. This IS a family blog and I not down with cheap gimmicks even for a furrend. OK, I’m outta here!

Stunning Keisha

Show us your tocks!

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  1. Oh my, they're *very* nice, my dearest. Sigh. Time to sleep now. And dream . . .

  2. I think you need to speak with the paparazzi, CK!

  3. HHGutt has got such stunning tocks :-) He did great job keeping the blog family-friendly while not wearing fig leaf :-)

  4. Funny! Don't think I can get Athena to show her tocks :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  5. MomKatt keeps trying to get a pic of mine but suddenly I've grow modest apparently. She can't figure it out. Do butt-licking pics count?


  6. Happy Tocktober ! Stunning Tocks indeed ! Purrs

  7. I bet you have a beautiful pair of tocks CK! he he Too bad you won't let us see them - please!!!!!

  8. CK....even yur tocks shotz R grate...make sure TW rememburrz yur tockz shot foto number.... for fryday foto frenzee !! ♥♥♥

  9. Oh, you were definitely tricked, CK! I still haven't snapped Mudpie's 'tocks!!!

  10. MOL Weez not get da whole tocks fin eever CK and fankfully mommy dusn't take many fotos of our nether regions. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  11. Dainty tocks CK! They're not the, *swing your tocks and knock out the flocks* type of tocks I thought you'd have. You always fool me.


  12. Great tocks- I love your pumpkin tattoo :)

  13. Hey, what's wrong with showing your 'tocks?? We showed ours...and are proud of it!

  14. Mom has been trying to get good photos of our tocks but we've been uncooperative as always.Clever idea to have a stand in.

  15. Good job of standing in by HH Gutt. Happy Tocktober, CK!

  16. Are you feeling girlish enough to come occupy your bloo pillow? My strong jawline is waiting for you. I'm feeling extra-mancatly tonight. Heh, heh.

  17. Allie: Oh gurrrlfriend, I'm with you! No tocks here!

  18. We weren't interested in showing our tocks either, but we convinced Lily to do it. You were lucky to have HHTocks to coerce. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Hahaha! You and me both had a body double!! Almost!


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