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Breakfast at Keisha’s

Of course I’m comfortable.
Of course I’m comfortable? Why wouldn’t I be?

It was just another easy like Sunday with Pop only I found a new “bed” to lay upon. It was the peeps new cereal. I know I’ve told you they stuff their faces with unhealthy sweet stuff, but they both agreed that this healthy kibble is pretty darn good.

I agree it’s a good place to rest my stunning body on and accept a petting from my Pop. Besides, what could be more appropriate for my ancient peeps to eat than Cheerios + Ancient Grains. HAH!

I love my Pop

I hope none of you have a problem with my being on the table while the peeps enjoy their breakfast but it’s not like I’m walking through their plates. I'm allowed to sit anywhere cos I bite and scratch and they’re scared of me. Oh yeah, I love my Pop!

What do your peeps enjoy for breakfast and are you allowed to enjoy it with them?

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  1. Those look like Glogirly's favorite cereal! Multi-grain Cheerios??? That's her go-to. With fresh strawberries or blueberries if she has them. Unless Eggs Benny is calling her name.

    And here you thought we were going to say Waffles. ; )

  2. My human eats honey roasted cashews at her messy desk for breakfast, so I don't share in that, and her boyfriend has something called Bulletproof Coffee for his breakfast (it's really a "thing," apparently), so I'm kind of out of luck! But at dinnertime, you can find me and Binga on the table frequently!

  3. My peeps eat all kindsa stuff - usually Saturday brunch has bacon and eggs which are my favorite day. Sunday is usually coffee cake or pancakes or somefin. Durin da week it are cereal, yogurts, and fruit mostly. And yeah, I get to share. If all four of em are at da table, I'm made to move it, but if it's just my momma and Crockett's momma, sometimes dey'll let me stay.

  4. I've just had a poached egg and tomatoes on toast - it was delicious. I usually have to share with the furry one but today she left me in peace as she hasn't deigned to get up yet!

  5. Maybe you should try some Halloween-themed breakfast, like bat-flakes or spider-mash.

  6. Those are such stunning photos CK and it looks like breakfast on bed!

  7. Your new "bed" looks very pretty and comfy! I love the 2nd picture where you are having petting from Pop. So sweet! I eat with Goro on the table :-)

  8. I think I need an eye exam, I thought that was a pillow you were on with little circles :)

  9. my peeps usually have oatmeal...(and they don't usually eat at the same time). I eat when Dad, Cody

  10. Ohhhh it's looking all spoooooooky here on the blog! love it!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  11. That cereal looks like it makes a nice comfy bed. My mum has melon and nuts for breakfast. No chance of me wanting to share that!

  12. Mom is just a plain oatmeal kinda gal and we have no interest in that mush!

  13. ck...thiz fotoz oh ewe rocks de houz....we gived it a stunning times twelve ~~~~~ frank lee we think that peepulz kibble looks pretty good....yes, we confess.... we haz eaten seer ee ull..... heer in de land oh trout; we troo lee R knot all bout ree fuse in..... de caca chckn carcazz ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥ { spesh ull K iz prettee good .....tho FSG doez knot eat any brekfast.... sew her eatz it at dinner coz her it THAT kinda weerd ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  14. The Staff makes her own breakfast up out of fruit and what to me looks like sawdust!!! I think your peeps are more civilised! AND of course you should be on the table or wherever you want to be!! ;) xoxox

  15. Mommy's favorite breakfast right now is an english muffin with Trader Joe's pumpkin cookie butter spread on it :) I, too, am allowed on the table if I so choose! --Mudpie

  16. Hey, you shoot a good pose on that bag of cheerios. Mom doesn't eat breakfast...oh, right....she sometimes has a piece of weight watcher's toast packed heavy with English marmalade...hehe....she's not getting any thinner. MOL


  17. The head peep isn't much of a breakfast eater most of the time, but Ashton is always glad to sample some of her oatmeal if she does eat some.

  18. Sometimes the mom eats cereal like what your peeps eat, CK, and if I'm persistent, she gives me the leftover milk. :) ~Wally

  19. I'd like to think Keisha *IS* my breakfast, mrrrrrrow. So tasty! Sorry the Human's been negligent, my dearest!

  20. Looks really comfy to take a nap on thoose cereals , CK :)


  21. Looks like yous in da purrfect spot fur handouts CK. Ifin mommy has bwead, she likes to eat toast. Udderwise, she usually don't eat bwekky. Oh, she duz luv doughnuts, but rarely has those. Cost too much money she sez.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexo

  22. So, that last picture makes my heart go all pitty-pat, and not only from thinking how much fun it would be to rip open that bag and play with all those O's . . . and you, of course.

  23. We have breakfast in bed during the week and TKS and I are on the bed with Mom. dad sits in a chair. He always brings coffee or tea to Mom every AM for like decades. As for the table, I don't like to get up when they eat dinner...but TKS joins them often


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