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Wednesday Word—Idol

Cat at window with laser eyes
I’m gonna wait here till they come back! Maybe they’ll see my lasers.

TW has been having a lot of trouble falling asleep. She was lying awake at 2:30 a.m. when she heard a loudspeaker or some kind of speaker phone outside of the building. Usually the only time we hear those is when the town needs to inform the residents to boil their water or some emergency. It went on for awhile so she finally staggered went to the window.

The culprit was a double-decker bus; one of those sightseeing tour buses. TW has seen all the sightseeing buses in NYC but never around here. They also have party buses with wet bars and dance floors; kinda like a bar crawl but the bar travels along with you. TW surmised this was a party bus that got lost on their way to Hoboken when everyone on the top of the bus raised their arms and shouted in chorus. She figured they were blitzed. I know different. They were my fans hoping to catch a glimpse of me.

Keisha love

You know how they set up tours past famous people’s houses? Well, these people had actually paid to ride past MY condo. This tour was organized to let tourists see where a famous internet cat lived. If you look closely, it says “The Keisha Tour” on the side of the bus. The applause was for me. Whoa! Gimme a second to let those words soak in. I’ll bet when they saw someone come to the window, they thought it might be me in the fur. which is why they broke into raucous applause. I bet I’m their idol and favorite internet star.

That was a sightseeing bus, wasn’t it?

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  1. Geez, I want to be popular - but I don't know if I want to be THAT famous!

  2. Wow! You ARE famous. We have NO traffic on our little street.

  3. Wow CK, you have reached superstar status!

  4. Well that certainly doesn't surprise me!

  5. Awesome! And they knew to come at night since you probably nap all day, right?

  6. We think all those people were your fans for sure, CK! We'll definitely go enter your giveaway - pumpkin is great stuff!

  7. No that was no bus that was lost. Those were all your fans CK - you are famous. It wouldn't surprise me if you would see "fly overs" there too - fans from across the pond coming to see you. I hope you at least waved your paw at them.

  8. ck....ya wanna noe de trooth, de hole trooth & sum thin.......

    theeze IZ yur fanz come back frum Chez CK..... wear they all dined & wined on CK merlot......

    frank lee we gotta bee honest & tell ya that waz knot a SITE SEE IN bus..... it wuz one oh thoz TOORIST buzez that take peepuls round ta like famouz places ta see famouz peepulz & cats .....

    uh.......wait a minit......

    oh kay then....haza grate afturr noon ~~~~ ♥3♥♥

  9. I am humbled to know someone as stunning and popular as you, CK.

  10. There iss no kittygurl more deeservin Stunnin Keisha!!!!
    Hope TW yur Mumma got sum sleep tho'. Hu'manss can bee so-o cranky if they not get enuff sleep ;)
    **nose kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  11. CK...of course that tour bus was slowing down to view your are infamous and deserve a horde of peeps coming after you. I know, you're going to say I'm jealous! I'm not....don't want hordes of anything after me....I scare easy, remember. Play it cool and you'll have hordes more after your furs.


  12. You are totally right, CK. I bet that your apartment is listed on one of those "homes of the famous" tours. Everyone was there just for you! :) I will have to get on one of those tours if I ever make it out that way. You are pawsome!
    - Purrs from your friends at

  13. Of COURSE they were your fans....who else could they be?

    The Florida Furkids

  14. That is super cool those people came to see your condo. Next time, you should actually come to the window and wave...that will make the fans very happy :-) And I may be in the bus when you do that!

  15. You are a star!
    Have a super Wednesday...

    Noodle and crew

  16. Well how cool that you have your own tour bus groupies..pity they did not bring offerings of treats..lousy tourists :) loves Fozziemum xx

  17. So you're now part of the sightseeing tour, CK?? We knew that was bound to happen. ;)

  18. That is a tour that I want to go on. :)

  19. The Keisha Tour? Where do we sign up for that???

  20. They must have paid a lot of money to ride on the Keisha Tour bus. You are an amazing superstar.

  21. Do you know where we can get a schedule for the Keisha Fan Tour Bus? This would be a dream to be able to drive by and see you in the window, paw waving to us as we enjoy niptinis! If your human complains she cannot sleep because of your fans, simply tell her if she wants to hang with the important, a celebricat such as yourself she needs to buck it up and quit whining. It's not the life for the weak and square, so perhaps she should check in to the old human's home if she wants a dull life. It's not your fault your naturally stunning.

  22. C.K., we know that they were definitely there for you s you are an uber FAMOUS internet cat and international STAR. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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