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Don’t Call Me Animal

We used to have the actual Sesame Street character Animal but the peeps gave
him away so Oscar the Grouch will have to stand in for him.

Are you ready for this week’s 52 Snapshots’ photo challenge? I think I am. It was kinda hard to decide which way to go with the theme of Animal. Since I don’t consider myself to be an animal, I thought maybe I’d use pics of the peeps but decided it was a bad idea.

While we’re on the subject of animals, I have to get something offa my chest. I don’t like it when human garbage aka human excrement are called animals. That’s an insult to those who walk upon four legs. Real animals kill for food; we don’t kill for sport or fun. We don’t walk into elementary schools, campuses, movie theatres and kill everyone in there. Human excrement does that. We don’t kill prized lions to put on our trophy wall; we don’t kill majestic elephants for their ivory. That’s more human excrement. They’re not to be confused with beautiful, gentle animals. We know how to control our tempers and our weapons. Rant over.

This is my hedgehog. I used to have a Twitter furrend named
@HellaHedgie. Hedgehogs are animals, aren’t they?

Thanks to Christina and The Lazy Pit Bull for hosting the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge this week and every week throughout 2015. For those who would like to participate, next week’s theme is World. It’s a small world after all with the interwebs.

So many of you liked last week’s Paint Pro 3 PS actions that I decided to feature a few more today as my submissions to the Caturday Art Blog Hop. They were both done with different settings of the same action. Since TW decided for some warped reason to waste my time by shooting an entire photo op with Oscar right into the glare on my Tree of Pain, I decided to “save” some of the images by using them as art.

The one below is the Paint Pro 3 Detailed. This almost looks like a cartoon filter. Per usual, you can biggify them if you’d like. Doesn’t Oscar look funny? Don’t I look annoyed?

Thanks to Athena and Marie for hosting the pawsome Caturday Art Blog Hop every week. Without it, TW would still be clueless about photoshop. Stop by the see some creative anipals strutting their newest art images.

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  1. The cartoon style filter effect is awesome!

  2. COOL pictures with you and Animal with cartoon filter !!


  3. Amen, CK, Amen. Absolutely nothing makes me angrier than hearing a murderous human being called an animal. You will never see animals do the horrific things that humans do. I scream at my TV every single time!

  4. I love the filter pictures. I also agree with you on the human animal thing. They are not worthy of the name.

  5. Excellent photos! So agree with you. Humans think they are so superior. Makes me mad when I hear some idiot human say that about animals.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  6. BOL CK, you crack me up!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  7. It's a great rant and Oscar the Grouch adds the perfect touch! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

  8. Worth while rant CK. I love that effect you got with PaintPro. Guess I'll have to check that out. Maybe I can get M to help me again this week so I can enter the blog hop.

  9. You are so correct CK. I love your art too, even though I am more of a Cookie Monster fan :)

  10. Oh MeOW CK those awe gweat fotos. We luv da effects. And Groucho or whatever hims name is duz look a bit cool. MOL Have a gweat weekene.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  11. Totally agree with your rant, CK. I love the effect on these photos and the way it accentuates the white around your nose.

  12. I totall agree with you about your rant. Animals don't kill with such horrible intentions like some humans do.
    I love your art images. They look super cool!

  13. A good rant, CK! That last pic is superb! I really like that :)

  14. I totally agree with you on your rant CK. I love that last picture.

  15. TW did a great job for you! You're so lucky she's got talent. Unlike some human I know....

  16. LOVED the cartoon filter - and we totally agree with your rant.

  17. We agree about the human excrement....don't call them animals but call them S--t faces. That feels so good.

    We loved your picture last week and are crazy over them this week.


  18. We think that last photo is super cool. It does make you look a bit miffed and Oscar like some crazy sea creature. Super cool. Rants are allowed, especially when it is about something so serious that sickens us all. Hope to see you for Sunday Selfies tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. I think I love you!! Totally agree about the human excrement. <3

    Did you notice you talked about anipals and animals in the same blog post? LOL!

  20. I looked for the photos of Animal from when my children were small and we went to Sesame Street Live each year! MOL! I love Oscar the Grouch too. ♥

  21. Rant on, CK, rant on. We so agree with you.

  22. The Mom likes your term "human excrement" for peoples like that, MOL! We love your Caturday Art, too. :)

  23. CK you always have great SPFX for Caturday Art!

  24. You are spot on with your rant, CK! Paws up!

  25. Those last pics are The Bomb! We loves that filter--but you do look a little cross in that last one.

    We could not agree more with your rant!!! Preach it, CK!

    And then come over and snooze on your blue pillow.

  26. The hedgehog is definitely an animal. We don't like the way humans refer to things with the words dog or animal either. Rather insulting many times.

  27. We pump our paws in the air for you Keisha, your words are not just a rant- they are truth, ones that should be shared with the world and all future generations.
    Purrs to mew,
    Clove & Kaspars


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