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Wednesday Word of the Day—THURSDAY

Yeah, its Thursday and TW finally is gonna work on my WEDNESDAY blog. What's that woman? No, you don't have to clean the bathrooms. Let them lick themselves clean! You've made my furrends wait long enough! Sheesh! She's still super dizzy from the double ear inflections and the antibiotics are making her rumbly in the tumbly.

Please disregard the mess
and focus on the stuning cat.
The Wednesday World of the Day was supposed to be OVERKILL! If you look at the photo, you'll know why. Every inch of the living room is covered with decorations that have been collecting over the past 50 years. There's no surfaces left for me to climb on or walk on, except my cat furniture and they better open the new one up quickly. I'm a patient cat, but I'm losing my patience  quickly. In fact, yesterday morn, I bit Pop's leg so hard, it gave him a cramp. Don't be messin' wid the cat! Did I mention, I'll be holding a rummage sale after the holidays to get rid of all this mess? HAH!

Where's a cat supposed to jump anyways?
Click on the picture to biggify it, if you dare.
Next week's word will probably be TREE. Sunday, the peeps are going Christmas tree shopping with Aunt Marta, Uncle Vince and their brand new baby. Who knows if maybe Frasier won't come back, although I was sure that he'd met a dastardly fate in January. More to come next week.

Have a great weekend. OK, woman, clean those bathrooms if they haven't taken care of themselves. Dunno who's lazier, you or those bathrooms. Uh, when was the last time my litter box was cleaned??

BTW, you still have a few more days to get your name entered for some Royal Canin noms. Don't make me have to eat them all myself.

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  1. Looks like lots of fun toys to me CK,bet you can't knock them all down in under a minute!

  2. That sure is a lot of stuff. And why haven't you knocked it all down??? Get busy. That is really pretty. Take care and have a great day.

  3. My goodness CK. Start knocking them down..hurry!


  4. Mom loves all the decorations, I have to watch where I wag my tail in this joint once the holiday knicky knacks come out, so I understand! We're wondering how the new(er) kitties are going to react to the tree when it goes up!!!!!

  5. My human has a bunch of holiday stuff too, only it's mainly ornaments for the tree - she has so many of them she practically needs a second tree! Even stupider, in all the time I've lived with her, I think she has put the tree up maybe three times - that is three out of nine!

  6. Oh.My.

    And *I* thought all Santa elves frowed up in OUR living room!

    And, C.K., your People? They have a Little Problem. Not to worry though--there's a 12-Step Program for it: Holiday Tchotchkes Anonymous. I understand there are a lot of meetings this time of year. Send them.

  7. Hahameow at Spitty! We dared to biggify! We just took note of the lovely CK! Keep us updated on this Frasier. We read all about the day he met his dastardly fate!

  8. Now CK, with all your spunk, I'm surprised you haven't already knocked them all off. What's up girl - are you losing your edge too? he he And I thought M had a lot of "stuff."

  9. You sure made me smile with that comment just now..

  10. Do you think Santa could be up on your roof already? What's he doing there? Do you think he might be drilling a hole to use on Christmas Eve?

    I'm kind of worried that if he tries that here, he'll leave all my stuff in the apartment of the guy two floors up, and we don't like him. He'd prolly play wif my toys himself just to be mean. That can't be what he's really doing, right? Right?

  11. There was an old woman who sat on a Fly
    I don't know why she sat on the Fly
    Perhaps she'll die!

    Or maybe that was "swallowed"? Heh heh. I mean, you wouldn't kill or anyfing, CK, wud you?

  12. Oh that collection would not last one early morn here at Headquarters...I'm a bad kitty with regards to ornaments on surfaces when I want my morning Num-Nums. How long do they last at your house?


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