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I Said No Pictures!

Hola kitties! Are you bothered by having a flashy box in yo' face day in and day out? Being a celebriCAT, everybuddy wants to take my photo. There's just so many I'll stand for before I lose my cool. Some photo shoots last 20-30 shots and that plays on my nerves especially when the reward is less than 10 nommy treats. The galling thing is sometimes TW still doesn't get a decent photo to use on a blog post.

I Said No Pictures!

This picture was taken at the start of one such session. I wasn't in the mood for pawpawrazzi I wanted to chill and TW wanted me to pose for an Easter blog post shoot.

I Said No Pictures!

TW: Just a few hundred more.

CK: No! My agent said you haven't paid us enough. Show us the treats or we walk.

TW: Look stunning for the camera!

CK: I said NO pictures! Photoshop me in! *goes after photographer then storms out of the room*

I Said No Pictures!

Is this the way many of your photo shoots end?

Would you like to comment?

  1. We don't mind the camera and have totally purrfected the ignore thing CK!

  2. You should definitely get paid at least one treat per shot. XO

  3. CK....when de "purrson" eye willna menshunz any namez food servizz gurl iz takin de fotoz N aimz de camera at me face, clix N... N de fotoz showz de floor..........and eye am never a loud ta haz treetz ....peer ee od ~~~~~~~~well .........

    tuna of moon ♥♥☺☺

  4. Well, I am a lot more cooperative! In fact, on the BlogPaws red carpet, I stopped RIGHT in front of the official photographer and looked right at him so he would get the shot! Everyone but my human was pretty amazed by that.

  5. I would demand a bag of treats for each shot, humans are so stingy. ;)

  6. I don't go after da pawpurrazzi, I just close my eyes and refuse to open em.

  7. Yes, or blurs upon blurs upon blurs!

  8. Yup...there isn't a lot of cooperation around here sometimes either.

  9. This has to be one of my favorite posts ever. Especially after reading Summer's comment. Hahaha. The good star and the bad star that breaks up hotel rooms.

  10. Most of our photo shoots don’t go well either, CK. We look away from the camera...or walk away totally. And no amount of treats gets us back.

  11. We're a little more cooperative that you, CK. But our pawparazzi is fast - he gets in, gets out, and nobuddy gets hurt! Hugs - Gracie and Ava

  12. I don't mind photos as long as there's no flash. But there's no guarantee I will look at the camera, or even in Mom's direction. Thankfully, Mom has a camera where she can tilt the flash up so it's not blinding me.

  13. Hi CK! Mes will usually let the Mom get a few photos before mes wanders off, but Lita is much more difficult to photograph - hers always looks away. The Mom has to do all kinds of tricks to get hers to look over toward the flashy box. Meanwhiles, mes watches and laughs, MOL!

  14. Ours tend to fall asleep. So I have to work fast!

  15. Now that's one action packed photo shoot! Yeah we get the same treatment over here. Too many pictures not enough noms. And mom is constantly telling us to look up or at her...whats the deal? Crazy humoms! MOL. Purrs

  16. Pawparazzis are so demanding yet they offer so little treats for the photoshoot!

  17. You certainly let TW know how you felt about having your photo take. Flynn loved the camera and would pose and even smile. Eric nearly always turned away and most of his photos were taken with the zoom.

  18. MOL! Or photo shoots are hit and miss. But at least I have five cats to choose from! Sophie is usually the most cooperative. Olive the least! (That's a tortie, for ya.)

  19. Oh CK, you're so adorable. We actually luv foto shoots. Well that is ifin mommy 'members to put her finger over the red dlashy dot. Otherwise it kind'a hurts our eyes. Now, mommy got that new smarty pants fone and we don't like foto shoots with that thing at all. The flash be way too bright. But, what's this 'bout treats? You get treats fur foto shoots? We need to have a meow with mommy. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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