How was your week? Nothing much happening here. Monday we got about four inches of rain and on Tuesday, the roofers were back. TW found a flood in the common stairwell and I'm sure that wasn't the only leak. They're installing FIOS in our community so now they have a surveillance camera in the Refuse Room, where the FIOS box is located. No more going out at 1 a.m. in her cat pj's for TW. You don't need FIOS to check out the Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy, Friendly Fill-ins and art that follows.

Edie—or was it Jake?—made a great pick with #223 from April 2010. I ran this one once before but since Edie is such a good friend of this blog, I didn't want to disappoint her. I was trying to get some shut eye on the comfy chair with the Yankee blankee but, of course, the flashy box found me. Besides this shot, she took 12 other photos. I guess she was waiting for me to get up and tap dance for her. I’ll bet you almost want to kiss my stunning little nose. (Heh heh. Make my day!) The foto is a bit on the dark side which makes it kinda dramatic. Our condo doesn’t have much natural light after about 11 a.m. but TW tries to make do without the flash with varying degrees of success. This one works.

Merry Christmas from me to Canadian Cat Shoko, who wanted the see the foto coinciding with the current year #2018. This was taken in December 2011. A cat's work is never done. The peeps were decorating the tree which left the snoopervising up to me. I had to see that Pop hung the lights right and they didn't leave any branches without decorations. I see some bare branches, peeps. Chop, chop! I have to have some patience with them. Those two flag ornaments are 9/11 tributes. The ornament closest to me was, ahem, "liberated" from the tree in Jersey City hall but not by us. The "yellow" Santa is a family heirloom. In December, I should do a series about some of the ornament like I've seen others do.

The Friendly Fill-Ins are hosted each and every week by 15andmeowing and McGuffy's Reader. They think up the fill-ins and I think up the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it relates to numbers one. I'm playing with my all-time favorite cat toys.
1. New cat toys are usually ignored in this condo. That's the truth. I'd rather run through my tunnel and chase rockets than play with cat toys. Of course, there are some I love, love, love—the Skinneeezz, peppermint stick and the crown toys you see in the image.
2. I love to bite on the peeps' ankles when they pass me in the hallway. Dunno why they get so cranky. Must be old age.
3. When I was a
4. One day, I might be a lap cat. HAH! I crack myself up. I only lay on their pants when they're not in them.
It's artsy fartsy time. Pop! It's only an expression! *holds nose and fans air* Whoa! Some humans take everything literally. Anyhoo … I wanted something to complement the Christmas foto Shoko chose so I laid the red and green paint on thickly.

This is my early entry for The Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum which provides a platform for anipal artists to showcase their latest digital, Photoshop and original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn you into a regular PiCATso.
CK, my human and I would love to hear about the ornaments next winter - those stories are one of the best things about Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a lap cat either. Sometimes I like to sit next to my momma, but sittin on da lap are not for me.
ReplyDeleteGood answers, great photos and always fabulous art CK!
ReplyDeleteI like both photo choices this week. I do want to kiss that adorable nose. And I do think you should write about the different ornaments, I love Christmas. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. Your peeps sure do sound cranky to get mad at you for "playing" with their ankles :) You should try a lap sometime, they are nice and warm.I love your art too. Have a nice weekend! XO
ReplyDeleteHmmm, yeah, I don't see lap cat in your future. But TW can always hope!
ReplyDeleteLove foto # 223. It's so hard not to kiss you stunning nose, even if we know the consequences :-) Love your gorgeous artwork, too!
ReplyDeleteAwesome photo choices! We'd like to hear about your different ornaments. Love your fill-ins this week. And what a gorgeous artwork! No, not gorgeous. Stunning!
ReplyDeleteSorry about the leak and the noisy roofers!
ReplyDeleteI think TW should go out in her cat pjs - she'll be the talk of the association.
ReplyDeleteCool art. The red & green go with the Christmas-themed photo. Mom tried to make some art this week, but she has limited skill in this area and is never thrilled with how most effects work with solid black cats.
CK, you certainly rule the roost with a iron paw...and pointy teefs!
ReplyDeleteMudpie answered toys for #1 too but the second half is completely different! Is it wrong that I love seeing Christmas pictures even when it's supposed to be spring? I think Christmas should be twice a year :)
ReplyDeleteFunny answers. Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteJake is honored that you ran photo #223 again. He's not a lap cat either but he does enjoy a cuddle here and there. I'll have to blog about it. He likes to sit as close as he can to my face, and of course he needs to use his claws to get what he wants. Have a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteLove the art and you're so funny, CK!
ReplyDeletePurrs xx
Athena and Marie
What an interesting Christmas Tree. Your mom liberates some decorations. Good for her....so does my mom. Collecting memories, she says. I say she stole them. mol
ReplyDeleteYour art work is rather Christmasy in itself. Very well done my friend.
Your nose does look very kissable, and I would probably be stupid enough to try. We have been away for 5 days and there was a cat at the bed and breakfast we stayed at. She was called Holly to tie in with your Christmas theme. The owner said don't trust her, she is friendly and then attacks without warning. She kept rolling over and purring for me but I told her she wasn't catching me and would have to make do with ear scritches. She would even get on my lap and purr. Yeah, you guessed it. I came home with the battle scars on my arm! I never learn!
ReplyDeleteI like your red and green art.
You always have super answers and nifty photos!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend...
Noodle and crew
Wow...thanx fur sharing! We didn't know all those things about you. You ignore most cat toys AND bite peeps ankles? Mi Goodness! Anyway, thanks for your Caturday visitation and we want to tell you we are very taken with your artwork!
ReplyDeleteNice photos and art, CK! Paisley likes to attack my feet when I sitting in the recliner and can't see her coming. She always looks so gleeful when I jump and yelp! The cats are picking new #s since their original ones were already taken. Paisley picks #6034 and Webs picks #1659. :)
ReplyDeleteCK, we love your fotos and artwork. What we didn't love was that crazypants rainstorm on Monday. I'm sure Pop had "fun" commuting in that (I know I did)!
ReplyDeleteKeisha.....OMCs we think you are 200% stunning...and we love your charcoal grayish nose too.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe our furs are about the same shade of gray
Hugs and thanks for visiting us yesterday
Hugs Madi another Gray Lady
Sounds like fill in we'd like t do