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Pop Art Princess

I have to keep my voice low cos I'm posting from the Hoity Toity Museum where I've hung my art. I want to thank you all for the blogoversary wishes yesterday. It means a lot to me. I've hung my art in this museum but I don't think they appreciate it. Could it be cos I hung it over one of their "art" pieces? They've got all these "famous" people hanging on the walls—not the people but painting with the people's faces on them. I dunno who Frida is but I'm photobombing her. My image is prolly the most famous one hanging there and they should be thanking me.

Pop Art Princess

So this week I didn't use Dreamscope. I wanted to think a little more out of the box. (BTW, the peeps are glad I've been thinking IN the box in Pop's bathroom. MOL)

Pop Art Princess

I was sorta channeling Roy Lichtenstein without the yellow hair and cartoon bubbles. I still have my pride.

Pop Art Princess

I used the same pic for both paintings. Originally, I thought my fave was the top one but I think I like the bottom piece better. How about you?

TW always cries that the eight years we've been blogging are eight years she'll never get back. Don't believe her. We've made so many wonderful furrends and friends; we can't believe how lucky we are. Plus, TW taught herself Photoshop, a skill she couldn't master while she was working. Ironically, if she had mastered it, I wouldn't have a blog cos she would have been working a few extra years. Also, ironically, this art wasn't created in PS.

If you liked my art—or even if you didn't—you can see more feline and pet art by checking out Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for all the creative links in the Caturday Art Blog Hop. Athena and her mum would love to have you visit.

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  1. Would you believe that last week before I did something different I started with a pop art version and had titled it Pop Art Princess???

  2. Weather you are in the box or out, you made some great pieces of artwork there, CK :) Pawkisses for an Arty Caturday :) <3

  3. I like the top one too. It sort of looks like you are a cave kitty sticking your head out of your cave. Happy Caturday!

  4. We are sorry we missed your Blogoversary, Belated Happy Blogoversary we hope you had a good one and we are so glad you got your blog so we could meet you. We think any art gallery should be honored to have a painting of YOU hanging on their walls.

  5. I love your art, it is much nicer than any art I have seen in a museum. XO

  6. We like the second one better too, CK. Y'know...the mom wants to learn photoshop but she's so dense, there;s no way she could teach herself.

  7. Wow, I loved your pics CK. I liked the top picture best cause you look like you could clean someone's clock and then stuff them in it. hehe


  8. Happy belated blogoversary! Love your art works, CK.
    Glad you are thinking inside the box in bathroom :-)

  9. I love your pop art pictures! That one looks like you could sell it for sure. It is very inspiring. Maybe that's what I could do to get my creativity up and running. Thank you.

  10. CK, that beret looks FAB! I just watched a show called, "How It's Made" on TV and they made thick felt berets...what a fascinating process! And it's hard to pick my favorite, because each one has it's own unique more modern art, the other kind of impressionist. Hmmm....

  11. As always CK, your art is furtastic. Sorry we've not been 'round much, we've had a lot goin' on and mommy's not been very good at helpin' us visit. But, we think 'bout ya' every day. And we've been sayin' some purrayers fur ya' too. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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