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A Very Valerian Christmas and Giveaway

A Very Valerian Christmas and Giveaway

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and then we have Black Friday, one of the biggest scams shopping days of the year. Christmas will be here before you know it. In the condo we've had our Christmas lights lit for a few weeks (really!) and are in full ho-ho-ho mode. We're not the only ones celebrating early. The new line of holiday cat toys is now available at the Bavarian Cat Toy™ company and they sent me some really cute samples. Later I'm gonna give four winners a chance to win toys from their holiday line.

Disclaimer: I received compensation in exchange for my fair and honest review. Bavarian Cat Toys is not responsible for the contents of this post. Stunning Keisha only shares products and information that I believe are of interest to my readers.

You might remember Bavarian Cat Toys cos I gave away some of their goodies, er, toys, a few months ago. Allow me to give you a refresher course on our sponsor. The Aumeuller-Korbwaren family hand make these toys in Germany for Bavarian Cat Toys. The toys, sold throughout Europe and now available in the U.S., feature Bavarian-grown ingredients such as valerian, lavender, and anise. Natural spelt filling gives the toys shape and assures long-lasting quality and fun.

A Very Valerian Christmas and Giveaway

Some may find valerian too, er, pungent but not this kitteh. Valerian root contains the chemical valerinone which is similar to nepetalactone in catnip. While catnip has to be really good to grab my attention, the aroma of valerian gets it right away. After all, this is still the dawning of the age of valerian!

A Very Valerian Christmas and Giveaway

TW agrees that these are the cutest toys ever! I received a cute owl pillow named Lilo, adorable Cat Face Willy, Santa mouse and festive red "I ♡ my cat" kickeroo. If you can't find Bavarian Cat Toys in your local store, you can purchase directly from their website.

A Very Valerian Christmas and Giveaway

Now I'm gonna give four readers the chance to win one of these Bavarian Cat Toys. They've graciously offered to send a toy to four winners cos I told them humans seemed to be overwhelmed by a valerian overload. We cats can get overwhelmed too as we figure out which toy to bite on first.

A Very Valerian Christmas and Giveaway

To enter just fill out the Rafflecopter. No purchase necessary. Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada (excluding Quebec), 18+ years old. Void where prohibited. Giveaway will run from November 23 and will end November 30 at 11:59pm ET so you can get your toy before Christmas. Four winners will be randomly selected by Rafflecopter. Winners will be notified by myself via email and will have 48 hours to claim their prize; failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the prize. Capiche? Best of luck to everyone.

A Very Valerian Christmas and Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Would you like to comment?

  1. You are one lucky kitty CK to have those cool toys

  2. We still play with our toys from them! They are really awesome!

  3. Oh, CK ... you and Bear Cat could rule the world with those teeth!

  4. Those toys are really cute! We've never had toys with lavender or anise. Would love to try some :-)

  5. The age of the valerian. LOL! Rosie would LOVE to try these toys.

  6. Great review and giveaway, CK. I think that cat face is just adorable.

  7. Those are some of the cutest toys we've ever seen, CK! We're really liking this age of valerian. Thank you for sharing, and for the chance to win!

  8. Thanks for the offer of a giveaway CK. We will enter. Valerian is not my favorite, butt I do play with toys that don't have any smell, so M is sure I would play with those too. They do look like fun. Happy Thanksgiving you and your family.

  9. I completely agree...all these holidays are sneaking up on us! I'm pretty sure I started hearing Christmas music by the end of October this year! lol

    Awesome idea about doing a giveaway! Good luck to everyone!

    Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the rest of your day :)


  10. I am hoping to win win win! Otherwise I have to earn some green papers to buy some for me and TKS

  11. They look great toys, CK!! Happy thanksgiving to you and Pop and TW ❤️❤️

  12. Truffle LOVES valerian, but she can be a "mean" drunk. MOL.

    We like the I love my valerian kicker.

  13. CK....due knot let popz play with thoz toyz, him mite get buzzed up N forgetz hiz post goez live next thurzday ! ☺☺☺ best fishez two everee one
    on winnin one oh theeze toyz; they iz awesum; we will sneek over two ther site
    N chex out de goodz ~~~~~~ we will bee off line til monday sew heerz two a pie filled noe burd happee week oh end two all ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  14. Those look like lots of fun CK! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

  15. I think my kitties would like the Christmasmouse the best, although they'd love ALL the toys. My baby kitty - Kotoha - turned six months old yesterday. I found her when she was just two weeks old and had to bottle feed her. She just LOVES toys, as does my daughter's cat, Arata.

  16. Dat is sooooooo cool CK. We'll be happy with any of da toys, so we'll let you or whoever else wins choose ours purrize. And we're crossin' our paws, we win. :) Big hugs to ya'll. Happy Fanksgivin'. Me's a little jealous. We don't have our lights up yet, and dat's mes favorite pawrt.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  17. Good luck to all who enter! They are super cute! We aren't entering since Mom works for another cat toy company....they are cute though! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  18. Those toys look like lots of fun! Valerian is my favourite, but my mum says it smells like stinky feet.

  19. That is a nice giveaway, but I am going to pass because I can't stand the smell of valerian- don't tell my kitties though. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving!

  20. VALERIAN?? We'll be right over! Please do enter us...

  21. Those are some really cool toys, CK. We love valerian.

  22. I don't react to catnip, but I never tried valerian before. I wonder if I'll get tipsy? Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. What a great prize! This is the best type of kitty Christmas present out there. I think that Manna and Dexter would like the kicker the best. That kitty face looks pretty fun too. We've never tried valerian, so it would be fun to give this a try!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  24. Wow, these are cute, and if you like them C.K., we know they must be meowvolous! Sure hope we win one! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. We love valerian! Great giveaway!

    The Florida Furkids

  26. Oh a giveaway and Canada is allowed to enter....woohoo! If by some slim chance we win, we'll tale any of these awesome playthings. Great giveaway CK....think you can part with these fun toys?

    Shoko and Kali

  27. When we were in Germany, we loved our Valerian toys! We wish we could find them here in Canada. All of those toys look great, but the Christmouse is very cute!

  28. Those are such cool toys! There's a valerian pillow at the shelter, and many of the cats think it's da bomb! :)

  29. THe I Love My Cat kicker!!! Thanks :D

  30. We are so excited this is open to Canadians!! Though Amarula was a little stumped by the skill testing question!

  31. I won last time and I brought the pillow to PAWS like Meowmeowmans said. I would love to bring a kicker to the shelter!

  32. i would take any of them since i am going to donate it to safe haven cat shelter for their cats they rescue. i like the mouse.

  33. I'd pick the kickeroo !
    Donna L.
    naloe@hotmail dot com

  34. I think my cats would like the cat kicker the best.

  35. The Human does NOT like me to have Valerian in the house because it grosses her out, but *I* like it!

  36. Wow! It's better than catnip? My cats will love this new "drug"! First choice would be the kicker toy. It's a great way to get those back legs moving to stay in shape! ;)

  37. These toys look like fun! We love valerian root!

  38. Oh they are all so adorable, but I will say the Christmouse is my favorite!

  39. OMC! We love valerian! We'd love to win any of them but probably the kicker the most! Thanks for the opportunity CK!

  40. I would like the I love my cat kicker


  41. These toys look pawsome - thanks CK for giving us the chance to win them! You RocK! ((HUGS))


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