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Wednesday Word—Shmousies

Do you see what I have?

Several weeks ago, the weekly Snapshots' theme was black. I mentioned at the time that I had shmousy toys in every color but black.

Aunt Pauline thought it was a terrible omission and bought me both a black fake fur and real fur shmousy and dropped it in the mail. At least she thought she did. Lo and behold, last week one of her cats unocovered the package behind a pillow where they’d hidden it. Heh. Nice Aunt that she is, she rushed to the post office to mail the package. Thank you, Aunt Pauline.

I was right there as TW cut open the package and let the shmousies out. She threw one down the hall. One escaped and ran down the hall and I chased after it. There’s no photographic proof or video so you’ll have to take my word.

I’ll find that shmousy in short order so don’t bet against me!

Before I go, I wanna send healing purrz to my neighbor Bijou’s human cos she may read this blog. She got cut off by a car while riding her bike which caused her to fall and get an ouchie on her knee.

I also want to thank everybuddy for their nice words during my Blogoversary pawty. I had a great time and I’m glad my furrends did too. To celebrate, TW shared her turkey hoagie with me. Then she and Pop had a cannoli.

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  1. Those are so cute! And I want to say, where's MY human's sharing spirit? Maybe she does not have one.

  2. Those are such cute shmousies. Your aunt Pauline is so sweet!
    Purrs to your neighbor human. I hope her knee gets healed quickly xoxo

  3. That's so nice to receive CK! You can never have too many shmousies!

  4. Is cannoli a euphemism? I think hoagie might be, too! MOL Shmousies? I have a few of those, I think! ;)

  5. Aw, how nice of your auntie! Black shmousies were Star's favorite! I had read somewhere that cats tend to pick a favorite color so I tested her and she loved the black ones, and her absolute most favorite toy in the whole world was a black butterfly toy! I'm curious to know if you've picked a favorite color, CK? I know you've said you're not huge into toys, but I wonder if it was the right color.. MOL

  6. WOW, that's a nice toy and you have a wonderful auntie. You are sooooo lucky. i don't have any aunties so no prezzies! That is an awesome picture of you CK. Sorry we missed your Bloigoversary celebration, but congratulations are being sent to you. You have an awesome blog and it has really grown over the years since we have known you. Good job. Sorry I'm not reading faithfully - same ole story - M can only sit in her office chair so long and her Ipad isn't working for her to lay down cuz it's doing a number on her neck and rotator cuff. Thus, I don't hardly ever get to visit anyone anymore.

  7. That was sweet of your Auntie to send you mousies. I will say a prayer for your neighbor.

  8. Aunt Pauline is the coolest. Those shmousies look awesome, CK! Purring and praying for your neighbor ... that's scary stuff, and we hope her knee is better real soon.

  9. Nice schmousies! Your Aunt Pauline is so sweet.

  10. lee awesum way kewl oh Aunt Pauline two send ewe sum mize in de mail !!!!

    and now...a werd frum R sponsors....waddya meen: "TW shared her turkey hoagie with me".

    what de be jezuz iz that all a bout ~~~~~~

  11. Oh Cool CK, black mousys. Glad yous got sum nommy noms fur yous blogoversary. Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  12. That was very nice of Aunt Pauline to send you those shmousies. The only toy Eric ever played with was a black one which was buried with him. I like all colours if they are nip scented.

  13. So nice of your Aunt Pauline to send you black shmousies !
    Can tell you I DON´T think it´s nice of my hopeless mom-person to go on a holiday when you have Blogoversary and forget to leave the compooter on :(


  14. Now, a black mousie is have a mousie that is unique. Go for his fur off. Don't you think mousies are much easier to handle when they're nekked.


  15. Those are very cool black mousies! They go quite stunningly with your fur. I'm glad you were able to catch that runaway mousie and bring it to justice. If you give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  16. How lucky of you to get two shmousies. We hope you give them a good whappin'.

  17. I'm so glad you finally got some black toys, and moussies to boot! Enjoy chasing them.

  18. Sounds like you is havin lots of fun with those new toys!

  19. Very cute! Enjoy your toys :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  20. Oh noes! We missed the party. Hope you had a lovely Blogoversary and wishing you many happy returns. Also many more nip mouses.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red

  21. Pawsome smoushies! We had a great time at your Blogoversary party....did you get any canoli filling?

    The Florida Furkids

  22. "She and Pop" had a cannoli? As in, CK *didn't* have a cannoli? That's an outrage is what that is.

    XOXOXO When I come over can we play with the shmousies?

  23. they did a story recently on NPR about the increasing # of bicycle accidents - hoping your neighbor feels better SOON!

  24. MOUSES!! I missed you party; I am one lousy BFGF...*red cheeks*


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