Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Laboring on Labor Day

Yes, The Cat labors on Labor Day as I participate in this week’s appropriate theme of Labor. 52 Snapshots of Life is a photo challenge hosted by blogging friends Christina and The Lazy Pit Bull. For those who would like to participate, next week’s theme is Feet, a topic that’s near and dear to TW’s heart since she has that paw fetish.

Every day, including Labor Day, I’m pressed into Labor as I pose with products to review or items that TW wants to include in a blog post. Most times I don’t even get treats compensated for posing. It’s obscene and unfair Labor practices, which is why I joined the National Union of Cats and without Affiliate Typists (NUCAT), the cat union started by Austin Towers.

I even have to labor while I’m sleeping. TW has me posing with stuff like these red, white and blue shmousy toys for July 4th. To be perfectly honest, I labor 24 hours a day. Yes, even in my sleep I’m dreaming up ways to bite the peeps topics for upcoming blog posts.

TW has the onions to call me a tough boss and maybe I am. If I have to work Labor Day, so does she. Woman, why should I give you today off. Are policemen off? Are firemen off? Are the New York Yankees off? NO! Quit your jawing and get back to work! I need a Labor Day graphic and make it good!

As for the rest of you:

♫♩Have a Happy Labor Day off from work ♫ … but make sure you’re still attending to your cat’s every need including litter box duty.

Cats—do you have Labor Day off or do you have to pose for a slave-driving human?

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  1. Wow, you sure told your boss who's boss! You look determined to have your demands met in that first photo.

  2. It sounds like you are being exploited - you should go on strike, CK!

  3. Comrade CK I am proud of you and the stance you are taking. The full force of NUCAT is behind you 100% in your fight for justice and treats. AND I have to say as a red blooded tuxie mancat that you look incredibly fetching in that last pic!! ;)

    Happy (non) Labor Day :-) xoxox

  4. You work even in your sleep, you do work very hard, CK. Though, TW made such a great Labor Day graphic for you. You always look stunning in a hat :-)

  5. Happy Labor Day CK! Try not to labor too much!

  6. It is terrible the way you are forced into continuous labour. If Austin decides to call an all out strike, I will be right behind him to support you.

  7. We can relate, CK. The Mom makes us pose with things all the time - it can get rather annoying, can't it? We think all the kitties should go on strike today - no labor!

  8. We were enjoying niptinis when Mother started taking photos and video for blog posts. HMMMPPFFFF. Some day off.

  9. MOL Oh CK weez gave mommy da day off fwum writin' after a small posty, but she must help us visit our furiends. Yous lookin' cute and looks like yous got sum new toys too. Have fun.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. OH CK don't give our Mom any ideas.
    But Happy Labor Day!!!

  11. so sorry CK!! I'm not laboring but my Mom has so much blog crap to do that she sure is laboring! Love, Cody

  12. You work on Labour Day...geesh...what a hard life you have. We are out lazing around the swinging bench.


  13. Come over to our house, CK. There's no laboring going on here. :)

  14. It's Labor Day? Oh,we thought it was Lazy Day! So we took the day off.

  15. Happy Labor Day ! Don't work too hard during that special day ! Purrs

  16. The only thing I miaow is = STRIKE , STRIKE , STRIKE !!!


  17. I always thought if you worked a holiday it was double pay so I think double treats are in order. Great photo of you in the construction hat :)

  18. I didn't give my Mommy the day off...I've got her finishing up a sponsored post for me!!! --Mudpie

  19. Today is a holiday?!?!
    Mes should bes getting paid for reviews and photos!?!?!
    Mes is complaining to NUCAT right now!!!
    Thanks for bringing this to my attention Grrl Furrend!

  20. Great post, CK! We hope you, TW and Pop got to do a little non-laborious stuff today, too. :)

  21. The Human did not labor today but her friend did! She swam the Golden Gate Sharkfest swim--1.8 miles in the freezing bay from SF to Marin county. This silly, silly Humans. The Human watched and then she came home and took a nappy with me. We has the HOTS darling. It is cooler back there?

  22. LOL your post made me laugh! You've got a rough life. Time to get your human on the same page!

  23. We feel ya, CK! There are no days off around here either, for cats or dogs! Well, once in a while when the Momz goes away we get a break.
    - The Wag 'n Woof Pets crew

  24. Well TW came through on the graphic for sure! Haha it's a cat's life all right.


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