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It's an Honor to Accept These Awards

It's time for another CK Awards' Show. People ax me if being on the Red Carpet ever gets old. No, it doesn't! I've been dodging bouquets of flowers and posing for the pawpawrazzi for what seems like hours and now it's time to take my seat inside. Of course, I'm seated in the front row with all the A-List celebrities. I'm on the edge of my seat as Queen Penelope, The Cat From Hell, takes to the stage. She's the first presenter and she's about to give out the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. I don't really expect to win this cos I'm an only cat so I don't really have a team.

Nellie: And the winner is Cathy Keisha! Cathy works so furry hard for all the cats whose needs it! And she is the bestest DJ!

SCREEEE! *covers mouth* I can't believe it!! OMC! SCREEEEE!

CK: Thank you Nellie. *kisses* Thanx for coming even though you've had some health issues which cost you the vision in one eye. You do look mahrvelous darling! I accept this award for all the kitties still looking for homes like Ray Charles and Rachel! We will use everything in our power to get them into loving furever homes. *holds up award for all to see*

I've displayed the award on my blog.

Lookit the crowd coming up on stage now! It's the gang from The Cat on My Head! There's Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Guilietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo. They're dressed to the nines to present the Loyal Reader Award. I read their blog all the time. It figures. Mauricio is the only mancat and he's doing all the meowing.

Mauricio: Several of you have been so supportive of us and our blog by reading and commending regularly. We have multiple winners. … and Stunning Keisha!

CK: Whoa! I've been recognized! I told you I read their blog! Thank you Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Guilietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo. You have a fine blog so why wouldn't anycat read it? Thank you for reading my blog. Blogging is hard work but I do it all for the fans and I know you do too. Of course a few treats never hurt.

Astrid: We have a question for you first before we can present the award. Do you think I like cats?

CK: This is GOT to be a trick question. Let me think. Don't tell me … Eight cats, no waiting. Hmmmm. Do you like cats? What the heck. I'll guess. *says slowly* Yyyyyyeeessss. *holds paws out for award* Thank you again for this beautiful award. *holds award up to audience*

They're calling me onstage to present some awards. *Struts her stuff up onstage to whistles and cheers from all.*

CK: YO! PEEPS! HOW YOU DOIN'? ARE WE GONNA PAWTY? I'd like to present the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award to Selina of One Eye on the Future,  Brian of Forever Homes Wanted and Savannah of Savannah Paw Tracks for their incredible teamwork trying to find Ray and Rachel a forever castle. They should display the award and pass it on and the rest of you should continue to pass on the information on Ray and Rachel.

I have so many loyal readers that I want to pass The Loyal Reader Award on to anybody who doesn't have it and wants it. No questions axed. HAH! That's a pun cos the one stipulation is you have to answer a question.

It's been a long day and will be an even longer night of pawtying. Gonna get my pawty on first at the Nipclub and then … who knows. Hope you've enjoyed the show and hope to see you at one of the After Pawties.

Would you like to comment?

  1. CK you are resplendent on the red carpet!

  2. Congratulations on your awards and what a great award's show!
    We are hoping Ray and Rachael will find furever home together very soon!

  3. ConCats on your awards!! You look right at home on the red carpet!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Big congratz on your awards, CK!!! You look stunning, of course. ; )

    We're purring for those two cuties, Rachel & Ray!

  5. You are a true diva and well done on your awards. Concatulations. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. screeee!!! ME?? You gave ME and award for team membership!!! oh my cat! what a thrill and to share it with Selina and Brian even better. I just luvluvluv your award shows are always so gracious in you acceptance speeches...and short Thank Ceiling Cat....paw waves, Savvy
    peeEss because of support from furriends like you CK, we are going to find Ray Charles and Sister Rachel that home yet

  7. Concatulations on your award ! You're on the right place on the red carpet ! Purrs

  8. Concatulations on your awards, CK! And you passed the Team Member award to some REALLY well-deserving kitties!

  9. Gosh, CK, thank you so much! We really appreciate the shout out about Ray Charles & Rachel and the award, too! It's been and no doubt will continue to be a pleasure working with Brian & his dad, and Savannah & her meowm, to get these two growing kittens to their forever home!

    Thank you again and you look MAHVELOUS dahlink!


  10. CK we feel so honored to know such a star as yourself. YOU Look great on that red carpet and concats on all of those major awards!

  11. Concats, CK! You sure know how to accept an award in style.

  12. CK...conga ratz on all yur a wards N all thoze flowerz will make fora nice snak later on !!

  13. Congratulations on your award CK. You look gorgeous on that red carpet - just like you own it! Oh, that's right - you do. Silly me.

  14. Congratulations on all your awards. We think you were made for the Red Carpet.

    Have a great evening.

    Hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  15. Outstanding!! That red carpet is so your colour and looks purrfect for ripping to shreds too!! ConCats CK, you know how to put on a show!! xxx

  16. Congrats stunning one! Isn`t your trophy case getting crowded?

  17. Bravo, CK! Congratulations on your great awards!

  18. OMC CK you look purrfect on the red carpet! Concatulations to you!

  19. Congratulations on your awards. You look great on the red carpet.


  20. Wowzies!!!! so many awards!!!! concats :)

  21. Woo hoo! Congratulations on your awards. You look beautiful on the red carpet, CK!

  22. Well deserved! *apaws apaws*

  23. We have been very remiss in our commenting for a variety of reasons, the main one being that our human's went away for six days. add to that the fact that Mom's laptop is misbehaving badly, and you have the makings of kitties who have lost all contact with the outside world. THANK YOU CK for giving us such a great shout out as well as providing the linky to our blog. What an exceptionally good friend you are. Enjoy both of your awards. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  24. ConCATulations to the awards !
    And of course you look stunning on the red carpet , CK !!


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