Ye be landlubbers! I be the real buccaneer, matey! I be the baddest buccaneer on the Black Paw pirate ship! To see me is to fear me! No one crosses Bloody Prudentilla Kidd! Arrrrrr!
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Bloody Prudentilla Kidd I Am
Ye be landlubbers! I be the real buccaneer, matey! I be the baddest buccaneer on the Black Paw pirate ship! To see me is to fear me! No one crosses Bloody Prudentilla Kidd! Arrrrrr!
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Be careful - Pricilla takes poop decks VERY literally
ReplyDeleteArrr Matey, theese is the purr-fect pirate name for ye!
ReplyDeleteYikes! You're a frightening pirate lady! In a good way!
ReplyDeleteNow we want our wench to spit-shine our litter box, too!
ReplyDeleteKeisha you make a pawsome pirate. Be careful you don't get lots of poop on the poop deck. Shiver me timbers and yo ho ho and a bottle of milk, have a tremendous Thursday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
What a pawesome pirate name, CK -- we mean Prudentilla!
ReplyDeleteArrr Cap'tain, ye be an awsome scurvy pirate ! Be careful wit' th' poop thin' all th'same.
ReplyDeleteArr we be lookin' for pirate like thee - come join us and set sail for nip treasures.
ReplyDeletePirates of Wildcat Woods
Arrr you makes a catstic pirate! ummmm spit shine da litter box..mol dat's brilliant! Yo-ho-ho *passes jug of catnip rum*
ReplyDeleteCK, you are such a beautiful lady pirate! Haha, spit shine litter box!
ReplyDeleteHappy Meow like a Pirate Day :-)
Ahoy Cap'n. Ye look bonnier than a sloop with new paint and a set o' new sails
ReplyDeleteThe Scurvy Paw Relations
Your pirate name and description fits you well!
ReplyDeleteHappy Meow Like A Pirate Day!
Nice to see you toning it down a bit for pirate day, CK!!
ReplyDeleteLove from Cap'n Gold Beard (that's the printable version!!)
Hi-ho bucko, ye're fierce pirate lady! We be happy t' set sail with you.
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
We're makin' a brief port o'call to MEARRRRRGH back atcha!
ReplyDeleteYou are indeed Pirate Purrfect CK!
ReplyDeleteWill you make TW walk the plank CK??
Selina (lookin' fer booty)
avaste raise de spyglasss starboard …we bee see in a sutler o’er yonder N blimey …sink uz if hiz shopz knot fulla booty ~~~ him can bee pillaged N for we set sail ~~~ letz head off for a wee bit oh grub anda splice inn oh de mainbrace N sing a shanty ore two ~~~ fair winds ta ya
ReplyDeleteC.K., you make one mighty fine pirate, and your pirate name rocks. We're heading over to check our what Lily's Fiona's and Lisbeth's pirate names are since their the ones who've been pawticipating in all this foolishness. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeletewell, there's 'poop deck' and then there's 'poop box'...I assume you don't want the deck filled up like the box...right CK?? And I think your ship is the baddest ship on the seas...mrreoowwwww!
ReplyDeleteAvast, CK! Ye be making a fine and fearsome pirate, indeed! We are proud and honored to join ye, sailing the high seas and plundering for treasure!
ReplyDeleteAyeeeee CK we're all scared and we think you made a very fierce pirate!
ReplyDeletelove it! We did the Pirate name thing I think last year, forgot to use it again!
ReplyDeleteAvast Matey!
Arrrrgh! Ye be a fine pirate, Bloody. We be Mad Redbeard Wally, Evil Necksnapper Ernie and the Bloody Mistress of Death Zoey.
ReplyDeleteAhoy Matie! Bwaa!! Haa!! Haa!! Yous is the bestest
ReplyDeleteWe catch th' early evenin' tide 'bout 5 bells to ye Olde Soton town, ye want to come along!
Ye look marvelous darlin'
Now that be a grand idea to use th' humans on th' ships as our servants! Human!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe love the name. And evidently it suits you. We'll hand over our nip mice without a battle. Btu we hope ye got a drop o rum left.
ReplyDeleteAhoy there Matey! May we swing aboard to party with you? We've got grog!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I really like using the Talk-Like-A-Pirate day to order the Humans around. I spent the day watching Katie I work on her boat.
ReplyDeleteAnd then I ate some fur. It was weird. Come see.
Arrrr CK!!!!! Did you pass on a bitey today?
ReplyDeleteMOL - hope your spit-shined litter box sparkles when she's done! I had to go take the pirate name quiz. I'm "Captain Anne Rackham" - Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Still think your name is way cooler!
ReplyDeleteCK, you make the most impressive Pirate out there in the CB! How do you like Spitty watching me work so hard, all exhausted like that?
ReplyDeleteI'm just a little bit skerred right now.
ReplyDeleteAnd Waffles is shivering in his timbers.
; ) Katie
You look furry fierceful as a Pirate , CK !
"Giggles" Gosh you're quite fierce as a Pirate xoxo Little Miss Titch