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Pawpawty attire

I'm afraid I'm as guilty as the next cat or dog but I can't understand why anipals want to dress up and be like humans. They don't have nearly as cushy a life as we do. They're responsible for wars, poverty, greed, pollution, dog-fighting, in short, everything that's wrong in this world. On the other hand, we just have to eat, sleep, play and look cute or sometimes stunning. Our fur is also a lot lovelier than that skin they have. I dunno if the phenomenon has to do with our Mom's pretending to be us (actually the people they dress us up as) or us anipals not feeling entirely comfortable in our own fur.

It started for me at the Down on the Farm pawpawty. We found a picture on the web of a sexy girl near a tractor and through the magic of PhotoShop and InDesign, I became that girl. I thought I was really hot! The mencats whistled and so did the doggies.

For Hansee and Poppy's wedding, I stole, er, BORROWED a dress from my good friend Beyonce's closet. While I had a lot of fun, I couldn't help feel like someone other than myself.

We use all the time. It's a lot easier than PhotoShop and has a great selection of poses. My only gripe would be not enough black woman. I'll prolly continue to play dress up at the pawties but I can't help thinking that we're losing a bit of ourselves in trying to become humanized. We're beautiful just the way we are—on 4 feet covered in soft, silky fur.

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  1. I likes your bloggy cathykeisha an you haz a good point. We just duz the holeinthehead thing cuz we just playing. Furz rule!


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