To celebrate the Epiphany, I find myself looking back at my Christmas and realizing I did pretty darn good for myself. And now as I sit here drinking nip nog and wait for the woman to play with me, I'll describe all the loot I got from furrends and family.
Ma and Pop gave me that super great tunnel from SuppliesJust4Pets that I run back and forth through about a hundred times a day, plus some smousy toys and kitty treats. I got a nice smousy toy from my Aunt Pauline and her 4 cats and Aunt Mindy and Uncle Muggy gave me some jingly balls (which seem to wind up under Ma's big feet all the time) and a scratching post with a feathery toy on it. I've been scratching on it but Ma hasn't captured it on film yet. I get a kick out of Ma's screaming every time she slides on those balls.

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays as much as I did. I had my Pop home for over 2 weeks and a real tree in the house. I didn't put on any weight, unlike the Peeps. BTW, that real tree is actually growing shoots from all the branches!
If I haven't mentioned it, my Gotcha Day is at the end of this month, so I expect even more loot to come my way! Salúd, dear furrends. I hope we can end animal abuse and find homes for all the shelter kitties in 2010. Peace out!