The cat's out of the box, so to speak. Yesterday, I get a Tweet from my furrend @Mariodacat informing me that I was a recipient of the coveted Honest Scrap Award. Talk about shock! I didn't think anyone read this blog of mine, let alone thought I should win this Pulitizer equivalent. Mario just started doing his blog and he has a real flair for writing. He said this award was given to "bloggers who put their hearts on display as they write from the depths of their soul." Yeah, that's me.
So, thank you Mariodacat for this award. I accept it for stunning cats who blog all over the world.
10 interesting facts about Cathy Keisha
1. I'm stunning and I love it. My Aunt Pauline was the first to call me stunning after Ma e-mailed my PetFinder bio to her before I was even adopted.
2. I have a cute little curl at the end of my tail.
3. My eyes can change color from green to amber depending on my mood.
4. I never roll over on my back.
5. If I did, you'd see that my tummy markings resemble a white bikini. (more about this some other day)
6. I coo like a pigeon when I want attention (like now).
8. My original name at the shelter was Kittee and I was adopted along with another cat who I quickly banished from my house.
9. I sleep on Ma's pillow because I know she's allergic to cats.
10. I'm the world's most stunning cat!
11. (I'll give you 11 because I kind of repeated one) I like going into my carrying case. I don't like going to the V-E-T though.

Now I have to present this to 10 others. I hope I don't repeat any since I don't know who's won this before me.
http://winstoncattails.blogspot.com/ I love Snowydaze's blog. It never fails to make us laugh so hard we cry.
http://boogerthecat.com/ I wish he'd write more but not everyone has as much time as we do.
http://tuxedoganghideout.blogspot.com/ I'm a tuxedo cat so this makes sense.
http://frugaldougaldog.blogspot.com/ My good furrend Frugaldougal! Where else would I get my info on when the next pawpawty is going to be!
http://tooncescat.webs.com TOONCES!! It's not really a blog but it has some great rules to live by for cats. He gave me a Catitude Award last year. I was the 1st tuxedo to win one.
http://themeatloafy.wordpress.com/ Ai and Ruckus are 2 handsome cats.
http://yodaheltman.blogspot.com/ I love Yoda. He's a great furrend and fellow pawpawty dj.
http://grrlysquirrelheartsgavin.blogspot.com/ She's my girl. A sista who's not afraid to say what's on her mind. She knows I'd take a bullet for her.
http://busy-buttons.blogspot.com/ What can I say about Buttons. She's such a sweetheart. I can't wait to read her posts.
http://bunnyjeancook.blogspot.com/ Everyone knows BJC and knows that her heart is in the right place. Even though she hasn't written about me yet, I love her and her Mom. Her blog is dedicated to people, anipals and organization who make a difference.
Now if I can cut this award into 10 equal pieces, I'll pass it along to these deserving bloggers. I can finally go to sleep.
Wow! Thanks! Ai is so excited! Do Ai get to nominate 10 others?
Yes, he does. He can nominate anyone he wants.