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Wednesday Word—Scram!

I wrote a post in August about the peeps buying a new executive office chair. I mentioned that I was going to let them try it out to see if it fell apart before I sat in it. I can't run the risk of injury to myself. They've been sitting on it without incident with their large girths so it should be safe for my svelte 9.9 lbs.

Last week, I finally planted myself on the chair. It was small but comfy. There was a short but inconvenient photo session with Pop acting as the pawpawrazzi. Can you imagine Pop taking photos? Ack! It is to laugh! I didn't run cos I kinda liked the chair and I kinda knew that Pop needed to sit in that chair to view the traffic and weather before leaving for work.
Don't I look comfy? (Photos used with Pop's permission)
So do you know what he did? After waiting patiently to see me go on that chair for months, he picked me up and unceremoniously dumped me on the bed! Can you imagine that?? Oh, the indignity! The nerve of some peeps! And he wonders why I've been biting him so much. See if I EVER go on that chair again. I hope those pics came out cos that was your first and last chance at photographing The Cat on the chair.

Pop, this hiss is for YOU!

Remember you can still enter the Giveaway for 20-lbs of Royal Canin Indoor Adult 27, Indoor Light, Indoor Intense hairball,Special or Kitten formulas. Use the Rafflecopter and get more entries every day until the 10th. Don't forget they'll be in-store on November 9th at select NY/NJ locations. Check their website to find a participating store or get a coupon. The 32 participating stores will have free samples through December 31st or until supplies run out. If you're not near a participating store, you can still get a free 12-oz trial size bag of Royal Canin Feline Breed Nutrition™ by filling out the form on Pet Food Direct's site. You'll have a choice of Maine Coon, Persian, Siamese or Ragdoll formulas.

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  1. Family emergency, illness etc. and I've not been able to comment as much but wanted to stop by and say hi.

  2. You look very nice in the chair. But then you look very nice everywhere

  3. Undignified, indeed! I hope you left a nice big furball in that chair for his best workpants. MOL!

  4. Peeps are selfish and we know all about that. Keisha, Gizmo selected you for my Share It Sunday guest post. You don't have to do anything. Just email me a link to the post you'd like me to showcase and I will do the rest. Also you can send me your nomination for the week after. I am at mollyDOTthewallyATbtinternetDOTcom Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Sometimes I think humans don't even know what THEY want! I don't blame you for biting, CK!

  6. Oh no, how could he! I hope you will go on the chair again but not be picked up by pop next time :-) The chair looks very comfy indeed!

  7. It's good you tested it first CK. You wouldn't what your humans to fall down and break something - that would interfere with regular meals!

  8. Allie: oh girlfriend, how ruuuuuuuuuude! HUMANS! *sniff!*

  9. hmmm How do I get my mama to buy one of those chairs????

  10. CK I love the pic of you on the bed! You look great!


  11. Don'tcha just wonder who they think they are, sometimes. Just play it cool and pounce when they least expect it!

  12. Simply stunning....what else?!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  13. CK you sure gave Pop one heck of a hiss and he sure deserved it!

  14. Well, that chair fits you purrfectly CK!

  15. Ha, ha CK! You keep everyone on their toes! Glad you had a bit of time in the chair.

  16. CK, we can't believe your pop did that to you. Sheesh.

  17. Contrary to what they might think, most humans have no manners at all.
    This was very rude of your human to do what he did! I would bite too in such a case.

  18. He picked you up and MOVED you?? Oh please, tell me he has a broken ankle or something. No? The why could he not have stood there, bent over at the keyboard, and checked whatever he needed so the Kitty could remain in comfort? And you're sure it was POP and not TW that did this?

    Tsk tsk tsk. What next? the Apocalypse??

  19. Well glad to hear that no one was injured so far with the chair. Pop did a pretty good photo shoot. I'd ask my boyfriend to help me take pics, but I'm not sure how he'd do. That's OK cuz I got Lily and she does pretty good usually!

  20. The nerve of that guy! Just sneak back when they aren't looking ;) That's what our kitty sibling, Xen, does all the time BOL!

  21. OMC! Didn't he stop to think how he would have felt if he had been lifted from the chair and dumped on the bed! Things might look a bit different if humans for once would put themselves on the same situation! I'm sure you will know how to get your revenge...

  22. I dunno, CK! The stuff we have to go through!!

  23. P.S. The Hissing was good, thugh. I liked the hissing part. Do it some more.

  24. bwwaahahahahaha...guess you showed Pops who is in charge of both the "who sits in the chair" time AND who gets the "hiss" of disdain...

  25. CK, that is some hissy face. You are definitely less than stunning there. But we don't blame you for making it. At least your dad didn't dump you on the floor, which is what ours would have done. Mom would have tried to share the chair with us. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Holla! Louder … I can’t hear you. Anonymous comments are disabled due to humans who have nothing better to do than spam. Thank you for understanding!