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CK Does EZ

Even though the weather has been getting colder, I am warm and cozy in my "mauve" thing aka my cat bed. (I know it's blue but don't tell my peeps.)
During the summer, Pop put the bed away and I laid on the Colorado Catnip quilt. Now, my favorite bed is back to keep me warm. Yes, this bed is as furry as I am. Someone needs to run a lint fur roller over my beddie. Looka all the Fur! They could make another cat. Yo, peeps! Get that defurring contraption in here! Stat!

You know what I'm thinking about? I'm thinking about those kitties that TW sees in the park every day. I wonder if they're warm and dry as I am. TW brings them food. She thinks there's a managed feral colony in the park but keeps forgetting to check to see if their ears are notched. They've been around since the swimming pool was drained for the winter. This is the first year TW has seen so many feral cats in this area.

She also tells me that a block and a half from here, a guy has a box on his porch and feeds 2-3 young cats. I hope that nice man plans on getting them taken care of so they don't procreate. There has never been strays around this hood, except the colony in our parking garage. Times are bad for kittehs.

I'm also thinking about the two beautiful huskies the peeps saw in Shop Rite's parking lot. They were locked in a car in the sun with the window cracked a bit. One was howling and crying. I hope someone tells their peeps how wrong that is before something bad happens to them.

Check out my Birch Beer story on Share It Sunday over at Molly the Wally's blog.

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  1. What a sweet pic of you, CK.
    We love these easy Sundays! XOXO

  2. It's very tough these days. TW is nice to feed those kitties

  3. CK, those are some Impawtant Thoughts. Tell TW to check those ears!

  4. It doesn't sound like such an easy Sunday to me, CK - you have a lot on your mind!

  5. You have a lot of thoughts in your cute little head CK ! TW is nice to take care of those kitties. As you do, we hope they are or could soon be neutered. Have a good day ! Purrs

  6. We hope the feral ones have somewhere warm to go and we hope the huskies were OK.
    Have a serene Sunday Keisha and stay warm.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Hi Keisha, We hopped over from Molly The Wally's blog. We really enjoyed the birch beer story (tho we can imagine the mess it caused.)

    Nice to meet ya.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  8. Makes us sad to think of poor animals without a peep of their own to love and care for them. You take care of yours cos they obviously adore you, even if they are not so good with the de-fluffer thingy. Ours is a bit remiss too and just keeps telling us to stop if...!

  9. Those things sure do make an Easy a lot tougher to enjoy. Your photos are terrific though CK!

  10. You look very comfy in your blue bed , CK !
    I do hope the poor kitties outside find shelter there it´s dry and warm too !
    It´s very nice that your mom are feeding them !


  11. You sure are doing a lot of thinking, CK. We hope those kitties and woofies will all be okay, too.

  12. We agree with you CK, we sure hope all those kitties are getting some food and have a shelter to go under. Glad you have your nice warm blue bed. Take care.

  13. I sure do hope those kitties are bein' looked after. I was lucky 'cause I got into my house when only a few months old but most feral-born kitties AREN'T so lucky. I'm gonna send some purrs your way. If TK wouldn't mind talkin' those purrs to the feral kitties, I would be ever-so-grateful.


  14. OH we hopes all the animals you mentioned are OK.

  15. Hi CK, Sorry we have been absent for a little while. The humans were away for 11 days, and we are now trying to catch up with our bloggy friends. First, we must say that you are absolutely adorable in your pilgrim hat. Hope all the stray/feral kitties you mentioned are able to stay warm and fed this winter. It is so good the TW is taking care of some of them. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. Hope the Huskies and the kitties are gonna be ok!

  17. Oh those poor kitties - at least that nice man is trying. I hope he spays and neuters them too - you don't need more homeless kitties running around. We've been lucky here thru the years - never seen a homeless kitty.

  18. It seems you have a lot on your mind, CK!! But you look gorjuss just the same! ;) xx

  19. People! What do you do with them CK - stray kitties, poo dogs. it makes us ALL angry girl!

  20. Mum tries to keep things defurred, we are far too good at getting them all furred up again.

  21. That's a super sweet pic of you. We know how hard it is to see all the kitties and woofies in need. (((hugs)))

    The Florida Furkids

  22. We hope all those wonderful animals will be ok too.
    It's up to the humans. Let's hope they do the right thing.

  23. It's so good of TW to bring food to the cats in the park. You're right that times are tough for kittehs everywhere, and we hope that all of the humans can step up and do the right thing to take care of them. No one can do it alone!

    Thank youf or the kind comment on our blog about our having to give up Beau back to his foster home. IT's a nice thought you suggested, thinking of his having been in foster with us. In some ways, you are very much right. Discovering how hard it was to give him up just goes to show that we aren't cut out to be a foster family, which is just fine with us.

  24. Well, lookit you in your sweet blue beddy! And lookit all those deep thoughts you are having too. Me, I'm just zonked out.

  25. Popped over from Mollie to say Hi. You do look super cosy :) xxoxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  26. I came to say thank you so much for the visit with loving comments when we lost our sweet boy. So appreciated and helped us so much. Hugs Carol x

  27. Hey Ck!
    what a great photo! You look snug and warm.

    We thought of you when writing about Blackie--a street cat, a BLACK street cat turned indoor cat that's fighting for a second chance. The hood he came from is a war zone for cats. Here's hoping he's as lucky as you are! Purrs.
    Riverfront Cats

  28. Are you still tucked in, all nice and warm? It's supposed to be cold and rainy here tonight and tomorrow so after my dinner I'm going to curl up in the pink beddy and snore a little. XOXOXOXO

  29. Looking very adorable CK! Bless TW for feeding the ferals, we hope that they will all be okay.


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