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Fabulous Facts for Feral Friday

Hola Kitties. Whatcha got for me? I got some fab facts about The Cat for you, followed by fill ins and art. Dunno where these prompts came from but at some point TW put them on the desktop so I could blog about them. I reconfigured a few for a cat and left a few out cos they were stupid. These prompts are all over the place so bear with me.

Fabulous Facts for Feral Friday

Like to eat? yes
Shreds with gravy or Pâté? pâté
Do you like crab: yes! crab cakes are the best
Order appetizers? love crunchy appetizers before I eat my stinky goodness
Play an instrument? the vertical blinds every morning
Rode on a train? no although Pop used to dream he took me to work and we rode on the subway
Been to New York? no but I can see it out my window
Heard a helicopter? yes lots of them whenever there's an accident in the tunnel
Like to watch movies? not the ones Pop likes
Last night's dinner? rotisserie chicken!
Do you like nip? to eat it rather than play with it
Like the tub? yes. It's fun to play in when it's empty
Like country music? hell no
Had kittens? no but I bet they would have been stunning like their mom

Fabulous Facts on Feral Friday

Now it's time to join the Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers which are underlined and in italics. Any further comments on my part are in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. Today it applies to number one.

1. TW petting me motivates me to bite her. All she has to do is move her hand toward me and my mouth opens. In the image, her hand is approaching and I'm all wide-eyed and licking my lips. She always jokes that her petting me must burn my skin. Then we read that petting can be painful to a cat.

2. I put salt on nothing. I'm a cat and salt is no good for a cat. The peeps don't own a salt shaker or sugar bowl. They get all their salt and sugar from processed food.

3. When it comes to my needs, I don't cut corners. The peeps better not cut corners on my food and entertainment. Pop is saying now that they're on a fixed income, they have to cut corners but it better not be at The Cat's expense.

4. Never forget the events that took place on September 11, 2001. Pop certainly won't.

Fabulous Facts for Feral Friday

I love using this photo for my art. This time I did a double exposure on canvas using a city scape. All it needs is a frame cos it's already a puzzle. It will be my Feral Friday entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using digital apps, Photoshop or original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into digital works of art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. We'll never forget 9/11.
    Thanks for the puzzle...I'm off to play it!

  2. ROW TIZZ A REE CHCKN ??????

    SHAME CK.....SHAAAAAAME ~~~~~~~~~~

    yur art peace thiz week total lee rox....we dunno how ya made it but itz awesum :) ☺☺♥♥

  3. We enjoyed learning more about you CK and of course we enjoyed your fill in answers. You art, WOW, that needs to be framed and put up on the wall CK!

  4. Great fill ins and to learn more facts about you. I really love this art. I agree with Brian that it would look good on the wall.

  5. Your art is amazing! We'll try to forgive you for hating country music. Will put this fun challenge on our to do list.

  6. Those were fun, I will have to have one of my cats answer these question this week. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I had a feeling #1 would involve biting. I love your art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  7. What pawsome art this week, CK! And we are still learning fun things about you.

  8. Super artwork. We like learning new things about you (of course, we already knew about biting TW!)

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Great art and the facts and fill-ins were fun and interesting!

  10. Your artwork is really cool. I really enjoy learning more about you. Your answers are always entertaining.

  11. "Like to eat? Yes." MOL

    Your artwork is so great this week, CK!

  12. Ooooh, I'm likin' that art, CK! You look really cool among the skyscrapers. Those questions were funny, especially about eating. Do you like to eat? What're you sposed to say, no? I like to starve??
    I like pate, too. Seems like the other stuff is too runny.. - Take care, CK - Tom x

  13. It's always fun to read your Fabulous Facts. We have some things in common, but we're totally opposite on others.
    And your art this week is Fabulous too!
    I'm totally with you on the "spare no expense" thing. Mom paid over $150 to have two cases of my food shipped across country because I need canned rabbit and we had already purchased the last case west of the Mississippi!

  14. Holey Moley do you look Stunning in your artwork, sure do honor your name ;) You made us MOL about the last question..and it's so true, I don't know anyone more Stunning than you😸Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  15. We always love learning more about stunning you, CK! I think it's sweet that you rode the subway in your Pop's dreams. And thank you for your fantastic fill-ins! Your answer to #4 is so true and purrfect. May we never forget. Purrs!


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