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Feral Friday: Comfy & Cozy

Hola kitties! Are you keeping warm? I am and so is my Pop. For his birthday, instead of giving him what he really wanted, TW gave him a warm comforter and I gave him socks. Now that the cold has arrived, he's thankful for both. In fact, he says the comforter is so toasty, he's having a hard time getting out of bed to go to work. He was on vacay most of this week so that wasn't a problem.

Feral Friday: Comfy & Cozy

At first the Cat couldn't wait to lay on the new comforter. Now I'm not sure I like it. I'll run across it to get into my cube or igloo but I won't lay on the comforter itself. Here are some rare pics from the first time he put it on his bed. TW was smart to capture these fleeting moments.

Feral Friday: Comfy & Cozy

Now it's time to join the Friendly Fill-Ins, a feature held weekly at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics. Any further comments on my part are in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. Today it relates to number one.

Feral Friday: Comfy & Cozy

1. I look forward to seeing my Secret Paws package at the holidays. TW looks forward to seeing family at the annual holiday gathering. I don't think I have cat family anymore.

2. I can see snow outside my condo window. All our windows are facing north so there's the same view from each one. Normally I can see the NYC skyline but sometimes it snows so hard, NYC disappears. That's very unsettling.

3. Chinese food always puts me in a festive mood. That turkey, though, really messed with my mind. I still jump on the table looking for it every time the peeps sit down to eat.

4. My favorite holiday tradition is helping TW wrap packages. I love to see the veins bulging in her neck as I stand on the wrapping paper and to see how many colors her face turns. It's like they turn into flashing Christmas lights. I'll bet her blood pressure must reach 500.

Actually my fave holiday tradition is DJing for the Twitter #CatmusEve pawty. I'm spinning tunes at 10 pm this year and even donated a prize.

Feral Friday: Comfy & Cozy
This puzzle is really hard.

I guess it's the time of the year where I have to make some winter art. We had a storm Sunday and Monday. Sunday was mostly rain, sleet and hail; Monday the snow came. When the peeps went out Tuesday, they saw some pretty cool icicles hanging off the Christmas lights in the courtyard. This piece reminds me of icicles. I drew an image of how I would look if you were looking through an ice-covered window. During an ice storm, the best thing to do is nap the day away.

This will be my Feral Friday entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using digital apps, Photoshop or original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into works of art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I think the comforter looks awesome! My human and I are at a cat show this weekend and when we get back, we get to send off our Secret Paws package! Sadly, it's not to you.

  2. I hope your Pop had a nice Birthday! You do look cozy on that new comforter CK and we did enjoy your answers and art of course!

  3. Sounds like your Pop got great gifts for his birthday!! How nice to see the NYC skyline (except when it's not there!)

    Thanks for the puzzle....a challenge for sure but fun.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. ck..yur mind iz knot de onlee thing that bass terd turkee mezzed with....itz sneekee like that..we hope ta COD ewe due knot haza stomach ache

    we like thiz weekz art peace...werd that de best place ta bee durin ice ....iz in ~~~


  5. The comforter and socks were very thoughtful gifts. Love your #4 fill in!

  6. I have that same problem getting out of bed in the morning. So nice and cozy!

  7. We have so many blankets at our house, you'd think we lived in Canada instead of twenty minutes south of Graceland. At night we crowd Mom's legs to make use of her blanket cuz its so very snuggly warm. Your winter art is beautiful! Meowy Christmas!

  8. Maybe you'll like the comforter more after your pop gets it all broken in and smelling more like him than new-comforter-smell?

  9. We love to snuggle here too and it's hard to get out of bed when it's so cold outside.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. ♥

  10. That comforter looks nice and cosy. I expect you will snuggle on it more as winter gets colder. I like your art. Thanks for the puzzle which I agree does look hard.

  11. Looks like you benefited from Pop’s birthday present, CK. The peeps had Chinese food last night and we didn’t get any.

  12. That is a nice comforter. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. How sweet of you to help TW wrap packages. Our kitties like to help too :) I look forward to you d'jing on Christmas eve- our party is the 23rd so I will have plenty of time to visit. Thank you for the puzzle- those grays are tough. Have a nice weekend. XO

  13. just stopped by to say hellow! 🎄🎄🎄 🎁🎁🎁🎅🎅🎅

  14. That art is really “cool!” MOL,. We are happy we have had no snow yet. Mom laughed really hard at your #4 fill-in. We don’t get to help with wrapping anymore unless we can sneak in the room before she closes the door. Getting our furs stuck all over the tape is fun. That way we are certain the recipient gets lots of us as well. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  15. It sounds like you and TW got Pop perfect gifts for his birthday! Yes, a nice warm comforter makes it rough to get out of bed and go to work when it is cold. We hope the socks you gave him help keep him warm when he DOES have to go to work. :)

  16. Cats are so helpful, especially when using delicate wrapping paper and sticky tape. That's a really nice comforter, as it gets colder, I think you'll like it more.

  17. Oh, CK you made Grandpaw jealous, he wish for a toasty bed for quite some time, but Granny has her heatwave moments, so no toast in here...MOL...We hope your Pop had a wonderful Birthday. Enjoy your toasty time and snuggle on😸That puzzle was very hard, and me and my Granny were the last winners...♪♫♪but that was yesterday...♪♫♪...MOL...Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

  18. It looks like your Pop had a nice Birthday celebration ! That new comforter looks very comfy ! Purrs

  19. Oh, that comforter looks so cozy! And it looks a thousand times more stunning with you on it, CK. Also, Eddy agrees 1000% with your fill-in #4. If you don't get in the human's way when they're wrapping gifts, you're not doing it right. Purrs!


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