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Meet the New Cat in Town

Hola kitties!  TW is still whining and coughing all over the place. I think I should be wearing a surgical mask so I don't catch no germans. I should let HHGutt catch them for me. Pop says he still don't feel too great but he sounds a hunnert percent better than TW. This blog, however, is about The Cat so let's get serious.

Meet the New Cat in Town

Bet you're wondering why I've posted a pic of HHGutt. Since I first started going to Blogpaws conferences in 2011, HHGutt used to go to represent me at all the blogging expos. The one thing I haven't been able to get him to do is pose with the products I need to review. HHGutt has all but outlived his usefulness.

Meet the New Cat in Town

It was HHGutt who accepted my Nose to Nose Award in 2012 without reading the speech I'd prepared and he who embarrassed me with Wallas E. Katt at BarkWorld. (No pics cos there's nothing to see here.) Today I finally get to hand him his walking papers. HHGUTT, YOU'RE FIRED! That felt so good especially since it's around the holidays! There's a new cat in town to replace him.

Meet the New Cat in Town

Meet Keisha 2.0. She looks kinda like me in all the right places, don't you think? She's got the "devil's horns" near my nose, the paw markings and even the bikini. The peeps say she's got the fresh face too but I think they mean she's got catitude. I wasn't very happy to see her but the peeps were thrilled. I think she's a bit small in stature to fill my huge pawprints—not that I have big paws at all—at blogging conferences and she seems rather fragile. Still she may be able to relieve me of some of my product posing duties.

Meet the New Cat in Town

Keisha 2.0 came all the way from Kentucky where she was being fostered by a nice woman named Miss Judy. TW had to pay a hefty adoption fee but I understand that all the money went to Blind Cat Rescue so I guess I'm OK with it. I hope that doesn't mean Keisha 2.0 is blind not that there's anything wrong with that. She came from a rescue called Felt2Rescue which adopts these doppelgangers out to save kitties—yes, woofies too. We could have chosen from 11 charities, which mostly benefit special-needs kitties, TNR, etc like Best Friends Animal Society and BCR and many more-localized group.

Meet the New Cat in Town

Miss Judy has a long waiting list. We applied to adopt in March and Keisha 2.0 just arrived last week. The peeps say she was worth waiting for. I can't believe they had a cat who so closely resembles this stunning little ghetto kitteh. Maybe that's why the long wait. Stunning cats don't happen every day. Thank you Miss Judy for my mini me.

What's the verdict? Do you think she resembles me?

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  1. Wow, Keisha 2.0 is awesome, not stunning, because that title is taken. I can't believe you fired HHGutt just before Christmas, nice move. ;)

  2. Yes, we think Keisha 2.0 bears a string resemblance to you, CK. How awesome!

    P.S. - See ya later, HHGutt!

  3. That is a pretty awesome likeness, CK! I love it!

  4. Wow, CK2.0 is seriously amazing! May you bring much joy and hey, no extra litter to clean.

  5. Absolutely resembles you as you put it in "all the right places." Well done, Miss Judi. Now, to capture the rest of you..I think that would be impossible..all the charm, pizzazz, know what I mean! - Tom x

  6. Wow she looks so much like you, we think the long wait was because they had to look a long time to find her. I mean you are so unique it makes sense that it would take time to find another kitty that resembled you.

    Nice to meet you Keisha 2.0.

  7. We couldn't tell the difference between you two...'cept Keisha 2.0 isn't quite as sassy as you, CK.

  8. Wow! Too bad you need to retire hhgutt. There is no way that you should allow Wallas to foist himself on the newbie. Plus he should stake credit how everything questionable that happens in the condo.

    Your stunt doible is gorgeous!

  9. We think she captured you purrfectly. Always nice to have a stand-in when you are an "only" kitty, and HHGutt was okay, but wowsers, your new understudy has him beat paws down. Mom is going to check this out. Thanks for sharing. Maybe CK 2.0 could join Sunday Selfies sometime. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  10. Keisha 2.0 is your mini me! Aren't you glad you don't have to pose and go to events now? I wish I had a stand-in to go do boring stuff for me.

  11. Keisha! Maybe a facsimile of your gorgeousness, but absolutely ZERO attitude! Am thinking of adopting one that looks like Angel...I'm off to check it out!

  12. Wow! Your Keisha 2.0 is ameowzing, but of course not as extraordinary as the original, you! Our mom met HHGutt at the BlogPaws 2017, but I guess it's the right time to move on.

  13. ck

    stopping bye with a hi de hoe
    copy N paste said letz give it a go
    wanna say HI & leeve a good werd
    de food gurlz werkz a big bass terd
    we hope this findz ewe doin swell
    santaz comin ring de Christmas bell
    sorree we haz ta uze copee N paste
    we gotta sneekz a round with out haste
    happee week if we due knot get bak
    N joy two day N eatz a snak ♥♥☺☺☺

  14. Yeowzer!! The mini you CK is really a mini YOU!!! Excellent!! Mom L is gonna try to get one for me even if it takes a year or longer. purrs

  15. Is that a felted kitty? If yes, it is amazing! I have dabbled in felting and it's a lot of work! This one is great!

  16. Keisha 2.0 looks just like you, but without the Stunning. She was worth the long wait.

  17. The likeness is absolutely incredible! She is purrfect...just like you!

  18. OMC OMC OMC!!!! Keisha 2.0 is AMAZING!!!!!!! Definitely worth waiting for!

  19. She does look a lot like you- stunning! Please don't fire HH Gutt though. He still needs a home. XO

  20. Oh wow, Miss Judy did an awesome job! I’ll have to go take a look at who is available for adoption.

  21. Keisha 2.0 is pawsome ! It's amazing, she really looks just like you ! Purrs

  22. Love your mini you! Purrfect twin sis. No wonder there was such a long wait. Purrs

  23. Wow, Keisha 2.0 is an amazing doppleganger.
    Sorry I haven't been visiting your blog, Mom thought you weren't blogging anymore. She's such a dork sometimes.

  24. Purrrr she look just like you but not as Stunning!


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