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Two Pop Artists Interpret CK

Two Pop Artists Interpret CK

This week's art was NOT drawed by your's truly. While I'm waiting for the repairs on my studio, I commissioned two world-famous pop artists to do paintings in my image. These tall masterpieces did not come cheaply. I had to sell some of TW's bling—not to mention some of my Kittles—to afford them but afford them I did. It was hard parting with the treats but these painting are monstrous in size and so stunning.

I have to blush when I share what the first amazing feline artist Rusty Balls told me. "Your beauty can't easily be described, CK! I gave my all to capture your entire beauty. Your magical glow will not last forever and the artists of tomorrow will be inspired by these masterpieces. You are a true icon!!" Wow! is all I can say besides he got extra Kittles. He insisted on having me pose three separate times.

Two Pop Artists Interpret CK

Two Pop Artists Interpret CK

Is this not the most stunning of the three?

Two Pop Artists Interpret CK

Feline pop artist Jasper Katz then insisted on painting my likeness from a photo he saw on this blog.

Two Pop Artists Interpret CK

I was told this work featuring my beauty "will be a show-stopper and a timeless classic. It's truly astounding." Yes. Yes, I am all those things plus I'm stunning. Flattery, Jasper, will get you everywhere.

Hope you enjoyed today's pop art extravaganza. You can see more feline and pet art by checking out Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for all the links to the Caturday Art Blog Hop.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I can only imagine how much these fine art pieces must have cost.

  2. Recognition of your beauty, CK. The art is truly stunning.

  3. Wow! WOW! CK, these two artists captured your beauty, for sure!

  4. Stunning art, CK ! These artists are talented ! Purrs

  5. You never, ever fail to be stunning CK!

  6. OH wow CK those are simply stunning!

  7. Whoa. That's some world class artwork of the most stunning subject ever, CK!

  8. These fine pieces of artwork are priceless!

  9. C.K., That very first larger-than-life painting hung on the wall is our absolute favorite. You look incredible and stunning too, of course. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  10. WOW! The artwork is impurressive, CK. We are speechless! Pawkisses for a wonderful Caturday :) <3

  11. MOL....Rusty the name and mom can't help but laugh. No work by I.M. Hooker? She is suppose to be one creative lady.

    We liked the 3rd. choice best but it was hard to choose.

    Shoko and Kali

  12. Those are amazing, the artist captured your true beauty.XO

  13. Very cool artwork. I'm sure it's worth whatever you had to pay for it!

  14. All of the artwork is fabulous! Each one highlights your stunningness (is that a word?)

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Those turned out amazing! Hope TW replenishes the Kittles account soon!

  16. Wow! They really captured the real CK. Good job!

  17. Those are all pawsum CK. You always look pawsum. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  18. We are lying on our backs with our paws in the air Flat-cattergasted at yer beauty! Our human will not let us read yer blog when she is at work (like yesterday-saturday) so we did not get to peek at it till today. Wow. Catroople Wow.

  19. What stunning art works, CK. True, your beauty can't easily be described. And because it's so extraordinary!

  20. stuning work. Love the first one where you show off the large painting :)

  21. Truly beautiful art!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  22. Wow, those are all fantastic artworks of you.

  23. Really lovely!
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  24. You certainly are a show stopper, CK.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi. Art mirrors life, which means that you are truly AMAZING!
    Purrs, ERin


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