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TW is Goofing Off Again

TW is Goofing Off Again

TW has been goofing off all weekend, which leaves me no choice but to post a Foto Frenzy today. She's never home and when she is, she spends all her time reading Facebook like it's the Good Book. This blog should be her number one priority! Enough intro: Let's get to the dirty deed done dirt cheap.

One of our stuffies picked #6969 from March 2016. You read that right. TW wanted some newer picks in the mix so she let the stuffies pick. *whistles Twilight Zone theme song* Moving right along, this grainy foto shows me in bed for the night. That might or might now be HHGutt in the lower left. The only light was from  the CFL lamp on the night table so it's a wonder I'm even visible. I thought it would be too dark for the flashy box to find me. Apparently, it's more devious than I thought.

TW is Goofing Off Again

#140 was chosen by those Trout Towne Tabbies. Have you read their on-going series about "DE CODD MOTHER: DE BASS TERD TURKEEZ SAGA"? They are about the funniest read in the CB. This foto was taken back in the good old days of June 2009 when I was allowed to roll lay all over Pop's clothes when they were on the bed. I've made myself comfy and my stink eye is daring anybuddy to try to remove me or pull the clothes away. One day TW—who else?—decided I was snagging and pulling and causing damage to his shirts, which is a total lie! Don't you think if'n my Pop really and truly loved me, he'd let me lay on his shirts once in a while?

I'll be back on Wednesday with a post you will want to read. Heck, I want to finish writing it but someone might have posted something earth-shattering on FB. Stay tuned.

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  1. I'm not allowed to lay on my Dad's clothes because he's allergic to cats. Since your Dad's shirts might be misbehaving and getting themselves caught on your claws, I can see why you Dad doesn't allow them to rest beneath you.

  2. I like your Photo Frenzies, even if TW sometimes does weird things about picking numbers. I don't lie on the human's clothes because they are never lying around. My human's go in the hamper or in the closet right away, and I don't know where my human's boyfriend's go. He puts them somewhere.

  3. Angelique luvs to lie on clothes too.

  4. We love that "dare to move me" look in the second one CK!

  5. We love your photo Frenzies ! And we like to iron and fur our human's clothes just like you. Purrs

  6. Angel hops right into the clean clothes basket, and flattens all of my stuff! I wear the wrinkles and fur with pride!

  7. FRODO: I know what you mean about Facebook! Our human is mesmerized by it! And thanks for the name of your hip designer Tippiano d’Calico from the House of Covfefe. As soon as I can get my hands on mom's credit card I am making a LARGE purchase!

  8. It's a cute photo of you and H.H. Gutt. Did you select this one yourself? Our mom is the champion of goofing off, so we feel your pain! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  9. So the STUFFIES are picking now? Hmmmm.......they did a pretty good job choosing a foto!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. wunderin....sum crankee ass cat chow de morn oh foto shoot 140 !!!!!! we LOVEZ it ...♥♥♥

    oh, and lie.....& tell TW facebook iz closin down sew her best reed what her can while her can ~~ that MAY help.... ☺☺

  11. I don't know about TW. I think you should pounce on her and let her know exactly what you think CK

  12. I love the look on your face in #140, you could be the Codfather :)

  13. TW let the stuffies pick??? I think she may be inhaling too many fumes, CK.

  14. TW is really slacking, CK. Though we like these picks today...even the one the stuffies picked.

  15. The stuffies throw a lot of clout in your household. Here they are just comfortable to rest my head on.


  16. Hello my darling girl! You look stunning as always, whether it's #2 or #2000. We readed TW's Facebook post and we hope you are continuing to eat. I know the Human gets all wacky when I am off my feed--honestly, they should learn some patience. Sheesh. Love you! XOXOXO

  17. Your stink eye is darling indeed, CK. I don't think your pop would mind even if you shred his shirt, right? :-)

  18. Don't tell me your Good Ol Days of rolling on your pop's clothing is over? Rolling on clothes is among the Rights of a domesticated-type cat. There's a whole chapter about in it the hand-book -- um, paw-book we got when we were recruited.

  19. We are thoroughly intrigued by the fact that the stuffies got to choose a photo, CK. We think there might be a story there...Oh, and of course, you are stunning!

  20. Another step to stuffie world domination? And TW just spends her days on Facebook instead of searching out the infidels and destroying them! She doesn't recognize the threat. We have faith in you, CK. If anycat can take on Facebook and stuffies, it's you.

  21. Like I tell my first peep... MY face is the ONLY face you need be readin'. MOUSES!

  22. Well I think the stuffies picked a good one!


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