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Abbreviated Flashback Foto Friday

Abbreviated Flashback Foto Friday
Chosen by Andrea and her Celestial Kitties Leo, Cashmere and Glitter
Circa September 2010

Welcome to a shortened version of Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy where you get to pick the images I use. Not only will you see the unedited fotos but I'll tell you what I was doing when TW took the shots. That's what makes it different than an outtakes post.

In #1155, TW was smitten with my paw dangle and how I have my dew claw of the other paw stuck into the Tree of Pain. I had not yet been innerduced to foam rockets so TW placed a pathetic-looking nip plant on top of the ToP. I'm sniffing but not biting cos I like my nip crispy dried but still green. I was not yet the nipped up kitteh that TW was waiting to fotograph.

Abbreviated Flashback Foto Friday
Chosen by Aunt Pauline
Circa March 2013

Whoa! It's not quite in focus but check out my expression! I look like I'm ready to kill someone. TW is always wishing she had foto proof of how fresh I look at her sometimes. Here it is! I dare TW to stick her hand through the portal to pet me. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank my BFGF Savannah and Mom L for sending me this snazzy transport tunnel with the sun roof. OMC! Look! … In the top left hand corner is one of my really old litter boxes. Did you know you're supposed to update your litter boxes yearly cos bacteria gets into the plastic? We don't do it yearly although they do get updated regularly. In fact, I'm due to get new ones shortly although I don't intend to see them under the Christmas tree. That would be like giving a kid new underwear.

Hope you're still enjoying the Foto Frenzy. It's a way for me to publish fotos that don't seem to fit into any other blog posts. BTW, Fraser is hanging in there.

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  1. Thanks for reminding my human - we could use some new litter boxes around here!

  2. I'd have leapt right in through the sun roof and put a smile on that face. You know that, right?

  3. Oh, I believe TW alright. Bear goes from purring ball of love to ferocious biter in less than 2 seconds and then back again. You both have that wry, sarcastic look and a look of impatience that withers a human with just a glance, "Really? I mean, REALLY? REALLY?!?! Am I the ONLY intelligent life form in here?" Or maybe I'm projecting ... gosh knows I've seen both looks from Bear enough recently :)

  4. ,You do look ready to pounce outta your tunnel CK! I'm glad Fraser is hanging in there!

  5. We do always luv foto frenzy CK. But then we luv all your fotos. Dat's a great tunnel. As fur those pawdee box replacements, we don't do dat. Altho' we did just recently get a new box but only cuz sis Raena be a pain in mes behind. MOL Big hugs to all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  6. Oh yes, we need to update ours, and this time M needs to buy a mancat size. The last one she bought was a tad too small - I take up the entire thing while standing in it. What was she thinking. Oh, I know, she wasn't thinking again! Sigh! She's more hopeless than TW!

  7. Hey, we need new boxes too. The mom has started using regular Rubbermaid sweater boxes for our litter boxes. They're about the same size but much cheaper.

  8. You do look fiercely frenzied in that foto CK. I am glad that fraser is doing OK

  9. Those were great choices. I am glad your Fraser is hanging in there- did you get him a diaper?

  10. My goodness, you do look intense in that second photo. Your muzzle looks all puffed out. Somehow that photo is making me think of an evil Chester Cheeto.
    I'm not so rough on my litter box that I need a new one every year, but it does get changed when it's scratched up and gets hard to clean.
    I'm glad to hear Fraser is hanging in there.

  11. Whoa! Even I would be wary of jumping in your tunnel with you, even though I know you wouldn't hurt me.

  12. why BFGF, is that the fast leopard transport tunnel I gave you like years ago?? TKS and I both still play in ours. We keep it in Mom's work area so she can stop whatever she is doing at a moment's notice to play with us


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