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Cheapskate TW is Feeding Me Inferior Food

Cheapskate TW is Feeding Me Inferior Food

I am NOT a happy cat. I have some bad news. The peeps decided to cut my food budget just like that. TW suggested it and Pop actually went along with it. They have some 'splaining to do.

TW loves ordering from Chewy because of their customer service but Petco now has a new deal for auto delivery—free shipping on any amount. You know how TW hates to waste money on shipping.

She did a bunch of figuring and discovered she could save almost $2 on each box if she went back to ordering the Soulistic food with the pumpkin soup as opposed to the Weruva foods. In short, I'm gonna be eating "store brand" because she's cheap. TW says they're the exact same thing with the exact same ingredients made by the exact same company. I know different and I know what I like.

Cheapskate TW is Feeding Me Inferior Food

Here's a side-by-side comparison of two bowls. One had Weruva Pumpkin Jack Splash and the other Luna Tuna by Soulistic. You can see I've licked the Weruva bowl clean but look at how much of the Soulistic I left. She claims I lick the bowl when she gives me Soulistic Island Illusion but that's only cos Weruva doesn't have a similar recipe. I may waste away to nothing if she goes through with this insult to my intelligence. I can tell the difference.

Cheapskate TW is Feeding Me Inferior Food
They have to chase me through the house with the Soulistic food.

She's already ordered the first boxes of the cheap, inferior food and didn't have to pay shipping. I see a lot of wasted food in her future. I say it's worth the extra money to have the food in my tummy rather than in the trash and I'm sure my furrends will agree. It's an outrage!!

Cheapskate TW is Feeding Me Inferior Food
The back of disrespect or maybe the back of displeasure.

BREAKING NEWS: My agent has reached an agreement with TW. I'm not sure I should sign off on it. TW said she's gonna alternate the orders. I don't know. I can see her breaking this agreement next month when she sees the Chewy invoice. What do you think? Should I compromise? Are your humans this cheap?

(Don't forget to hover over the pics to see what I'm thinking.)

I'm linking to the Blogpaws' Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

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  1. I'm all for free shipping but if the food isn't going to be eaten it kind of defeats the purpose. Isn't Petco free shipping only through Christmas? Maybe I'm wrong...How much of your food would she have to buy to reach $49? Oh, the problems associated with only having one cat ;)

  2. *GASP* How could she? Thank dog my ma cooks me dinner every night. If she opens a can of food it is only because it is just us and we are having cereal for dinner. She has a bowl of Cheerios, I have a bowl of Chickyum and Rice.

    I would love to eat that food you didn't eat. I really like cat food!

  3. It's good that TW doesn't have to feed the Farm cats. OY. They drive me crazy

  4. The horrors, the horrors! So sorry you have to put up with that, CK. But I can see why she would want free shipping on any amount.

  5. Of course you know difference between name brand and store brand...even if they are the same food! But I'm with TW about shipping. I'm a big fan of free shipping :-)

  6. Alternating the orders! That's a win, right? We were thinking with the extra money she saved on shipping ought to go toward even more food, treats, and nip. Only fair....

  7. Dang CK, it's not a good deal if you don't eat it!

  8. Gosh - I'm with others who say if you won't eat the cheap stuff then the money is wasted period.....maybe this will just work out on its' own when she gets tired of tossing the ICKY food in the trash? Time will tell.

    Hugs, Angel Sam

  9. ck....ewe noe uz & math.....but de way we see it... itz like given uz a bass terd fresh lee cooked chickn hot off de grill ore a can oh tuna ...N it equalz thiz.....2 bit burd = full on trash can and 87.00 can of skipjack = goin in R stomachz....yea bring bak de good stuff TW & popz ~~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  10. Manna and Dexter would definitely agree with your rage. They much prefer Weruva to Soulistic. I must hang my head in shame because sometimes I have to go for the cheaper deal too. Lately there has been a lot of Fancy Feast. You have great taste, CK!
    -Purrs from your friends from

  11. Poor CK, you should get anything you want.Plus I thought TW was anti Petco.

  12. The Weruva and Soulistic foods may be made in different facilities and you may be able to taste the difference in something like the water they're using. I used to reject some of my food (same brand/flavor) that came from a different processing plant just by smell alone. I wouldn't even taste it. It would drive mom & dad bonkers.

  13. C.K., that is definitely an "if looks could kill" look. We say that saving $2 is not worth an unhappy kitty. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel. Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. We don't like the expensive food up here so we can't say a thing. TW could use the money for treats though...that seems fair.


  15. CK, why not tell TW that with the money she saves on the cheap brand, she has to buy you some toys and stuff.

  16. We're picky, too, CK. Mom and Dad don't even TRY to switch up our food...

  17. My Human doesn't *mind* spending the extra money on my fudz--IF I will eat the good-for-me kind, and IF I will eat what she buys she she doesn't end up with 40 cans of something I used to love. It's all very complex. Personally, I think the Woman should just start lying to you about which kind it is and see if you eat it. Heh heh.

  18. Dang, CK, what TW did is cold. What's $2 in exchange for a happy cat? You are stunning ... even when disgruntled. You know what you have to do ... 1) gnaw on hands and feet to show them how hungry you are, 2) hunger strike. They'll be so desperate for you to eat again, they'll give you whatever you want :)

  19. Yes, our Mommy is that cheap and we guess with 5 of us plus two doggies she has to be. We thinks you should eat the cheaper food $2 adds up, just make sure she buys you something really nice with the savings.

  20. You must protest by opening the kitchen cupboards and knocking all their food to the ground! It will cost them a fortune to replace all that human food and then they will realize that it's actually COSTING them MORE to cheap out on your food!! Good luck!

  21. We are with you CK- why doesn't TW just order bigger batches of food in one shipment to reach the $49 for free shipping from Chewy's to get what you like? The belief that the store brand is the same as the name brand and made in the same place story is just an old wives tale anyway- there is a difference in the recipe and cats being creatures of habit like what they like.
    I'm all for saving money being on disability and having two cats, but it may seem like one is cheaper but with the better more expensive food they are eating less because they are filled up on the real ingredients. You can feed your cat what they like by taking advantage of sales and by ordering through the mail TW is saving on gas she would spend driving to the store to get it. Go back to what she likes and buy more at once to get Chewy's free shipping. The food in the trash and an unhappy cat makes no sense to save a measely $2.

  22. Dearest BFGF, not sure I get the drift here. But, it appears that perhaps you need to kind'a lighten up on TW. Now, as you well know, my Mom and Dad are feeding me raw right now. BUT if I want something different, trust me they are gonna get it STAT!


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