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St. Paddy's Day Hat Humor

St. Paddy's Day Hat Humor

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day aka St. Paddy's Day. (No, it's not St. Patty's Day. That is just wrong. Ax any Irish person or ax Mr. Google.) This is the one day of the year when we all get jiggy and become leprechauns and the humans drink green beer and lots of it. Frankly, my peeps prefer Irish Cream Whiskey which is why I made my own CK brand. As is the custom at Stunning Keisha, I'm gonna share a few leprechaun jokes with you. Drink up and be Mary merry! But first lemme tell you the stupid thing TW did and thought she could get away with.

The peeps went into Party City cos TW is in love with holiday tableware. She needed St. Patrick's plates and napkins cos our landfills aren't full enough. While in the store, she spotted a small little hat. She thought about how cute Summer Samba—thank you very much Summer—looks modeling hats and clothes so she bought it. She actually thought she could trick me into wearing a hat without getting bitten.

She showed me how cute it looked on the stuffies. As you can see, they cooperated but not without a fight.

St. Paddy's Day Hat Humor

Then she set her sights on myself. You can biggify the image below. These were her futile attempts over the last week to photograph the hat on my head. She first cut off the elastic since it distracted me. I wanted to eat it. When she did kinda get it on me, by the time she looked at the flashy box, I'd shaken it off. Then I tried to eat the hat itself (bottom corner pic). If you start at the top right and go down and across, you'll see our progression. Final score: CK 1, TW 0.

St. Paddy's Day Hat Humor

As if that wasn't humorous enough, here are this year's crop of St. Patrick Day's one-liners.

St. Paddy's Day Hat HumorQ: What has eight arms and an IQ of 60?
A: Four humans drinking on St. Paddy's Day.

Q: How did the Irish Jig get started?
A: Too much to drink and not enough rest rooms.

Q: Why don't you iron four-leaf clovers?
A: You don't want to press your luck.

Q: How can you tell a leprechaun is having a good time?
A: Cos he's Dublin over with laughter.

Q: Why does it take five Irishmen to change a light bulb?
A: One changes the bulb. Four others remark about how grand the old bulb was.

Q: What's little and green and stuck to your bumper?
A: A leprechaun who didn't look both ways.

St. Paddy's Day Hat Humor

We don't post on Thursday so have a Happy St. Patrick's Day. May there be plenty of food in your dish and may your tail always be held high.

Note about Sean: He's still looking for a forever home. I don't like the idea of him in the apartment by himself all the time even though Neil visits with him. He needs human contact or he may start to become fearful.

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  1. I hope you have a fun St. Patrick's Day, CK! And clearly you won't be wearing any hat! MOL - I can't believe TW even thought you'd give her half a chance!

  2. Oh my! Why do humans think they can put hats on cats? All kitties are not as sweet as Summer. Molly Mew says NOOOOOOOOO! to hats too. One time Ma put the cowboy hat on her for a photo to take to Blogpaws in Nashville. Remember there was NO photo of Molly Mew at Nashville?? Nope, nada one. The wrath of the Mew toward two pawents was more than those humans could handle. BOL!

  3. Haha, I love the series of photos where TW tried to take photo with hat on you. Too funny you tried to eat it instead :-) Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  4. CK....two down iz act shoo a lee prettee good ..heerz two a CK irish creme ~~~~~ everee day ♣♣♣♣

    sláinte ♥♥♥

  5. the jokes my friend. You are as adorable as ever CK.


  6. I bet you would have looked great in that hat. Great jokes, I especially like the 4 leaf clover one.

  7. What a great collage of photos! Too cute!

  8. MOL ! We love the photos when TW tried to put that hat on you ! Happy St Paddy's Day ! Purrs

  9. HAHAHA....what was she thinking when she bought that hat? Mom's tried that a couple of times....never DID get a photo with any of us wearing it!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Happy St. Patty's Day. We love your jokes. You have to give TW a diploma for her good ole college try at getting that hat on your head and taking a picture. Not bad considering she was working with you! he he

  11. Tee! Hee!
    My Mommy bought a hat...I would not wears it, so mes gotted photoshopped. Mes thinked Mommy was ticked off and that's why mes ended up with a beard!!!
    Rock on Grrl Furrend!!!

  12. Ok CK, I do like that hat! Those stuffies are almost as cute as you!

  13. Aiieee!! TW thought you might even allow that "thing" to touch your stunning furs???!!! I would have been "outta there" in a paw beat. And you took the noble retreat by dumping it off your head; luvluvluv ya BFGF peeEss we shared Sean and will go back a do so again.

  14. MOL! Is TW sporting any wounds after trying to make you wear that silly hat, CK?

  15. Good jokes, St. CK! We can't believe TW tried to get that hat on you. That's what Photoshop is for, right? :)

  16. Fun post!! Green purrs from the Zee & Zoey kitties!

  17. I have mini St. Patty's hats like this for my Bichons and they will not under any circumstances tolerate it. hahaha!

  18. CK we agree fully with you on hats!!! MOL
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  19. I like how you made a collage out of your failed fashion shoot MOL. A couple years ago I bought a glittery New Year hat for Truffles at Party City and she kept biting it too. I finally gave up and haven't even *tried* a hat with Mudpie.

  20. Happy St Patrick's Day!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  21. Happy St Patrick's Day!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  22. ck...stoppin bak bye ta say itz total lee awesum oh what ewe, popz & TW did for PAWS !!! happee st patz day N heerz two a wee pint and heftee trout ❤️❤️❤️

  23. Happy St. Paddy's to you and yours, CK. Sounds like you won the battle of the hat.

  24. I almost coughed up a hair ball after looking at your hat fail collage. MOL. My HuMom tried the same thing making us wear hats for Canada Day. Hats are so bleh! I hope you had a pawsome day!

  25. My kitties have a fountain but I put it away because one was afraid of it and the other never used it. Now we have bowls of fresh water out around the house and they seem to like that option better. Kaspars my boy is a big water drinker, but my Clove is like you CK, it's like spotting a UFO when seeing her drink- quite an amazing and unbelievable sight!

  26. Belated happy St. Patrick's Day, CK. I haven't been visiting much the last 3 days because my mum isn't feeling so good. I told her to get her backside in front of the computer or my friends will wonder where I am.

  27. I forgot to say, that was funny that TW thought she could get you to wear the hat.


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