Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Foto and Shopping Frenzy

Welcome to another Friday Frenzy and have I got some great fotos—and narrative—for you! I also have something very special at the end of the post. Foto Frenzy is an almost weekly feature showing you raw foto footage of The Cat. No filters, cropping and the only actions are my own caught on film. Let’s roll!

Phoebe of 15 and Meowing picked foto #2473, which certainly shows me in action. I’m playing with the dangly gold coated string. TW is playing with me while Pop is taking the foto. This is rare cos TW usually does both and I come all motion blurry. Yep, Pop takes better fotos than TW. It’s out in the open now. You can tell I’m talkin' some trash too! I’ve used several fotos from this action shoot on the blog.

Our next foto—#3260—was opted for by the Trout Towne Tabbies. If you didn’t see their post yesterday, you missed the modern day equivalent of Alice’s Restaurant. It’s Pop’s favorite post ever! I bet he loves it more than my posts. I’m in the Tunnel of Pain and Suffering that’s between the linen closet and TW’s latrine. Ever since TW moved it into the hall, it’s been my favorite spot to play in the entire condo. As a plus, it makes the hallway narrow enough that I can attack ankles at will. Unfortunately, it’s seen it’s better days and needs to be replaced. TW must be in the linen closet since the tunnel has been moved and is half in Pop’s doorway.

#1200 was chosen on Facebook by Lola the Rescued Cat. It’s the first of a four-foto session. I’m thinking TW liked how my paws were resting on the front of the bed since she took several different angles. Me, I think she’s a nut job. Speaking of nut jobs, you’ll see Pop’s hand on that stuffie that he’s trying to make attack me or maybe it’s the other way around.

That ends our Foto Frenzy but I gotta tell you about a sale that’s going on at Beyond the Rack just in time for the Christmas holidays. This is an affiliate link and we get credited with some green papers if you click the above link, sign up and purchase something. They’re having a sale on pet products, including cat trees, PTUs, beds, sweaters. There are items for cats and dogs. Nine pages of deals although the last two have gone to the dogs. On pages 6-7, you’ll find some cute soft-sides PTUs. I have my eyes on a certain cat cube. It’s an exclusive site and you have to be a member to make a purchase. The sale runs until Sunday so don’t delay.  They also have featured events for women’s and men’s clothing and housewares. See anything that you’d like to buy?

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  1. Hi darling, Sorry I've been a little scarce--the Human, you know. She has been so useless, claiming work work work and tired tired tired. Sheesh--what a wuss. You'd think she was gonna be 66 or something! Oh . . .wait. How many cat years is that???? Love to see you in all your pure and unretouched glory. You don't need no stinkin' photoshopping! You is purrfect XOXOXOXO

  2. Wow, this was an exceptionally great Foto Frenzy today!

  3. Those were good! Watch out for those attack stuffies CK!

    1. They attack??? *looks over shoulder at mommy* MOM!

  4. As always CK we luv yous fotos and think you look just gawjus. Weez not have any monney fur shoppin' but weez'll check it out and twy to share it.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. Your fans picked some great photos this week CK. You're lookin' grand in all of 'em. My fave though was #2473.....your claws look sharp as razors !

    Hugs, Sammy

  6. haha...You are so trashy my friend....I love it. We could do serious harm if we got together and did our trash talk. Never the two hoods to meet. I adore the photo of you playing with TW. You are so talkative. Your tunnel is to die for...well, not quite die for but it is great with all those cats on it. I got a tunnel's blue with 3 big holes in the roof. It used to be a dogs but he was afraid of it so we got it. Sad isn't it....momcan be cheap.


  7. ck....a nother round oh stunnin and stunning......we gived em all 984 pawz up !!! N pleez ta tell popz... long az we haza blog....... & R palz copee N paste iz still hangin round....a dead burd post will bee a yeer lee roo teen......kinda like thoz mooveez they play at Christmas..... that ya see 362 times..... but we wont post dead burd post 362 times..... coz that wood total lee freek out anal azz food serviss gurl ......who can onlee post ona thurzday

    heerz two a cownose ray kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  8. We love these fotos, CK. That's a cool tunnel. Really, it needs replacing? Looks pretty good to us.

  9. Phoebe picked a good one :) They are all great shots. I have been to Alice's Restaurant a few years ago when my hubby and I did a walk for Huntington's disease. Of course Alice no longer owns it. We will check out the sale.

  10. Playing, stalking and resting. Your photos capture it all. Oh, except eating.

  11. I like that first photo. I can see your claws!

  12. You got it all, CK!! You are an unretouched legend!!!


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